Chapter 311

As the war unfolded, the battle between the three of them was naturally chosen in the chaotic battlefield.

After all, the three of them are all powerhouses at the Origin Realm level. If the God fights, the entire God cannot withstand the shock wave swept by the offensive collision.

In the chaotic battlefield, the Lord of the Sun stared at the Slaughter Tianzun and directly killed him.

The bright light mixed with the scorching high temperature made the entire chaotic battlefield constantly vibrate.

As the sun lord of the Sun Dao realm, and the powerhouse of the Sun Dao, he made a move and came to him.

Seeing the Lord of the Sun waved his big hand, the sky and the earth shook, and the blazing sun on the sky seemed to be guided, constantly releasing high temperatures.

And around the Lord of the Sun, there has already been an incomparably huge round of condensed sun.

This round of Huanghuang Day is many times more terrifying than the one that blasted Feng Chen before.

The bright sun moved in the sky, almost encompassing the entire sky and covering the earth.

In the big sun that obscures the sky, there is the power to destroy the world and the common people, directly oppressing the entire chaotic battlefield.

Some strange people in the battlefield of Chaos, and the strong human beings showed their awe.

This round of big day, with infinite power, rushed towards the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign.

When the Lord of the Sun performed the ultimate move, the Lord of the Ice also displayed supernatural powers.

The whole body of ice-colored robes danced quickly, and the power of the avenue was urged, and the ice power that was enough to freeze time and space rose.

The ice lord’s whole body was shrouded in a deep chill, and between the rolling, a glacial river of billions of feet tore through the space, condensed.

Don’t look at it as an ordinary glacier, but on this billion-dollar glacier, there are strands of runes lingering. That is the blessing of the Dao. The Dao of the Origin Realm is blessed, and its power is not known how many times it is terrifying.

Everything happened between the electric light and flint, the Lord of the Sun and the Lord of the Ice joined forces, and there was not the slightest amount of support. Once they came up, they determined the magical powers.

At this moment, Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign was completely surrounded by these two ultimate moves that obscured the sky and the sun, and even the space had been blocked by the ice master’s avenue.

It also means that except for the hard shock, the Slaughter Tianzun is impossible to escape.

The Lord of Space looked at these two great supernatural powers, and coldly looked at the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign.

“You must die in this battle.”!”

“Let me join forces and you will die unjustly.”

When the words fell, the Ice Master was not idle either. Although his cultivation base was not as good as Killing Heavenly Sovereign, but now the two are teaming up, and even if the cultivation base is against each other, they can’t lose their momentum.

The Ice Master stared at Slaughter Tianzun and sneered.

“Don’t worry, after you die, I will definitely let him know what life is better than death.”

“District Yan Luodian, I also want to call the wind and rain in God, you are still too tender.”

Accompanied by the words of the two, the sky full of offensive approached the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign.

At this moment, outside the universe, the Lord of Space who was watching saw this scene, and a smile naturally appeared on his face.

“Faced with the magical powers of the two original realms, he is absolutely impossible for him to follow.”

“Samsara, this time you have missed it.”

The Lord of Samsara did not respond when he heard that, he was indeed a little worried.

Even he felt some threats from the offensives of the two great supernatural powers.

Looking at the Lord of Samsara who did not respond, the Lord of Space did not forget to mock and said: “Could it be that the king of you is the Hades?”

“I advise you to forget it. It’s about time. The Hell of the Yan Luo Temple hasn’t appeared yet. It’s impossible for him to show up.”

“Or in other words, his strength is not enough for you to let him join this battle.”

Similarly, not only them, but the countless creatures onlookers also placed on Slaughter Tianzun’s body.

“Impossible! One Origin Realm, it is impossible for him to jointly attack the next two Origin Realms.”

“If the Lord of the Sun had supernatural powers at that time, he might be next at that time, but now he is facing two original realms.”

“It seems that this battle is about to be determined.”

“In other words, after this battle, the Yan Luo Temple will no longer exist?”

“That’s inevitable. If this top slaughter avenue powerhouse falls, the Lord of Space and the Ice Lord will destroy the Yama Temple in the first place, and the Lord of Samsara will not be able to stop it either.”

“Yes, Yan Luo Temple has a deep grievance with the Lord of Space and Ice Lord, and now Yan Luo Temple has offended another Lord of the Sun.”

“Originally, it was a great power of God, but in the end it was about to die. To blame, I can only blame Yan Luodian for being too public, and no one is paying attention to it. Now that it has made too many enemies, it will eventually fall. ”


The voice kept ringing, and it was obvious that in the face of the two great supernatural powers that were about to fall, no one was optimistic that the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign could resist it.

Amidst the many discussions, at the moment in the middle of the battlefield, the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign under the two great supernatural powers had a calm expression on his face.

Seeing the magical powers that were about to fall, the blood of Slaughter Tianzun’s body rose high, and an extremely violent slaughter aura poured out like spring water.

Immediately after Slaughter Tianzun stuck out his palm, it was a bright red palm, even with blood flowing on the surface.

The palm of his protruding hand gently drew a bloody color in mid-air.


Under this bloody color, the space shattered like glass, and there was a shadow condensed like a long sword in the broken space.

Only different from the ordinary long sword is that this long sword is completely bloody, and the killing aura flowing from it penetrates all corners of the chaotic battlefield, making countless creatures fearful.

The blood sword was in the air, but it was a few feet in size. Compared with the offensive of the Lord of the Sun and the Ice Lord, it looked as small as you, even like gravel.


It was this unremarkable blood color that caused some old monsters onlookers to unconsciously spur the avenue, as if to resist something.


When the scarlet sword condensed, the two great supernatural powers fell (Zhao Hao).

“. 々 extinguish!”

A word rang from the mouth of Slaughter Tianzun and rushed into the world.

With the sound of his word, the blood-colored long sword began to bloom.

First, the billions of feet of glacier with infinite chill.


The blood sword fell and collided with the billions of feet of glacier. With the clicking sound, the glacier shattered directly. As for the chill, it had no effect on the blood sword.


The glacier was shattered, and the sound of an explosion came again.

At this moment, all the creatures saw that the blood sword collided with the Huanghuang Sun, and a force like a broken bamboo exploded from the blood sword, smashing the Huang Huang Sun to pieces in response to the explosion.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. At this time, nothing happened between heaven and earth.

However, the surprising silence between the heavens and the earth, as well as the shocked mouths of countless creatures around him, proved everything.

“How can this be!”.

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