Chapter 481 The Holy Son descends to the Jingwang Mansion 【for collection, for collection)

“See Your Majesty the Holy Emperor!

“Has His Majesty the Holy Emperor finally left? His Majesty the Holy Emperor, you haven’t abandoned your people yet, you are finally back!”

“30,000 years, 30,000 years, Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, you are back, and you have not given up on your people!

All the human races in the Immortal Continent are boiling, and this scene, the invading foreign race has never seen it, but the fire of heaven’s punishment is not light, the loss is heavy, and the large-scale attack on the human race may be suspended for a while.

And what happened in the Immortal Continent was also passed back to the tribes by the foreign tribes.

However, these foreign races were 100 layers tall and didn’t care. They were struggling to deal with Emperor Tianji, and they also bought a breathing time for the human race.

Besides, the human race is now the strongest but the peak of the king realm, and it is already in danger, and it has become a training ground for foreigners!

“I know all of your demands, and I want to tell you that the association is not Closed Door Training. But 30,000 years ago, I already learned through the Avenue of Time that the human race should have this disaster!”

“The prosperity is bound to decline, the heaven and the earth are perfect, starting from 30,000 years ago, the human race began to reach its peak and then declined. I even met that in the future time, the human race appeared a traitor, and the human race was on the verge of extinction. In order to break this situation, I gathered all the people at that time. The belief of the human race, build the anti-time array, and cross the time and space to come here to break the game!”

As Jiang Jing’s voice resounded in everyone’s ears, they finally understood that His Majesty the Holy Emperor had already seen through everything. His Majesty the Holy Emperor did not care about his people, but for the sake of his people, he threw everything away, It cost a lot to get here!

“I’ll be back, then the Holy Son of the Human Race will definitely appear, he will be the future Holy Emperor, under his leadership, the Human Race will be even more peak than the peak of luck I brought back then, you can remember my Human Race ancestors , With one’s own power, from being enslaved, slowly rise up, stand up!”

“My human race used to be an extremely weak race! But our human race is never afraid of fighting, and never gives in! We are going to a higher world to broaden the way out for the human race. The future of the human race will no longer be limited to the world within the domain, or even limited to the world. Heaven outside the realm! (acfi) Stand up! Fight!” With the last cry of Jiang Jing falling, the god statue of Tianjing bloomed, and a dragon of luck rose up from it and rode the wind away.

The rain of luck fell, and the top three kings of Tianjing City actually broke through to the Great Sacred Realm in a short period of time. Almost all ethnic groups have broken through a great Realm on the original basis, and they have all received some blessings in terms of talent and spirit!

Back, the luck of the human race is back again!

“Follow the orders of His Majesty the Holy Emperor!”

“Respectfully send His Majesty the Holy Emperor! His Majesty the Holy Emperor is mighty!”

After Jiang Jing’s supernatural powers dissipated, a radiance landed in a room in the Liangjing Palace in the King City of Tianjing!

This divine brilliance shocked the entire capital, this divine brilliance descended with a fiery wave of fire, and countless powerhouses moved their spiritual senses to the Jingjing Palace!

“Is this the room of Prince Jingjing’s eldest son?” A figure emitting a mighty aura was suspended in the void.

“Yes, but isn’t the eldest son of the Prince of Liangjing an ignorant and ignorant person? And he has no talent for cultivation, don’t tell me?” Another powerful breath was quickly known, and there was a strong doubt in his tone.

“You and I will go down to investigate the situation, the third child, you should clear the scene immediately. This matter must not be revealed to the outside world, let alone let foreigners know about it!” Two powerhouses who had just broken through the Great Sacred Realm descended from the sky and entered Jingjing Wangye Da. Prince Jiangshan’s room.

Another terrifying aura of the Great Sacred Realm flew from the palace, and the terrifying aura covered the entire royal city: “No one is allowed to approach the Jingjing Palace! If anyone leaks half a word of what happened today, their nine clans will be wiped out!”

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