Chapter 328


The boundless aura continuously diffused from the chaotic battlefield. Originally, there was a battle between the Domineering Sword and the newly broken half-step Origin Realm, but at this time, a strange half-step Origin Powerhouse appeared suddenly, which instantly attracted the attention of countless creatures. .

Beneath the billowing vision, in the boundless gray face, transformed into the figure of a strange family, and at the same time, a palm the size of the sky fell from the sky.

The gray palms cover the sky and the sun, and a thick breath of unknown exudes from it, violently wavering and shattering the space, heading towards the overlord sword.

The power of that palm, the person who used it, was a powerful person of a strange race. What a terrifying strength, he could definitely resolve the tyrant sword with a single blow, and-able to severely inflict the tyrant sword.

Seeing this scene caused an uproar among countless creatures.


When they saw the monstrous palm falling towards the cold light.


The sound of morning bells and drums suddenly erupted from the entire heaven and earth, and the sound rushed into the connotation, shaking the heavens and the world, turning into a billowing torrent, madly rising in this heaven and earth.

At the same time, in this terrifying aura, there is also an extremely tyrannical mass of murder spreading.

The Slaughter Avenue runs through the sky, a touch of blood hung above the world, and it broke through thousands of miles in a flash. This bloody color directly penetrated each plane and blasted toward the huge palm.

The Breath of Slaughter Avenue that suddenly swept through made countless creatures onlookers guess the identity of the other party in an instant.

In the whole world, people who can contain such a terrifying and murderous avenue aura, except for the top powerhouse in the Yan Luo Temple, can not be others.

The strong man of the weird clan also sensed the power of this killing avenue, and instead of panicking, there was a smile on his face.

With all eyes in full view, the soaring blood on the sky, supported by the terrifying killing aura, fell fiercely on the gray palms.


A loud noise exploded above the sky, causing the smoke and dust below to roll.

As for the huge gray palm, at the moment it collided with the blood-colored light, there was no resistance at all, and it shattered directly at the sound.

One blow wiped out the huge palm, and no one stopped the tyrant blade below.

Between the howlings, a sharp chill overwhelmed the sky, carrying a chilling breath, and suddenly fell on the person in the original state of the sword path half a step.

Originally, he was already seriously wounded, and even had no fighting spirit in the face of the tyrant sword. Now facing this sword, how can he resist it.

A knife fell.

The next battlefield belongs to Slaughter Tianzun.

Tyrant turned and left, ready to absorb this source.


With the departure of the Tyrant Blade, the blood was in the air, and the figure of Slaughter Tianzun slowly condensed on the sky, and the whole body was surrounded by a thick blood, condescending to lock the strong man of that strange family.

“Report your name.”

When the words sounded, the strong man of the weird clan gave a sneer and looked directly at the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign.

“Sky Star.”

“I’ve been waiting for you for a long time!”

After the words came, Slaughter Tianzun also showed a smile on his face.

“You are still waiting for me.”

“Those who dare to touch my Yan Luo Temple, this is already your death penalty, you actually arrogantly said that you want to wait for me, it seems that your weird clan has been very bloated recently.”

The conversation between the two fell into the ears of countless people, and it also made their faces show doubts.

Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign is the seventh stage origin realm, and the day star is no more than the sixth stage origin realm, there is a gap in the cultivation base alone.

Coupled with the fact that the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign had one enemy three in the Chaos Battlefield before, it was even more prestigious. No one knew how powerful Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign was.

And this Heavenly Star, facing the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign, is not even afraid at all.

Indeed, Tian Xing obviously knew the strength of Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign, but there was not the slightest fear on his face. He looked at Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign and gave a sneer.

· ···Find flowers···········

“It’s just the little Yan Luo Temple, what’s to be afraid of, my weird clan is so many times stronger than your Yan Luo Temple!”

The voice fell into the ears of Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign, making Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign stunned.

Turning to a sneer: “In that case, I welcome you from the strange family to do it.”

“This is also a better way to show the power of Yan Luo Temple.”

“Sometimes, I underestimate the enemy, the end result is not too good.”


“The battle hasn’t started yet. I don’t know who will win and lose.”

Tian Xing snorted coldly, and the breath of the whole body began to rise, and the entire sky was instantly enveloped by that endless gray light.

.. …….. …

At this moment, the entire sky was shrouded in thick gray, making the entire world look gray.

Moreover, in this gray world, there is still a thick ominous aura spreading rapidly around.

Tian Xing’s eyes locked on the Slaughter Tianzun, and the power of the whole body directly urged.

Click! Click!

At the moment when the stars urged the power of the avenue, the gray light above the sky that was blocking the sky seemed to be guided, condensing crazily.

For a while, the wind screamed, and there was a vision between the sky and the earth, and the boundless gray light directly condensed into a huge skull in mid-air.

The skull is floating, like a horror that swallows the heaven and the earth, and the thick and unknown breath is rushing toward the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign.


Tian Xing stared at the Slaughter Tianzun, and his heart moved.

The huge skull suddenly shook, and a rainbow burst out of the hollow eye sockets.

The bursting rainbow light also showed a kind of gray, and it looked like it was going to be substantive, making people feel the involuntary heart palpitations at first glance.

Two beams of light pierced through the space, rolling down, carrying a force of destroying the heavens and the earth fiercely towards the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign.

Seeing the two gray rainbow glows coming quickly, Slaughter Tianzun’s face was very calm, and as the rainbow glow approached, he slowly raised his right palm.

The blood-stained palm lifted up, as if he wanted to master the world, and when the rainbow light was approaching, the index finger stuck out.

Hum! NS.

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