Chapter 539 Is Your Heart Cold? (For Collection, For Collection)

“Poetry is a good poem, it’s just this word, it’s too scribbled, it’s too ugly. Wang Yan looked at this word and was speechless, but she didn’t know why, the more she read it, the more beautiful these words were. I don’t know why, between the lines, Between the pen, ink and paper, it seems to contain profound and profound truths, and Wang Yan was fascinated by it all at once!

Through the text, I actually saw the picture!

Spring and Autumn Brushwork Comprehension!

It was three hours after Wang Yan woke up again.

“This guy actually hides an inheritance of imperial law between the lines. It’s really amazing. This is the emperor’s law in the name of calligraphy. It’s really wonderful for Tai Xuan.” Wang Yan beckoned: “Come on, give this pair of characters to I frame it, and no one can touch it except the king!

“Master Young, the master called you to come and eat.” 02 Kerr’s crunchy shout sounded outside the house.

“Jinger, hurry up, come over and sit down and eat.” Li Yunrui greeted Jiang Jing with a smile. The more she looked at this son, the happier she became. The son is sensible and better and better. This is the happiest thing as a parent. .

Just as Jiang Jing sat down, Wang Yan’s hind feet arrived: “Wang Yan has seen Uncle Huang.

“I’m going, you’re a dog, you have such a smart nose, you come every time my house is open for dinner, are you thinking about me or Ke’er’s secret chicken legs?” Jiang Jing Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry , How every time she eats, she can pop up.

Jiang Tao and Li Yunrui’s mutual forbearance between the young couple, as always, they are transparent people and do not participate, but they are happy in it.

Wang Yan suddenly became angry: “You are a dog! If you talk nonsense again, I will protect your head and use it as a ball kick!

How domineering… Twisted the head and kicked the ball.


“Have you learned?” Jiang Jing asked Ke’er casually to add a pair of tableware.

While nibbling on the chicken thigh, Wang Yan nodded again and again, and said vaguely: “Well, I learned it, it feels like a good fit for me, but is there anyone who can fight even by playing music?”

Jiang Jing rolled his eyes and said in his heart, “Yes, there is an ambush from all sides, you can bounce back with momentum, and you can charge into battle, but unfortunately we can’t?”

As always, Jiang Tao and Li Yunrui hurriedly finished eating and withdrew with Ke’er in their arms. They really wanted to promote these two and leave more opportunities for them to get along alone.

“Eat and drink well, go back, lest your daddy worry that you have taken advantage of me here.” Jiang Jing tilted her head and looked at Wang Yan.

“I don’t.” Wang Yan very Tsundere raised her head: “It’s not good to exercise as soon as you’re full, it’s not good to go back after a break, you just want to drive me away?”

Jiang Jing nodded without thinking, causing Wang Yan to roll her eyes in anger.

“Don’t read it again, others should think you are sick.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, let me ask you something, are you cold-hearted towards Shino Big sis?” Wang Yan suddenly changed the conversation and asked a topic that silenced Jiang Jing.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

After a long time, Jiang Jing shook his head: “Why do you say this? No.”

“It’s not that you paid with enthusiasm, or even didn’t even want her life for her, but she blamed you instead of appreciating it. You finally got cold.” Wang Yan said with a frown, she wanted to help Jun Shinuo talk about the matter. : “She was actually very sad and felt very sorry. I wanted to apologize that day.”

Jiang Jing shook his head again: “No.

“I said it that day, 130 she did nothing wrong and doesn’t need an apology.”

“It’s not because of her ignorance, nor because of her blame, just.” Jiang Jing hesitated, then shook his head: “You won’t understand.”

“How can I understand if you don’t tell me!” Wang Yan slapped the table, no, she must settle this matter today!

“I just don’t want to die, I’m afraid of death, understand? Every time I work hard for her, what should I do if I die that day? I’m such a timid person, I must stay away from her. Understood, alright, go home when you’re full.” Jiang Jing left after saying that.

Wang Yan, who was alone, tickles her teeth with anger: “Do you think I’m a fool? Enjoy these things without prevarication, but she is really important in his heart.”

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