Chapter 540 Drunk Contending Before the Pavilion (for collection, for collection)

Zhang Tienan and others got the inheritance suitable for their own. After four or five days of comprehension and Ascension, they all had Ascension. The luckiest one was Zhang Tietong. After comprehending the inheritance of the emperor’s law, he was directly promoted to breakthrough and became a powerful person in the Great Holy Land!

Become another powerful man in the great holy realm of the human race, and the whole country rejoices!

On the sixth day, the five people led by Zhang Tienan, according to Jiang Jing’s wishes, led an iron cavalry to attack Huangtiancheng directly to help Jun Shinuo.

So far, the human race has developed from the original three great holy realms to now, five great holy realms and one Holy Lord realm powerhouse! The human race is rising step by step!

Everything went according to Jiang Jing’s plan in an orderly manner.

However, we still need to wait, and we have to wait for the human race to have the appearance of the Great Emperor Realm and Xeon, and that is the beginning of the human race’s real counterattack against the sky!

At that time, the human race will show its edge and return to the supremacy of all races!

in the back garden.

Jiang Jing lay lazily among the flowers and drank wine, while in the pavilion, Wang Yan played the piano for Jiang Jing.


After taking a sip of strong wine, Jiang Jing smiled and said, “It’s wonderful, wonderful, with a pot of wine among the flowers.

“Mom, I didn’t expect that I would come up with such a sour and rotten talent.” After speaking, Jiang Jing sighed to herself, she is not such a person, why did she suddenly start searching for articles.

Wang Yan listened to Jiang Jing’s self-mockery, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly, but her fingers moved together and did not stop at all.

After Wang Yan finished the song, a little palace maid quickly ran over: “Princess, little prince, someone brought something to look for little prince.”

Wang Yan is a little strange, how did she find Jiang Jing in the back garden?

“Cough, it seems that the thing I made is coming.” Jiang Jing came to the interest: “Let him bring the thing over.”

A simple and honest man hurried over and handed over a large rectangular box: “Little Wangye, I will build what you asked me to build.”

“Okay, keep things, go back.

“Yes, little prince, thank you little prince for his gift.” The man kowtowed heavily to Jiang Jing before leaving gratefully.

Only then did Wang Yan realize that this simple and honest man was actually a strong king!

No way, to forge this thing, at least you have to be in the king’s realm, and this guy is the only master craftsman of the human race, and his ancestor is the god of Korean artifacts, so Jiang Jing simply Ascension it to the king’s realm.

Jiang Jing handed it over to Wang Yan: “Chu, I’ll send it to you.

Wang Yan was surprised and delighted: “For me?”

“Don’t pull down.

“Yes, who said I don’t want it!” Wang Yan quickly grabbed it and put it in front of her to protect it, for fear that Jiang Jing would be snatched back again.

Wang Yan opened the box, her eyes lit up, and her surprise doubled. It turned out to be an antique. The whole body was black and inlaid with colorful streamers. It looked very beautiful, especially the strings, which were transparent and shiny.

Wang Yan is a person who likes to play the qin, and the quality of the qin can basically be seen at a glance.

This guzheng is even better than her most beloved guzheng!

“Thank you, I like this gift very much. If you play a song for you now, just take it as a thank you.” When Wang Yan saw the guqin she liked, she was so tickle when she got a good one, she immediately tried it.

“Don’t!” Jiang Jing jumped up and stopped in fright, but it was still too slow.

As soon as Wang Yan touched the strings, there was a sound wave visible to the naked eye like a wave, centered on her, and quickly spread out.

The maid next to her who didn’t have time to evacuate didn’t have time to react and fell to the ground.

“What, what’s going on?” Wang Yan was also shocked when she saw this scene, and quickly put down the guzheng, what is this thing, so terrifying?

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