Chapter 343

Feng Chen’s words resounded through the heavens and all realms, arousing the attention of countless creatures.

This Ye Cheng had just made a breakthrough, and he blatantly wanted to fight Feng Chen on the road. They couldn’t think of who gave Ye Cheng the courage.

However, when all beings heard Feng Chen agree to it, they all understood that there would be a big battle in the Chaos Battlefield.

And in this battle, they will surely see how powerful the real God Son of Yama Temple is.

In countless common people’s attention, Feng Chen in the Star Realm glanced at the three women.

“You go shopping first, I’ll go back.”

The three women didn’t say anything when they saw this, but at the moment Feng Chen left, they all got up and went back.

Although they have been bored for hundreds of years and finally came out, their husbands are about to fight on the road, and they are not in the mood to continue shopping.


At this time in the chaotic battlefield.

Ye Cheng’s figure slowly fell.

When the period fell, a laugh came.

“Junior Brother, you are doing very well.”

The person speaking is the universe.

Ye Cheng also looked at the universe, with a look of alertness on his face. Although the two of them were both members of the time domain, he had left the time domain long ago in order not to engage in the dispute between them. Now they have not had each other for thousands of years. See, they are all cultivators of Time Avenue, Ye Cheng-naturally he is on guard.

On the contrary, Tian Zhou’s face was indifferent: “Don’t worry, I said that I won’t shoot you first.”

“After Feng Chen is resolved, you and I will have to fight on the road.”

Ye Cheng was a little suspicious upon hearing this: “Have you suppressed the cultivation base?”

Tian Zhou nodded: “Yes, Feng Chen is always cautious. If you and I break through the chaotic battlefield at the same time, he will definitely be prepared.”

“But now, if you alone break through, he will naturally not be so cautious.”

When the words came, Ye Cheng frowned slightly, and continued to ask: “Yes, there are still three Origin Realms beside Feng Chen. You and I can really suppress Feng Chen by joining forces, but if the Origin Realm behind him shoots If we do, how can we resist?”

In this regard, Tianzhou’s performance is still so calm.

“You can rest assured.”

When the words fell, Tian Zhou thought, as if to inform who.


In an instant, wisps of space rippled up, turning into an extremely terrifying aura and spreading towards the surroundings.

Immediately afterwards, four figures appeared under the distorted space, and these four figures were all powerhouses of the Sixth Stage Origin Realm, but they were all shrouded in darkness, exuding an ominous aura, and they belonged to the strange family. The strong.

At the moment when he saw the weird powerhouse, Ye Cheng’s eyes suddenly condensed, and the power of the whole body rushed rapidly.

“Don’t be nervous, they are here to help us.”

Tian Zhou chuckled softly.

As the words of the universe fell, the four powerhouses of the Sixth Stage Origin Realm all rose up into the air, and their hands changed rapidly.

As they changed their hands, the wisps of spatial fluctuations rippled with faint ripples, and then the immortal aura from the four of them gathered towards the void ahead, obviously preparing a certain formation.

“You colluded with the weird family?”

Ye Cheng glanced, hurriedly flashed, staring at Tian Zhou.

Tianzhou didn’t care about this: “This is not collusion, it can only be said to be cooperation.”

“Use the hands of a strange family to kill Feng Chen.”

“These four powerful masters of the weird race are the top masters of the formation, and now they are personally performing the formation, not to mention the half-step Origin Realm, even the Origin Realm can’t be cracked.”

“As for Feng Chen, as long as he steps into the big formation, he will be directly obliterated, and they will not be given a chance to kill Slaughter Tianzun at all.”

After the words fell, Ye Cheng fell into contemplation.

Although he is unwilling to cooperate with the weird race, he knows that he will not be Feng Chen’s opponent.

Feng Chen is a practitioner of Time and Space Avenue, and sooner or later there will be a battle between each other.

He is not Feng Chen’s opponent now, and he will certainly not be his opponent in the future. This opportunity is indeed the best opportunity to kill Feng Chen.

After thinking for a while, Ye Cheng looked at Tian Zhou and nodded: “I will try my best to lead him into the big formation by then.”

“Haha, really my good brother.” Tian Zhou laughed. What Ye Cheng didn’t know was that when Tian Zhou laughed, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.


Yama Tao domain, Yama Temple.

When Feng Chen returned, Slaughter Tianzun was also waiting for Feng Chen.

Because they also saw the vision of God before.

· ···Find flowers···········


“This Ye Cheng is so confident, I think it’s not easy.” Chaos Sword Sovereign said: “The previous Heavenly Sword Sovereign was like this.”

Feng Chen nodded slightly when he heard the words: “I also thought of this.”

“This time, you can go with me together. I always feel a little uneasy inside.”

Sword Sovereign Chaos and others nodded.

Even Feng Chen felt uneasy, and they all became cautious.

“I will go with you.”

At this moment, the voice of the Lord of Samsara sounded, and then the Lord of Samsara appeared in the hall.

“There are still more than ten years to start the long river weapon dispute. This time, Yecheng is so confident, and things are really not easy. I will go with you to ensure that nothing is lost.”

.. ……… …

The Lord of Reincarnation fell in words.

Feng Chen nodded. The other party said that he could guess a general idea. First of all, to ensure that there is nothing wrong, it was also the battle of the Long River Weapon after the Great War.

Now that the Lord of Samsara is so active, it also means that the battle for the Long River Weapon will be more troublesome.

As for Ye Cheng in front of him, with the appearance of the Lord of Reincarnation, there is no need to worry about himself.

The four powerhouses in the original state, unless the weird ancestor god, that is, the detachment of the awakening, will not be in any danger.



Here the space overlaps, and strands of supreme aura are constantly twisting towards the void, which is the domain of space.

In that palace, the Lord of Space frowned slightly, and first looked towards the direction of the Chaos Battlefield, then his gaze stayed in the direction of the Yama Dao domain.

Ye Cheng’s breakthrough and self-confidence made the master of space a little confused.

Originally, he had no intention of appearing on any next occasions related to the Yan Luo Temple. After all, he was also a little jealous of a force that held the original realm of the three deities. He had a bad relationship with the Yan Luo Temple and the existence of the three powerhouses. , The Lord of Space knows that Yamada Temple will take action on the Daoyu of Space sooner or later.

But the sudden appearance of Ye Cheng’s self-confidence made him have to rethink.

“Does it really have a back hand?”

The Lord of Space does not believe that the other party is not prepared.

After weighing repeatedly, his eyes flickered, and he went straight to the chaotic battlefield. NS.

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