Chapter 344

The light blooms, and the brilliance is full of brilliance. Under the bright light, the power of the avenue of time continuously distorts the space.

Ye Cheng’s entire body was suspended above the Chaos Battlefield, his eyes staring straight into the distance.

The common people had already noticed Ye Cheng’s actions.

All were accidents for Ye Cheng’s self-confidence. After all, this was a chaotic battlefield, a chaotic battlefield that would be obliterated.

But this Ye Cheng was so confident, waiting for the arrival of the god son of Yan Luo Temple.


Suddenly, the sound of morning bells and drums resounded throughout the world, turning into a boundless vision.

Infinite waves of air rise, and billions of stars flicker, condensing into a bright galaxy, connecting the sky above the chaotic battlefield from the universe.

Above that galaxy, the common people all saw a figure stepping through the sky and the earth.

The figure looks a little ordinary, but the whole body exudes a horrible aura that can destroy the world.

This person is naturally Feng Chen.

Feng Chen blinked, as if it were all-encompassing, descending into the sky above the chaotic battlefield in the infinite vision.

Behind him there are also four extremely terrifying auras, they are the Chaos Sword Sovereign, and among them there is the Lord of Reincarnation.

When seeing the arrival of these four origin realms, all the eyes of the common people in the heaven and the earth are all one.

These four original source realms stomped and stomped, but they made the existence of the heavens and the realms shake, but at this time they appeared at the same time.

There are also people who are puzzled. It’s just a big battle. With Feng Chen’s strength, Ye Cheng can definitely be crushed. Why did the four of them appear together?

“I thought you were going to be a turtle, not dare to come.”

When the common people watched the Chaos Sword Sovereign four, Ye Cheng’s provocative voice suddenly sounded.

At this moment, Ye Cheng was floating in the air, looking directly at Feng Chen, his face full of confidence.

“But now that you are here, you are ready to dedicate your source if you want to.”

When the words sounded, Feng Chen couldn’t help but smile.

“I don’t know how confident you are.”

“Is it a weird family?”

Feng Chen’s words fell into Ye Cheng’s ears, making Ye Cheng’s eyes suddenly startled, and then they flashed past.

“Huh, I’m enough to deal with you.”

Although the stupefaction flashed by, it was still caught by Feng Chen.

As he expected, this Ye Cheng had indeed joined forces with the strange family.

However, there is nothing to be afraid of.


The three characters sounded from Ye Cheng’s mouth.

Ye Cheng didn’t have the slightest temptation, he directly urged the power of the Dao of his body to show his full strength.

He fixed his eyes on Feng Chen and slammed out his palm.

The palm of the hand was rapidly enlarged in the air, and the force of the tyrannical avenue rose rapidly, piercing the void violently.

The huge palm blinked billions of feet, and there was a horror that would shatter the entire chaotic battlefield.

This palm carried the howling wind directly towards Feng Chen.

Feng Chen stared at that palm without the slightest panic. With a thought, the breath of the whole body rose.

The breath instantly permeated the entire world, turning into an endless wave, raging away.

Instead, Feng Chen’s hands changed, and a divine rainbow condensed in front of him.


The divine rainbow changed, bursting out a dazzling brilliance, and the aura fluctuation contained in it was not to mention terrifying.

At this moment, this divine rainbow became the most dazzling color in the world.

Facing the huge palm, he went away suddenly.

Both come up to this kind of earth-shattering offensive.

Under the gaze of the common people, they collided directly with each other.


It roared, the smoke billowed, and the terrible shock wave spread towards the surroundings like a catastrophe.

Under this sky full of vision, the huge divine rainbow directly shattered the huge palm with a kind of crushing force.

After smashing the palm of his hand, Shenhong’s power remained undiminished, and he pointed at Ye Cheng and went away.

The impact caused by the impact caused Ye Cheng’s eyes to constrict.

He had thought that he was not Feng Chen’s opponent, but he never expected that the opponent’s strength would be so terrifying, but he used the power of the Dao to attack.

Feng Chen resisted it so easily.

Although shocked, Ye Cheng’s reaction was not slow, watching the howling of the rainbow, and constantly playing magical powers.

In an instant, the entire sky was blooming under the rendering of magical powers.

Turning to the common people, they heard the constant roar and collision, which was the collision of magical powers and rainbows.

Under the collision, mushroom clouds bloomed and rushed to the sea of ​​clouds.

And this time, after urging countless magical powers, it finally offset the magical rainbow.

But even so, Ye Cheng’s whole person was directly retreated.

Seeing this scene, the faces of all the people were shocked.


Before they were shocked by Feng Chen’s horrible power.


The terrifying vibration broke out again, and after being repelled once, Yecheng was brewing the next killer move.

The breath whistled, Ye Cheng’s whole body rose up, and instantly rushed into the sky.

Under the billowing vision, there was an extra white jade wolf in Ye Cheng’s hand.

Holding the wolf hair, Ye Cheng seemed to be a different person, and the fluctuations in his aura became even more terrifying.

It is true that the wolf in his hand is nothing ordinary.

Ye Cheng glanced at Feng Chen, and immediately waved the wolf in the air in his hand.


For a time, the sky and the earth roared, and the wind rose, and with Ye Cheng’s waving, beams of light were continuously shot from the wolf’s hair.

Each beam of light contains the power of the upcoming time avenue, and even when the surrounding space touches the beam, it is directly imprisoned.

The smoke and dust rippling from the previous collision hovered in mid-air.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. When the imprisoning power radiated from the light beam, the light beams whizzed towards Feng Chen.

The light beams overwhelmed the sky, and the spreading power directly blocked all the space around Feng Chen.

This also eliminates the possibility of Feng Chen leaving the space.

The speed of the falling beams is extremely fast.

Feng Chen stared at the falling light beam, sticking out his hands, and patted two palms in the air.

In the blink of an eye, the palm of his hand was enlarged, and an aura of horror erupted.

However, when he saw this scene, a thick smile appeared on Ye Cheng’s face. He was waiting for Feng Chen to resist with an attack.

Under his gaze, his palm directly collided with the beam of light.

However, in the collision, there was no sound as imagined, but everything was so peaceful.

Looking at Feng Chen again, at this time, a white halo was enveloped on the surface of his whole body.

It is also the envelope of these halos that made Feng Chen levitate in mid-air, and the whole person keeps the movement of the palm of his hand, and the whole person seems to be imprisoned in the air.

“Haha! Everything is over.”

Ye Cheng’s laughter resounded all over the world. He looked at Feng Chen who was imprisoned, and he had obviously expected it a long time ago.

When the laughter sounded, Ye Cheng was also brewing this terrifying killer move.

At this moment, countless people’s faces changed one after another.

“The god son of Yan Luodian seems to have been recruited.”

“Could it be that Ye Cheng can really kill him or not?”

“No way!”.

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