Chapter 362

“You irritated me completely!”

In the universe, Shenmeng’s face was full of anger, his eyes fixed on Feng Chen in the distance, and his killing intent rose rapidly throughout his body.

He is the god son of the Hongmeng World. If he hadn’t defended the Innate treasure, he would have been seriously injured.

And it was an ant from the lower realm who seriously injured him, so how could he not be angry.

The angry God Meng stretched out his big hand and suddenly shook it in the void of air.

Click, click, click.

The void collapsed, and the universe shook crazily at this moment, and the turbulent aura of the heavens and the earth spread towards the surroundings like a king Yang.

That terrifying time avenue power became even more intense in an instant.

In the hands of Shenmeng, at this moment there was an extra long sword.

The long sword was as white as the day, faintly connected with the void around it, continuously swaying ripples.

At the moment when this long sword appeared, the bright light in the universe shrouded in an instant, causing the long sword’s light to rise endlessly.

That extremely terrifying force of destruction is surging crazily.

This long sword in Shenmeng’s hands is definitely not a mortal thing, it is obviously also a treasure of the time avenue level.

At this time, the spirit of God Meng holding a long sword skyrocketed, and Feng Chen’s sword was locked in a sudden outline.

The sword shadow whizzed and condensed into a huge sword shadow in mid-air, and this huge sword shadow still flickered with a white light, which contained an extremely terrifying time fluctuation.

While the long sword whizzed, the entire universe was directly flooded by this terrifying force.

In a hurry, he headed towards Feng Chen.

At the same time, Feng Chen looked at the lightsaber that was falling rapidly, and waved his hand likewise.


A clank sounded, the universe shook fiercely, and a monstrous and violent force continuously spread from Feng Chen’s hands, and the world collapsed in an instant.

The Killing Spear appeared in Feng Chen’s hands, and now the breath of Feng Chen’s body has also skyrocketed. I don’t know how many times.

Looking at the howling Jian Ying, he swung the gunshot fiercely.

The gun light flashed, and a huge gun shadow also appeared in the air, blasting towards the huge sword shadow while roaring.


The collision unfolded, and the harsh rumble instantly burst in the universe. At the center of the collision, the two offensives canceled each other out under the sound of the sonic boom.

When the offensive dissipated one after another, Feng Chen and Shenmeng locked onto each other at the same time, shattered the void, and shot towards each other.

With the explosion of the two, the surrounding space was shattered one after another. Under the breath of the two, it was completely unbearable.

With all eyes in full view, the two of them waved their weapons at the same time.


The clank sound came again, and the center of the collision was cremated and sputtered, spurring ripples and spreading towards the surroundings.

In the center, the Killing Spear and the Longsword stalemate in mid-air.

Shenmeng looked at Feng Chen who was close at hand, and anger surged in his eyes.

“Today you will be swallowed by me.”

As soon as the words came out, he suddenly urged the power of the whole body, instilled in the long sword, and tried to repel Feng Chen.

Feeling the power surging in the long sword, Feng Chen’s face was calm, and even a faint smile appeared.


The words rang.


In an instant, the anger on Shenmeng’s face dissipated directly, turning into a deep look of astonishment.

When the word Feng Chen fell, he felt an overwhelming force that made him unable to react or resist.

A dull sound followed, and Shenmeng’s whole body was directly shocked by the sudden increase in power, and blood was sprayed down in the air.

When seeing this scene, all beings of God showed a smile on their faces.

“It seems that Feng Chen’s strength has increased a lot.”

“The one called Shenmeng is not Feng Chen’s opponent at all.”

“Yes, if he hadn’t had too many treasures, I’m afraid he would have been defeated long ago.”

“No way, they are other gods in the chaos, Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, who are in their lives, are also reasonable.”

“I feel that all this is useless, and everything is in vain in the face of absolute strength.”

“Well, you should know that Feng Chen is a strong man who has defeated the Fourth Stage Origin Realm, not to mention the half-step Origin Realm person in front of me.”

“I am not worried about dealing with this god. I am a little worried that if I kill him, what will happen to the chaos behind him?”

“Don’t worry, every chaos has a ban. Even if the other party is angry, but there is a ban, what can they do?”

“makes sense.”


The sentient beings talked a lot, and these words spread into the ears of God Meng, causing the anger on his face to increase wildly, and the eyes looking at Feng Chen were a little bit resentful.

“I’m going to kill you!”

The gods raised up to the sky with a roar, and the whole body’s power was madly urged in his hands.

In the next instant, he could clearly see that Shenmeng’s hands became pitch black.

And at this moment in the entire universe, it began to dim, and strands of pitch-black gale spread rapidly towards the surroundings centered on the gods.

In an instant it is permeating the entire universe.

At the same time, in this billowing darkness, an endless stream of evil forces erupted continuously.

In front of Shenmeng’s changing hands, a flag similar to a banner appeared, the whole body was pitch black like ink, without any color, but a glance gave people a strong feeling of palpitations.

Immediately afterwards, Shenmeng held the black big banner, staring at Feng Chen in the distance with bitter eyes, and violently waved it out.


Suddenly, the gusts of wind roared, heaven and earth fought, and there were gusts of wind swept across the entire universe, and these gusts were all dark in color, which looked terrifying.

Jie Jie Jie!

Jie Jie Jie!

Heifengdou turned, and there were piercing laughter in the gusty wind.

“what is that!”

There was a cry of exclamation, and the sentient beings clearly saw that in the boundless black wind, there were faint wisps of ghost flickering, erratic, but also containing extremely terrifying power.

In an instant, these dark shadows encompassed the entire universe, and surrounded Feng Chen with a whistling like wind. It seemed that as long as the gods gave orders, these ghost shadows could directly obliterate Feng Chen.

Shen Meng Yaoyao locked Feng Chen and shouted.

“Die me!”

With an order, the overwhelming ghosts instantly received the order, and they carried a palpitation breath toward Feng Chen.

At this moment, Feng Chen’s body is completely invisible in the darkness of the sky.

Even the spatial fluctuations exuding Feng Chen’s whole body have weakened a lot.

When Shenmen saw this scene, his face showed a sullen smile: “Huh, fight with me! You are still far away!”

As soon as it fell, he was already planning to devour Feng Chen’s origin.


at this time.


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