Chapter 476: God Array Against Time (For Collection, For Collection)

When Jiang Jing arrived at the temple, she had already received an exact reply from the Heavenly Secret Emperor.

This anti-time divine formation can be completed in about three years, and the required materials are a bit difficult, otherwise it can be completed in one month, and it needs to wait for the rare materials to be delivered.

“Let go and do it, I’ll arrange it.” After Jiang Jing responded to Emperor Tianji, he looked at the knelt down and raised his hand slightly: “To call everyone today, there are three orders! That’s right, it’s an order! Any execution Improper, kill the whole clan for crimes against the human race!”

As soon as Jiang Jing opened his mouth, the atmosphere of the entire Great Hall became extremely solemn.

The first “! Any material provided by Emperor Tian will be satisfied at all costs! Give the highest authority! Make no mistakes, or kill!”

“Second! Where the human race is, there must be a statue of the Holy Emperor! It must be completed within two years, otherwise, kill!”

The second point is that everyone has no opinion. Now Jiang Jing’s prestige in the human race is extremely high, and it is no exaggeration to set up a statue.

And the first one also made everyone serious, Jiang Jing went to find Emperor Tianji alone, and now issued these orders.

The six great emperors looked at each other, and they all saw the meaning in each other’s eyes. It seems that they guessed correctly, His Majesty the Holy Emperor is indeed planning a big event!

“Third! Three years later, I will be Closed Door Training! Cross-border impact on Wonderland! When I am not out of the customs, even if the human race lives and dies, I must not disturb me, otherwise, I will join the nine tribes!”


Direct cross-border impact on Wonderland!

It seems that Emperor Jiang Jing summoned Emperor Tianji because of this matter. It was really cruel, and what Jiang Jing said was very reasonable!

“I will obey your orders! Wait for the day when Your Majesty ascends to the fairyland!”

Soon, everyone dispersed.

The six great emperors wanted to ask, but Jiang Jing didn’t give them a chance, they had to give up, and they also knew that this was related to the future of the human race, and it really couldn’t be revealed.

Soon, all human races received the second Holy Emperor decree immediately!

And all the powerful human race with officials (acti) received the first and second orders of the Holy Emperor!

Only the people who were in the temple just now acquiesced in the third Holy Emperor decree. These messages were directly issued with a sealing order, and the third Holy Emperor decree was not allowed to spread out any more!

After dealing with these things, Jiang Jing came back with Xiaolinger, mainly because she was too bored.

“Congratulations to His Majesty the Holy Emperor.

Jiang Jing nodded, walked into the mansion, and brought Xiao Linger in. The guards and maids next to her were all splendid when they saw it. This is Shenfeng.

“Your Majesty the Holy Emperor.” Two beautiful figures came quickly, it was Liu Qin and Wang Yi, the two women saluted Jiang Jing extremely respectfully.

Jiang Jing nodded: “Where’s Aunt Zhong?”

“Here, see His Majesty the Holy Emperor.” Zhong Yi quickly came out of the inner room, because of Jiang Jing’s relationship, Zhong Yi Wang Yi and the others were directly arranged to live in the Ancestral Court Temple.

“Aunt Zhong, I’ve said it many times, just call me Xiaojing, there are no outsiders.” Jiang Jing’s eyes softened, this is someone close to him.

Xiao Linger felt Jiang Jing’s mood swings and glanced at Zhong Yi curiously.

“This is the peak powerhouse of the Divine Phoenix Clan.” Zhong Yi and the others looked at Xiao Ling’er in amazement.

“Well, Holy Maiden Xiaolinger of the Shenfeng family, it won’t take long for her to break through to the semi-wonderland, my friend in the heaven.” Jiang Jing introduced casually.

Xiao Ling’er proudly held up the limelight and was extremely proud.


Wang Yi and the others gasped for a while, this identity, this strength.

What kind of friends does Jiang Jing know? This is too scary!

Jiang Jing stayed and had a meal. She liked to cook it herself, so she had to stay, and Wang Yi and the others also went to help.

After drinking and eating, Jiang Jing hiccupped and touched her stomach, which made them all smile sweetly: “Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, you are too disregard for your image, haha.”

Jiang Jing smiled: “Aah, it’s all my own, don’t worry about it.

“Three years later, I will be closed for life and death. It may be a hundred years, or a thousand years, or even longer.” Jiang Jing’s tone suddenly became serious.

The three girls stopped talking, they couldn’t help much, they could only support silently, because they knew that Jiang Jing’s goal was the endless avenue, the pinnacle of cultivation.

Even if they didn’t eat or drink, they kept chasing without sleep, but they couldn’t keep up with Jiang Jing’s pace.

“Wang Yi, Liu Qin, I know what the two of you are thinking, but I’m sorry, forget me.” Jiang Jing said and stood up: “I’ll go back to Immortal Continent, Xiao Linger, let’s go.”

“Jiang Jing! Although you pursue your great road, we will not give up. It is absolutely impossible to forget you. We will definitely wait for you to leave the border. Even if we can’t wait, we will die alone!”

Jiang Jing trembled all over, and had a sour nose. I don’t know how long I haven’t felt this way. A tear fell from the corner of his eyes, and without looking back, he drove the Dragon of Fortune and Xiao Linger into two streamers and disappeared into the mansion.

Jiang Jing’s words also came from a distance: “Give it up, forget me, you can’t wait.”

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