Chapter 475 The Ancestral Court Temple (for collection, for collection)

Even the great emperor who is good at deducing heaven’s secrets can only deduce the human race in two or three hundred years.

But now, His Majesty the Holy Emperor has returned and directly threatened that it will be a ten thousand year plan. Consider the situation of the human race in ten thousand years!

By the way, His Majesty Sacred Land’s way of time is the strongest, I am afraid that he has crossed the long river of time and seen something different.

“Your Majesty doesn’t have to blame yourself. It is my greatest honor that you can trust me for such an important matter. If it is an old minister, the old minister will do the same. After all, this matter is really too important. Heavenly Secret” the great emperor is extremely respectful Said: “Your Majesty, please instruct me to go through fire and water without hesitation, even if the old minister is to die now, the old minister will not hesitate to do anything!”

Jiang Jing waved his hand: “Lao Tianshi, can you calculate the upper limit of the fate of the human race?”

“It can be deduced in two hundred and seventy years, and it can’t be done any further.” The old master replied quickly.

Jiang Jing nodded and made up a reason at will: “Everything is prosperous and will decline, the heaven and the earth are in order, and the rise and fall of the human race cannot escape this law, no matter what the reason is”!”

“This breakthrough, I understand the way of time even more. The senior found me again through the long river of time. Because of the limited information, he told me something! Let me break through the realm of the great emperor in the outer world!”

“Going to the God Realm to break through the Wonderland, but the God Realm channel has been completely closed, and even the outer heaven cannot open the God Realm channel, then we naturally can’t, the Golden Immortal in the heaven is only a half fairyland, only by going to the God Realm can you break through the legend Realm in !”

“But since the future senior told me like this, it means that one day the passage to the gods will be opened by me, and the most important thing is the last sentence, there are traitors in the human race.

“There are three sentences in total, more than a dozen words, but the last five words are emphasized. What do you think of the Tianshi?” Jiang Jing suddenly didn’t say anything, but looked at the old Tianshi.

The old celestial master frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly looked up at Jiang Jing: “That means this traitor must be very harmful, and that catastrophe may even kill the entire human race, or even exterminate the clan. An extremely terrifying catastrophe, otherwise senior would not mention these insignificant things.

“And these should still take some time, plus the access to the realm of the gods… Wait, His Majesty the Holy Emperor, just now you ordered the human race of all realms outside the realm, do you want it? Heaven’s Secret” The emperor finally reacted, why Jiang Jing called him alone came.

He is the only one who is at the top of the human race in terms of the Avenue of Time and the deduction of the formation, and Jiang Jing also said that he needs the assistance of all human races.

“Yes, this is the plan of ten thousand years. Let this Xuanyuanjian Pond be the core of the formation eye. This is the formation eye.” Jiang Jing handed the bronze mirror to Emperor Tianji: “I am going to the temple. Let’s set up the formation, I will also give you the core of the formation. You are responsible for it. You can take any materials you need. You have the same authority as me in this regard. In addition, we must not reveal half a word of what we said today. Xiaolinger, you stay here (Nuo Zhao).”

“According to His Majesty the Holy Emperor!” Emperor Tianji knelt down respectfully, this is His Majesty the Holy Emperor, they really did not make a mistake in their choice!

When Xiaolinger saw Jiang Jing leave, she yawned boredly.

The Ancestral Court of the Holy Emperor!

On the throne occupied by Nine Dragons, Jiang Jing slowly descended.

“The Thirty-six Heavenly Monarchs see His Majesty the Holy Emperor!”

“The seventy-two lords see His Majesty the Holy Emperor!”

“Chen wait, see His Majesty the Holy Emperor!”

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