Chapter 390

The sky above the chaotic battlefield that had been quiet for a long time suddenly burst out with an earth-shaking roar.


There was a loud noise, the world shook violently, and the terrifying shock wave instantly spread towards the surroundings.

In the center of the collision, Feng Chen’s condensed white palm violently collided with the ruinous beam of light.

Under this huge roar, violent winds raged and rolled, and the tyrannical shock wave drove Ye Tianzhen back several steps in the air.

On the other hand, Feng Chen is still floating in mid-air.

In a collision, which is stronger and weaker is the difference.

Ye Tian also noticed this scene. When he was about to withdraw his gaze from the origin of the Lord of Destruction, his gaze was locked on Feng Chen, and the corner of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a smile.

“It’s worthy of being a person with two avenues, but there are two things.”

When the words fell, Ye Tian continued to have a terrifying breath of destruction soaring all over his body, and there was wind and sand and rocks all over his body, and the power of terror tore the void to pieces.

Ye Tian locks in Feng Chen and turns his hand to change.

Click! Click!

When his hands were changing and the sky was shaking, thirteen strands of terrifying breath of destruction crazily condensed away in mid-air, condensing into a small world in mid-air.

The small world is gray and white, and the power of destruction emanating from it is terrifying. ,

In the blink of an eye, this small world condensed by the power of the Dao of Destruction rose high above the sky, and the huge volume even blocked the radiance of the bright sun.

The small world moved towards Feng Chen as if it was about to destroy the world.

When they saw this small world, countless people onlookers changed their faces.

They felt a strong threat from this small world, and they turned their eyes to Ye Tian one after another.

“Hi! This person is not easy.”

“The display of this blow is definitely not something that ordinary half-step Origin Realm can display.”

“This kind of power is probably already comparable to the original state.”

“No wonder they dared to scream at the Yan Luo Temple, it turns out that they have the strength.”

“It depends on how Feng Chen will resist next.”

When their discussion sounded, Feng Chen below blinked and looked at the small world falling from the sky indifferently. There was no fear in his eyes, but it seemed so calm.

As the small world got closer to Feng Chen, Feng Chen also moved.

I saw Feng Chen waving his big hand casually.


The space suddenly shattered, and a monstrous sharp breath surged wildly.

A bright light shrouded in response, and the shattered space under that bright light directly condensed into a long sword.

A long sword with space to condense. This long sword looks about the size of an ordinary long sword, but the sharp breath it emits is so rich, even with a horror tearing the sky apart.

The Space Long Sword condensed in midair, then whizzed past, fiercely towards the small world condensed by the destructive force.

In full view, the two offensives collided.


As soon as the collision started, the sound of morning bell and evening drum rang in everyone’s ears.

The sound shook the sky, tore the void, and exploded in nine days and ten places.


Ye Tian stared at the center of the collision, his eyes condensed suddenly, and an exclamation came from his mouth.

He saw that the small world he condensed was pierced by the tyrannical sword of the space. As for the power contained in the small world, it was useless, and it had no effect on the sword of space.

Under such a roar, Ye Tian was even more shocked that after tearing the small world into pieces, that spatial sword was quickly sweeping toward him.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian was not calm, especially feeling the sharp breath that diffused from the space sword, so that he did not dare to underestimate it.

“bring it on!”

Ye Tian whispered, and then slammed in the void of air.


The space is shattered, and a bright light bursts instantly, rushing to the sea of ​​clouds.

Even ascending with light, there is also an extremely sharp aura permeating the sky.

The monstrous sword intent rolled and shattered all around.

Feeling this sword intent, even the Chaos Sword Sovereign couldn’t help narrowing his eyes, and his eyes fell on Ye Tian’s hands.

At this moment, Ye Tian was holding a silver-white long sword in his right hand, and the terrifying and sharp auras radiated from the silver-white long sword.

Sword Sovereign Chaos saw the extraordinary of this silver-white long sword at a glance.

Under the gaze of Chaos Sword Sovereign, Ye Tian waved the silver-white long sword in his hand.


There was a sound of clank, and the sword aura resonated, transforming into a white dragon in mid-air.

Under the howling of the dragon, it blasted towards that spatial sword shadow.


Another piercing clank sounded, and the space shook violently. Under the smoke and dust, the white dragon directly swallowed the shadow of the space sword. Under the piercing sound, the two dissipated in the world at the same time.

Everything happened between the electric light and flint. As the sky’s vision dissipated, Ye Tian looked at Feng Chen with a silver-white sword in his hand, his face full of confidence.

“I didn’t expect that the first battle after breaking the seal was so happy.”

When Ye Tian spoke, the aura exuding from the whole person surged at a step-like speed, and even the silver-white sword in his hand was buzzing, and seemed to be cheering.

“Do your best.”

Ye Tian’s words fell, his eyes shot out again and again, and the power of destruction in his entire body was shrouded towards Feng Chen like a tide.

Feng Chen also smiled slightly as he felt the fluctuations in the breath emanating from Ye Tian’s body.

I have to say that Ye Tian’s strength is indeed good. Compared with the previous Tianzhou, Shenkong Daozi is not as strong as that, and he is worthy of other people in the chaos.

Without hesitation, he waved his big hand at random.

Click! Click!

The vision swept across the sky again, the monstrous sharp breath masterpiece, billowing into endless sharpness and rushing to the sea of ​​clouds.

Then a loud noise came, and this terrifying sharp breath directly shredded the sky into a huge gap.

At the same time, there was a breath of extreme violent killing, turbulent the entire chaotic battlefield.

In the envelope of all kinds of visions, Zhao Yun’s hand spear appeared.

With the blessing of the Killing Spear, the fluctuations emanating from Zhao Yun’s body were equally terrifying.

At this moment, both of them used their weapons, their eyes locked towards each other.

At the same time, the two attacked, violently waving my weapons in the air.


The violent wind fought around, the world shook, and a bright spear light was instantly condensed, blasting towards Ye Tian quickly.

Similarly, from Ye Tian’s silver-white long sword, there was a sword shadow, Shattering Void, bursting out of the whistling.

The two ultimate moves collided again at this moment.

Zheng! .

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