Chapter 468 The Exiled Protoss (For Collection, For Collection)

“Aah, God Realm? How could I not know.” The Shenfeng Patriarch’s eyes began to look dazed, and his laughter was rather bleak: “My Kamikaze clan and the Dragon Clan were exiled from the God Realm to this place. The power struggle failed, and we took away our magical powers and exiled us to this barren land.”

Jiang Jing was completely shocked!

This phoenix and that dragon are actually the gods exiled from the god realm!

This, this is incredible!

Moreover, this heaven is a barren land???

However, through the words of the Shenfeng Patriarch, Jiang Jing finally learned about the ancient things.

The Shenfeng and the Dragons are also a big family in the God Realm, and they are one of The Four Divine Beasts. Although the Shenfengs are not among the Four Divine Beasts, they are also extremely powerful.

But the clan competed for power and profit, and the side they supported was defeated, and they were all exiled here in the end.

At that time, the Heaven Realm was less than half the size of Beiju Luzhou, it was a barren land, it was like a prison.

Afterwards, the two clans continued to develop, and the heavenly realm slowly began to expand, thinking about completing this world and returning to the realm of the gods one day.

In the realm of the gods, the powerhouses in the fairyland are almost the same as ordinary Practitioners. To put it bluntly, they are similar to the Foundation Building realm of the human race, and they have almost no status.

Another 100,000 years have passed, and the four continents of the heavenly realm are basically perfect, and within the ten thousand realms, many strong people have emerged in large numbers, and the number of strong emperors is like dogs.

Myriad Realms finally reached the peak of accommodation. In order to find a way out, countless powerhouses in the Great Emperor Realm finally opened up the passage to the heavens, leading to a higher-dimensional world. A large number of powerhouses poured into the heavens, and since then they have settled in the heavens and attacked higher levels. ,wonderland!

The arrival of these powerhouses undoubtedly helped the two clans expand and improve the world, and immediately they returned to Beiju Luzhou.

However, in the ten thousand worlds battle, the heavenly world is also constantly fighting. With the continuous expedition, the origin is damaged, and the upper limit of the ten thousand world’s Great Emperor Realm Xeon is less and less, and the same is true for the heavenly world.

Finally, under the call of the Xeon Fairyland powerhouses, the powerhouses in the heavenly realm began to collectively attack the gates of heaven! Strive to break the passage to the realm of the gods!

The kamikaze clan and the peak powerhouse of the dragon clan also participated in it one after another, and the battlefield was a battle of one mind, earth-shattering and fate-changing!

In the end, the channel of the God Realm was opened, and a large number of fairyland powerhouses poured in. The gods were furious when they learned about this, and sent a small godly powerhouse to come.

Nine thousand fairyland powerhouses were wiped out with one hand, leaving hundreds of fairyland powerhouses torn apart to escape from the heavenly realm, never daring to return to the heavenly realm again.

The messenger of the gods was also furious and directly destroyed the fairyland in the heaven. From then on, the strongest in the whole heaven was only a half fairyland. The passage caused a chain reaction, and the origin of the heavens was damaged.

This completely ruined the hope of those who escaped from the fairyland and returned to the heaven again. At this point, the heaven has fallen, and no fairyland powerhouse has appeared since then. peak.

At the same time, it also made Jiang Jing understand why the Dragon Clan and the Divine Phoenix Clan were never enslaved by the forerunners of these celestial realms as mounts, even if they were exiled Protoss, they were Protoss!

Suddenly, the patriarch of the Shenfeng clan seemed to have thought of something, and stared at Jiang Jing: “It can be exchanged, but I have two requests””!”

“Please tell me, if it’s not too much, I can agree.” Jiang Jing nodded lightly.

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