Chapter 480 The Holy Emperor Shows His Might (For Collection, For Collection)

For the sake of the human race, he crossed the long road of time and space and came to the time and space after 30,000 years.

But his close relatives have long since passed away. After 30,000 years, will he be alone?

It was learned from Emperor Tianji that 99% of the statue of the Holy Emperor has been destroyed now. During the 20,000-year crisis, Jiang Jing never appeared, the prestige of the Holy Emperor was about to freeze, and the human race began to destroy the statue of the Holy Emperor to vent their anger.

But fortunately, there is still the last statue of the Holy Emperor of Jiang Jing in the Immortal Seeking Continent. This is the same existence as the coordinate point where Jiang Jing wants to be reborn. If there are no more, it will be troublesome.

This last holy emperor statue seems to be the last hope of the human race, like the last straw, all the strong people of the race form a dynasty, in the former Tianjing City, called the Tianjing Dynasty!

The statue of the Holy Emperor is the forbidden land of the Tianjing Dynasty. Countless human powerhouses have protected this piece of land with their own flesh and blood. This seems to be the last piece of pure land in the hearts of all people of the human race, the last piece of Sacred Land!

“I know, everyone has worked hard, I’m coming back, and I’m bound to change the current situation! The human race will fight for the peak again, a higher peak””!” Jiang Jing’s voice was sad and heroic.

“Yes, I believe it will be like this. Thirty thousand years ago, His Majesty the Sacred Land single-handedly made the race reach an unprecedented peak, and now it is also possible!” Emperor Tianji burst into tears.

“Your Majesty, Sacred Land, speak to your people and tell them that you are back! When I send you back to the Seeking Continent, Your Majesty, Sacred Land, my mission will finally be completed. Heaven’s Secret” The Great Emperor’s voice was mournful and full of mortal death meaning.

Jiang Jing was shocked: “Old Heavenly Master, you are now the last peak powerhouse of the human race. Your existence is very important. The human race still needs you, and I also need your assistance!”

Emperor Tianji smiled and shook his head: “All the old friends have gone, if it wasn’t for His Majesty’s decree, I would have gone with them.”

“I went with them 20,000 years ago, and now I’ve survived for 20,000 years, too long, too lonely!”

“Your Majesty Sacred Land, you don’t need me, neither do the human race, they are enough to have you! Heavenly Secret” said the Great Emperor, waved his hand to form a formation and sent Jiang Jing back. At the same time, Tianjing Wangcheng The Statue of the Holy Emperor burst into radiance!

After doing all this, the Heavenly Secret Emperor screamed in the sky, full of sadness and joy: “Old friends, I’m here to accompany you! The dog thief Blood Demon, the trash Heavenly Demon, and the scum of the trash Feather clan, come and die! ”

Outside the Xuanyuanjian Pond, the Great Emperor Tianji was alone against the ten thousand worlds and all races in the domain.

The entire Immortal Seeking Continent blooms with colorful streamers, and the world that was originally sluggish and slightly dilapidated, re-blooms with dazzling eyes and radiance!

All the races in the entire Immortal Seeking Continent were shocked for a while, what happened?

A billowing heavenly might descended from the sky, carrying all the prestige of the human race as it descended with the heavenly might, and the heavenly fire descended from the sky, directly facing the race that invaded the Immortal Seeking Continent.

At the same time in Tianjing City, the statue of the Holy Emperor burst into the sky! Jiang Jing’s magical powers turned into a huge phantom, allowing the entire human race of the Tianjing Dynasty to see clearly!

What did you get? What happened over there in Wangcheng?”

“What a terrifying divine brilliance, this breath, I feel that only the legendary emperor realm can have it?”

“When did the human race have a strong emperor?”

“Who is that? Why do I feel so familiar, but I can’t remember it all of a sudden!”

“It’s a statue! No, it’s His Majesty the Holy Emperor! This phantom looks exactly like the statue in the Sacred Land of Tianjin!”

“Oh my God, it really is! It is really His Majesty the Holy Emperor!”

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