Chapter 363

Facing the tyrannical Feng Chen, Shenmeng was forced to retreat one after another.

Angrily, he took out a black flag, which caused the ghost of the entire universe to shroud Feng Chen.

Under the gloomy gaze of the gods, Feng Chen was about to be torn apart by ghosts, when he was about to devour the origin.


The melodious voice seems to have been coming from a long time ago, turning into a rolling sound wave, as if to break the world.

A bell rang, and the entire universe shook in an instant, turning into a boundless vision.

With the ringing of this bell, the sound wave spreads, instantly clearing everything out.

The ghost that had filled the sky was instantly torn apart when the bell rang, and the ghost around it was also swept away by sound waves, turning into a little black mist and dissipating into the universe.

At the same time, where Feng Chen is, the dazzling light is madly high, and the golden chaotic clock blooms. Feng Chen stands on the chaotic clock, staring at Shenmeng with dazzling eyes.

Feng Chen wasn’t in a hurry to perform killer moves on God Meng, so he watched the other side quietly, as if asking him what other means.

Originally, Shenmeng was suppressed by it, but now he used the Innate Supreme Treasure, and also did not defeat Feng Chen, plus he noticed Feng Chen’s gaze, how rich the anger on his face was.

Even the face is a bit distorted.

He has Innate treasures, and the other side also has them.


Faced with Feng Chen’s silent provocation, Shenmeng roared up to the sky, the power of the avenue in his whole body skyrocketed, and the surrounding space was shattered one after another.

The god was angry and anxious, holding a long sword directly towards Feng Chen and killing him.

“God, don’t!”

When the old man saw the anxious gods, his heart sank and he had a foreboding that something would happen.

But now the Shenmeng has been dazzled by anger, how can he heed the old man’s reminder that the current Shenmeng is desperately killing Feng Chen.

When the old man saw this, his whole body was mobilized, and the void around him was constantly twisting, forming a vortex, shrouding his whole body.

The old man is about to make a move.

At the same time, the Chaos Demon God and the others were naturally paying attention to the old man.

Seeing that the old man urges the power of the Dao, they are also the motive force of each other, intending to resist the old man’s attack.

At this time, the center of the battlefield.

Feng Chen looked at the angry god who was killed, and shook his head involuntarily.

“It’s over.”

As soon as it fell, the sharp-killing spear in his hand shook violently, and a power that ruined the world broke out in an instant, sweeping the entire universe.

The space was shattered, the avenue shook, and the power of a shot bloomed endlessly.

Feng Chen locked onto God Meng and swung out the Gunslinger.


The space vibrated, and a billion-meter spear light was condensed in an instant, and it shrouded toward the gods like an overwhelming sky.

In the eyes of the gods, the castration continued unabated, and the long sword in his hand was constantly waving.

In the blink of an eye, a huge sword shadow condenses in the air, and the power contained in this sword shadow is also not weak.

For a time, in the entire universe, Wang Yang turned into two offensives.

When these two attacks were about to collide, countless creatures retreated subconsciously.

They deeply felt how terrifying the power contained in these two attacks, and they did not dare to imagine how terrifying the shock wave generated by the collision later.

With all eyes in full view, the universe vibrated, and the two ultimate moves quickly approached.


The ear-splitting roar sounded at the moment of the collision, and a mighty shock wave turned into a circle and spread towards the surroundings.

However, no one paid attention to the terrifying shock wave at this time, but looked towards the center of the collision.

Under their gaze, the light of the gun collided with the shadow of the sword.

At the moment of the collision, the spear light burst out with an unstoppable force, violently smashing the sword shadow to pieces, and then moving toward the gods with undiminished power.


The god screamed in exclamation, his face was full of amazement, now he seemed to be stupid, the whole person didn’t know what to do, and could only watch the huge spear light coming quickly.

Just as the spear light was about to fall on Shenmeng, the old man who was responsible for protecting him took action.

Looking at the spear light, the old man waved his hand.


The void was distorted, and the old man turned into a huge vortex in front of him. From the vortex, there was a steady stream of great power bursting out, and at the same time, there was a strong desire to swallow.

Then there was a weird scene.

Under the meaning of this horrible devouring, the huge spear light that was going to fall on the gods in the distance was absorbed by the vortex in front of the old man, slowly changing its trajectory.

· ···Find flowers···········


At the same time, the gaze of the god Chaos Demon has been on the old man.

Seeing the old man’s shot, the god Chaos Demon was already ready to attack.

I saw strands of immortal runes turning around, drawing Shattering Void, and came directly to the place where the whirlpool was.

The immortal rune burst into light, as if to seal the terror of heaven and earth.

Look at the whirlpool trying to change the trajectory of the spear’s attack. At this moment, it stopped running.

Without the existence of the Devouring Vortex, in the middle of the battlefield, the huge spear light once again blasted towards the gods.

“The Son of God!”

The old man exclaimed, now he can no longer care about who just stopped his attack, and now he only has a blindfold in his eyes.

… 0 …

Seeing the spear light getting closer to the gods, the old man whizzed away desperately.


His speed is still too slow.


Under everyone’s gaze, a soft sound rang, followed by a thick bloody breath.


The painful roar of the gods spread all over the world. Although he had the treasure of Innate on his body, he did not have it on his arm.

With a soft sound, an arm of Shenmeng fell directly from the universe.

A strong pain swept through the body, and Shenmeng’s entire face showed a twisted color of pain.

“The Son of God!”

The old man finally came to Shenmeng’s side, waved his big hand, and took the fallen arm and Shenmeng.

“Kill him! The old man will kill him soon!”

The gods stared at Feng Chen bitterly and screamed desperately.

The old man nodded again and again: “Don’t worry, son of God, I will avenge you, you adjust your breath first.”

As soon as the words fell, his old eyes fixed on Feng Chen in the distance, and his face was extremely cold.

The great power of the whole body turned into a majestic power and shrouded towards Feng Chen.

“Do you know who he is!”

“Do you know that you almost killed the son of God!”

“A nether ant, you are too brave!”

“Today, the old man will kill you.”

Feng Chen listened to the other party’s words, his face was calm, and he responded indifferently.

“Who is he and what does it have to do with me?”

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