Chapter 391


The harsh clank sounded throughout the world, and sparks sputtered out. The chaotic storm generated after the collision raged and shattered the space.

At the moment when the collision unfolded, Feng Chen and Ye Tian both killed each other at the same time.

During the burst shooting, each other is constantly stimulating the great power in the body.

In the blink of an eye, the space collapsed, the wind swept across, and the vision was born. The collision between the gunlight and the sword shadow in mid-air had not yet ended, and a new round of collision between the two began.

Another piercing sound came, and the sky shook, and the sharp spear and the silver-white long sword collided with each other in mid-air.

The two are in a stalemate with each other.


In a flash.

Feng Chen fiercely injected the power of the Time and Space Avenue into the Gunslinger.

Looking at Ye Tian again, his eyes shrank violently. At this moment, he felt a mountain-like power coming from the silver-white long sword, as if the world was suppressed.

No matter how much he urged the power of the Great Dao, it would be of no avail.


Under the powerful force, Ye Tian’s whole body was directly shocked and flew out, and the terrifying power instantly swept his whole body.


A mouthful of essence and blood spurted out, and Ye Tian’s entire face turned pale.

Although Ye Tian barely resisted the previous collisions, he obviously suffered a great loss in this collision.

Ye Tian forcibly stabilized his body, wiped the blood on the corners of his mouth, and looked at Feng Chen’s eyes again with solemnity.

At this moment, he thoroughly saw the strong man in front of him who was carrying the two avenues of time and space and the half-step origin realm, and even in Ye Tian’s view, the collision just before, the other party did not use all his strength.

Level, what a dazzling Tianjiao, he is the enchanting demon admired by all Tianjiao in the entire Chaos. Now when he comes to the lower realm, he never expected that a person in the half-step Origin Realm would make him feel threatened.

He didn’t believe it, or in other words, his arrogant heart made him unwilling to believe it.

Even though they are both in the original realm, he is a chaotic god son, how can he compare it to an ant in the lower realm.

With a thought, Ye Tian’s aura surged wildly, and his whole body was constantly instilling the power of destroying the avenue into the silver-white long sword in his hand.


At this moment, a gust of wind was rising between the sky and the earth, and the endless gust of wind, driven by the destructive force, continuously condensed into a sword and shadow wind with the mid-air.

The Jianying Gangfeng was suspended above the vault in an instant, and the breath that radiated from each Jianying Gangfeng was so terrifying, and even the surrounding space had already crumbled into a disfigurement.

That terrifying aura of destruction swept across the heavens and worlds at this moment, shocking the hearts of countless creatures.

Everyone felt the terrifying power contained in the sword shadows and winds, and they all looked back.

In the blink of an eye, there are thousands of sword-shadow winds condensed on the warehouse, and these sword-shadow winds are connected to each other, and they are directly transformed into tornadoes that connect the sky and the earth.

It’s just that these tornadoes are all condensed by sword shadows, and the sharp breath contained in them can be felt without words.

Under the sky full of tornadoes, the ultimate moves displayed by Ye Tian continued to shroud Feng Chen, directly isolating all of Feng Chen’s retreat. As for the space, the space has long been shattered, that is to say. It is impossible for Feng Chen to tear the space away.

Looking at the tornadoes that line the sky and the earth, Feng Chen didn’t even mean to leave at all, but raised the Godkiller Spear in his hand.

The power of the two avenues of time and space is instilled in the Killing Spear.


Suddenly, the light of the Killing Spear was soaring, and a power that transferred the sky and the earth instantly spread towards the surroundings.

The next moment.

Feng Chen suddenly smashed the Gunslinger in mid-air.


A loud noise broke out in an instant, and after the loud noise, it was a shining rainbow, the phantom of a sharp gun.

The phantoms of these God-killing spears condensed in mid-air, shaking the heavens. Under the gaze of countless eyes, the phantoms of the God-killing spears spread towards the surroundings, and the sword shadows swept straight to the front line of the day and the earth.

Under the gaze of all eyes, the phantom of the Killing Spear collided with the sword shadow of the tornado on the line of heaven and earth.

The killer moves of both are so overwhelming, and the shock wave generated at the time of collision is even more terrifying.


First came a deafening roar, igniting the chaos of the chaotic battlefield and rushing to the sky.

At this moment, under such a terrible collision, the entire chaotic battlefield seemed to be turned into a purgatory.

However, everyone’s eyes were on the center of the collision at this time, and the vision around him was completely ignored.

Especially Ye Tian, ​​staring at the place where he collided with the sword shadow of the tornado.

Next interest.


Ye Tian yelled in exclamation, his pupils widened again, he clearly saw that his ultimate move at this moment looked so vulnerable to the phantom of the gunslinger.

In just one face-to-face effort, the tornado sword shadow was directly shattered.

And just as Ye Tian exclaimed, the phantom of the Gunkilling Spear had already blasted towards him.

Seeing this scene, how dare Ye Tian be careless, constantly wielding the silver-white long sword, wielding magical powers, trying to resist Feng Chen’s attack.

Blinking sword, in front of Ye Tian, ​​there are countless magical powers condensed, and the sword aura whistles, and all the magical powers exude the power of destroying the world.

But even so, Ye Tian was a little worried, still urging his supernatural powers.

At the same time, those phantoms that killed the guns whizzed and directly collided with the sky’s magical powers.

boom! boom!

Suddenly, one after another sonic boom continued to sound, and mushroom clouds bloomed above the sky.

Look at the magical powers that Ye Tian displayed. At this time, they shattered one after another, and were directly violently pierced under the attack of the Killing Spear.

Everything happened so quickly, Ye Tian didn’t react to it, or he didn’t expect Feng Chen’s attack to be so terrifying.

A shattering spear flicked the Shattering Void void, pierced through the sky, and blasted towards Ye Tian.


The dull sound erupted again, and the sky shook. Ye Tian’s figure was directly like a kite with a broken line, falling rapidly downwards. During the fall, blood was sprinkled from the air all over his body.

Feng Chen’s blow directly punched Ye Tian’s chest with a huge bloody mouth, and the blood flow continued.

This time the collision of the attack also let the sentient beings know that the battle is over.

Feng Chen in mid-air blinked, looking at the falling Ye Tian, ​​holding a sharp gun to kill suddenly.

It’s time to end, and then we have to prepare for the long river of time.


Just as Feng Chen swung the sharp spear and gathered a spear light to blast towards Ye Tian, ​​a voice suddenly tore the void.


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