Chapter 329

There was a vision between the heaven and the earth, and the two gray lines full of ominous aura hurriedly, horizontally and horizontally between the heaven and the earth, fell towards the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign.

Facing the attack of the sky star, Slaughter Tianzun could only volley his index finger.


The surrounding emptiness was crazily distorted, and as Slaughter Tianzun’s index finger clicked, a bloody color instantly became all the colors of the entire world.

And in this rich bloody light, there is even more terrifying killing breath.

In an instant, a blood-colored finger was condensed, and it violently blasted towards the two gray rainbow lights.


The two offensives immediately collided, and a huge roar erupted between the world, causing billowing smoke and dust to fill up, and the surrounding space had long been shattered by this violent collision.

However, at this time, he did not pay attention to the visions that permeated the sky and the earth, and his attention was placed in the center of the collision.

The sentient beings saw that the finger of Slaughter Tianzun was too terrifying, and at the moment of the collision, it shattered the offensive of the sun with a force of destruction.

And the blood-stained finger disappeared, and it blasted towards the sky.

The power of a finger bloomed, without the slightest surprise on Tian Xing’s face, looking at a finger that came quickly, his heart moved, urging the huge skeleton to cross in front of him.

Tianxing seems to use a huge skeleton to resist this finger.

Everyone’s eyes were staring, and their fingers suddenly fell on the hole.


Another burst of loud noise, a finger passed directly through the center of the skull, leaving a hole in the forehead.

At the same time, Tian Xing’s body also retreated several steps.

Skeleton was wounded, which obviously consumed himself.

The brief collision between the two caused the whole world to roll around, how terrifying.

After a collision, the Slaughter Tianzun looked at the sky star from a distance.

“Just this ability? Still dare to come out and shout?”

As soon as the words came out, Tian Xing did not instigate at all, but stared at the Slaughter Tianzun coldly.

“I am so embarrassed to say that you are not only the only two things?”

“Isn’t it rumored that you used to be one enemy to three? How can I only explode this power when dealing with my Sixth Stage Origin Realm now?”

When the words fell, the power of Tianxing’s whole body was urged once again.

And at this moment, he seems to be integrated with the huge space above, and there are continuous wis of gray light on his body to connect with the hole above.

When the sky star was connected with the skeleton above, the ominous aura emanating from that huge skeleton was also in a frantic skyrocket.

In an instant.

The skeleton opened his empty mouth.

At the moment when the mouth was opened, the whole world, once again had an endless vision erupting.


The wind whistling, flying sand and rocks, the vision is rolling, as the huge mouth opens, a force that swallows the world erupts from it.

The sand and rocks below, the towering mountain peaks, all moved at this moment, frantically toward the skull’s open mouth.

In an instant, a chaotic scene appeared, and that huge skeleton was suspended in the middle of the heavens, and there was a horror that would swallow the entire chaotic battlefield.

At this moment, feeling this terrifying swallowing power, countless onlookers retreated.

However, the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign was quietly suspended in mid-air, and this powerful swallowing force was useless to him.

Moreover, Slaughter Tianzun is also a little confused, what is the other party doing?

The next moment.

Slaughter Tianzun narrowed his eyes, and he found that the attack of the heavenly stars did not stop there. Where the huge hole and big mouth were, the countless sands and stones swallowed in between the heaven and the earth, and the huge mountain peaks, were directly wrapped in a gray and ominous aura. , Was directly assimilated by the gray aura.

This also caused the power of the gray aura to absorb the sand and rocks between the heavens and the earth, and the mountain rapidly strengthened the attack of the next blow.

Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign was not in a hurry either, just like this, floating in the air, calmly watching the aura in the skull’s mouth soaring rapidly.

Tian Xing also noticed this scene, and a sneer appeared on his entire face.

In a flash.

“Cocky person, go to hell!”

Tian Xing shouted at Slaughter Tianzun.


In the huge mouth of the skeleton, after swallowing the gravel between the heaven and the earth, an attack finally broke out.

It was a huge gray beam of light, like a beam of light that opened up to the sky, blooming in the empty gray mouth.

The gray beam of light, along with the violent roar, burst out in this heaven and earth with power capable of destroying the heavens and the earth…

A huge gray beam of light rolled and moved, crushing one side along the way, and that horrible and unknown breath permeated the chaotic battlefield, scattered in every corner of the heavens and ten thousand realms.

At this moment, everything on the entire firmament was blocked by this huge sky-opening beam of light, and in the eyes of countless creatures, only this monstrous beam of light kept roaring towards the Slaughter Tianzun below.

“Hi! This blow is really scary.”

“Even though they are so far apart, I still clearly feel a strong threat.”

“It’s worthy of being a strong person in the original Sixth Stage.”

“Furthermore, this blow is not very costly to him, but he has absorbed the power between heaven and earth, and then transformed it into his own attack.”

“Killing Tianzun, come on!”

“Don’t worry, Slaughter Heavenly Venerable’s strength is terrifying. Although Heavenly Star’s attack is not bad, it can definitely be resisted.”

“That’s right! After all, the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign has a record of one enemy and three, and also killed two Origin Realm.”


The sentient beings stared at the rapidly falling pillar of light, and they talked about each other.

After all, Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign is God, a strong man in the Yan Luo Temple, and now he is fighting with a strange family of people. They are naturally on the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign side, and they will definitely support Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign.

With all eyes in full view, Slaughter Tianzun watched that the huge sky-light beam also moved.

Everyone saw that at this time, the blood-colored light of the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign’s whole body rose infinitely, and it was very rich, shrouded in the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign, the richness seemed to be substantive.

It is not only the palpitating blood mist, but also the aura of the killing avenue that makes the world live and makes the strange people in the chaotic battlefield fearful.

Immediately afterwards, the blood mist filled him, and as the Slaughter Tianzun’s heart moved, he directly put on a blood-colored battle shirt on his body.

At this moment, the huge pillar of light that cleared the sky fell violently with the power to destroy the sky and the earth.

At the same time, Slaughter Tianzun moved.

Wearing a blood-colored battle suit, the killing avenue swelled all over his body, and his eyes were staring at the huge pillar of light.


Slaughter Tianzun left a blood shadow in the air, and instead of avoiding it, the whole person rushed directly towards the huge pillar of light.

boom! .

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