Chapter 469 The Origin of the Bronze Mirror

“Okay, I promise.” Jiang Jing agreed without hesitation.

With a flick of his hand, the bronze mirror flew out. After leaving a spiritual sense, he directly handed it over to the Shenfeng Clan Patriarch. Without Jiang Jing’s permission, they could not use the bronze mirror at all.

The Shenfeng Clan Patriarch has two requests.

First, the power of Nirvana can be exchanged for Jiang Jing, but Xiaolinger must follow Jiang Jing and go to the future with Jiang Jing.

Jiang Jing knew that the head of the Shenfeng clan was betting on the future of their kamikaze clan!

The second is to use the Jiang Jing bronze mirror to give the high priest Shenfeng a look.

These two requirements are not excessive, especially the first one, with the Holy Maiden of the Shenfeng Clan, there may be some unexpected situations, and he is still a helper. This 093 is a powerhouse in the semi-fairyland!

Starting a storm, picking up Zhen Yuanzi is like picking up a son!

The patriarch of the Shenfeng clan left quickly with a bronze mirror, and came to a volcanic lava. There was a huge altar in the depths, and in the middle of the altar lay a nine-colored god wind, but its aura was extremely sluggish. If you didn’t feel it carefully, you would have thought it was dead.

“Xuanling, I just smelled the power of the ancient gods, what’s the matter, how can the ancient gods aura appear in the Phoenix Nest Sacred Land?” A melodious voice sounded.

“Xuanling sees the High Priest.” The Shenfeng Patriarch knelt down to the High Priest, and told what happened just now, as well as the purpose of Jiang Jing’s reconciliation.

“What! Hurry up, show me the bronze mirror.” After hearing this, the high priest seemed to have regained his vigor.

The Shenfeng Patriarch gave the bronze mirror to the high priest, and immediately, a breath of vicissitudes from the ancient gods spread out.

“This, this breath, is him!”

The high priest seemed to be insane, jumping and jumping, and after a long time he said quickly: “Xuanling, you are right, your decision is right, you must let Xiaolinger join him and span time! This is the His breath! Although this probability is very, very low, I must bet, and I must bet, this is the only hope for my Divine Phoenix Clan to return to the God Realm!”

“If it really belongs to him, even if we return to the realm of the gods, we will have a place! Return the bronze mirror to him, and that’s the decision.” (acfi)

It took a long time for the high priest to calm down his excitement, and handed the bronze mirror back to the Shenfeng Patriarch. The Shenfeng Patriarch respectfully saluted and then left the altar.

“The high priest has agreed, you and Xiaolinger can leave, the power of Nirvana is in Xiaolinger, you can take it at any time.” Shenfeng Patriarch returned the bronze mirror to Jiang Jing.

“Yes.” Jiang Jing put away the bronze mirror, and immediately gave the bronze bell to the Shenfeng Patriarch, with Jiang Jing’s spiritual thoughts in it, which can be used by anyone of the Shenfeng tribe who have reached the emperor realm, and exerted terrifying power, but Jiang Jing had limited spiritual sense, and specifically instructed them not to use it during special periods.

After explaining, Jiang Jing walked out of the phoenix nest with the sullen little Linger.

It’s just that when she came and went back, Xiao Linger was completely different. She was very happy when she came, and she jumped and jumped to show Jiang Jing the way. At this time, she just followed behind Jiang Jing sullenly. order, she will not follow behind Jiang Jing.

Jiang Jing found that she really cared about the little girl’s mood, so she couldn’t help but ask, “What’s the matter? Are you reluctant to let everyone go? Who made the little cutie angry?”

“Hmph, I don’t want to talk to you, don’t talk to me! I don’t listen, I don’t listen!” Xiao Linger covered her ears and shook her head, her cute appearance melted Jiang Jing’s heart.

“Oops, it turns out that I made Little Cutie angry, don’t be angry, come and give Big Brother a smile.”

“Humph!” Xiao Linger snorted, moved her mouth, and glared at Jiang Jing fiercely.

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