Chapter 310

The bright and bright sun above the sky lingers in the eyes of countless creatures, mixed with scorching high temperatures sweeping across the sky and the earth.

The deep chill below turned into a long river. Under this chill, the long river condensed into a glacier, and the sky was frozen by the ice, and the bottom was frozen.

The vision rolled down, and the two original realms released monstrous power.

Although they are two completely different heat and cold, they don’t interfere with each other, because the source of these two auras, that is, the target of the Lord of Space and the Lord of Ice is the Chaos Sword Sovereign in the distance.

The two breaths crushed the sky and scattered the high sky, which also brought the short end of the war underneath.

Because they know each other, their victory in this battle is useless, and the next battle between these three top powerhouses is the real battle.

For a moment, everyone’s eyes were on the three of them, especially the bloody Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign.

“Looking at this situation, the Lord of the Sun and the Ice Lord have joined forces to deal with that source realm powerhouse on the Slaughter Avenue.”

“It seems that Yan Luo Temple is about to fall.”

“Yes, although the power of Slaughter Avenue is not bad, he is definitely not an opponent in the face of two powers of origin, and even one of the top powers of Seventh Stage.”

13   “It’s hard to tell, after all, there is a Yamato appear in the Yan Luo Temple.”

“Yeah! Maybe there is a turnaround.”


Between the world and the earth, all the creatures onlookers were talking about it.

The people in the too vagina area are full of solemn faces at this time.

“How come, how can it recover so quickly!” The heavenly emperor in the too vagina domain said solemnly.

“Yes, he should be seriously injured, why is he recovering so quickly, and even improved a lot.”

“There is no hope. It seems that we are too vaginal territory. There is really no hope today.”

“A Master of the Sun whose cultivation base is even higher, even if we have help, it is impossible for him to be his opponent.”

“What’s more, people are still joining hands with two original realms.”

It is not difficult to see from their words that they are already desperate.

The powerhouses of the Sun Dao Domain had attacked, which made them a little desperate.

In the end, it was the people of Yan Luodian who suddenly appeared, bringing a large number of powerful people to help and let them see hope.

But now, the battle between the original realm is about to unfold, and even when it is still two-on-one, they have lost hope again.

Dongfang Mingyue’s eyes blinked at this moment, glanced at the three people who were about to fight in the air, and then looked at Feng Chen in the distance.

She wanted to thank Feng Chen for coming to help, but she saw that Feng Chen’s face was calm at this moment, and she could not see the slightest panic.

It seems that for the other party, even if the two source realm powerhouses join hands, this killing avenue powerhouse can contend with them.

“Is there really a chance?”

With the sound of Dongfang Mingyue falling, the scorching high temperature in the sky suddenly rose again.

The Lord of the Sun was shrouded in bright light, and under the command of a high order, he looked down at the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign, and said.

“The old man didn’t intend to provoke you.”

“However, if you are looking for a dead end, don’t blame me for being impolite.”

“Today I will let you remember that God is not a place where you can do whatever you want!”

As soon as the conversation turned, the whole body’s aura crazily spread towards the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign.

The Lord of the Sun stared at the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign with a squinting gaze, and said coldly: “There are some things you can’t do, and you can’t do it!”

“Since you have done it, you have to pay the price!”

The words sounded, and the whole world was silent. From the words of the Lord of the Sun, all creatures could feel that this battle was inevitable.

At this time, the Lord of Space, who was watching from afar, smiled. He turned to look at the Lord of Samsara who was blocking him and said with a smile: “It seems that the Yama Temple, which is protected by you, will be destroyed today.”

“Even if you are blocking me now, you can’t change these things. Could it be that you are still thinking that the original realm of this killing avenue can still go against the sky from the Third Stage?”

When the Lord of Samsara heard the words, he smiled coldly: “Don’t laugh too early, it’s hard to say whether it can go against the sky.”

“Besides, the Yan Luo Temple is not as simple as you think.”

In the conversation between the two, they did not know that there was a figure shrouded in endless darkness in the depths of the distant universe, who was the master of the underworld.

He also saw the Lord of the Sun and the Ice Lord joining forces, and planned to deal with the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign.

Seeing this scene, the Lord of Darkness also showed a sneer on his face.

“I’m really looking for a dead end.”



Under the infinitely high heat, Slaughter Tianzun let out a cold snort, instantly dispelling the enveloping heat.

The bloody Slaughter Tianzun’s complexion was calm, and a pair of scarlet eyes fixed on the Lord of the Sun.

“I don’t know if Yan Luodian can do whatever he wants in God.”

“But you can’t stop what we are doing!”

As soon as the words came out, the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign of the original Third Stage Origin Realm began to rise steadily at this moment.

The origin of Fourth Stage.

Fifth Stage Origin…

Under the soaring breath, the strong killing intent in the eyes of Slaughter Tianzun flashed by, staring at the Lord of the Sun.

“You can’t stop what Yan Luodian wants to do, and likewise, today you can’t change the fate of your fall.”

Words fall.

Click! Click!

The sky collapsed, the earth shook, and the wind screamed. At this moment, the whole world was plunged into endless visions.

The monstrous vision that was rolling and moving turned into endless blood, and the entire universe seemed to be shrouded in blood at this time.

And in this endless blood, countless creatures and Tongyan felt a terrifying aura that made them tremble deep in their hearts.

The boundless and terrifying aura of killing swept across the sky, permeating the heavens and all realms.

The Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign, whose breath had soared so rapidly, also stopped its soaring at this moment.


This has shocked the surrounding creatures, especially holding it.

“Seventh Stage Origin Realm!”

The Ice Master exclaimed, he never expected that this Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign would even hide the cultivation base at the beginning.

Actually, from the origin level of the Third Stage, it directly increased to the end of the Seventh Stage’s grievances, and there were four levels of difference. It was like a big difference, and it was not something he could contend.

The Lord of the Sun felt the same breath coming from the Slaughter Tianzun, his eyes condensed, but his complexion changed and he let out a cold snort.

“What about the origin of Seventh Stage! You still can’t change today’s ending!”

When the words fell, the whole body’s breath rose, and the endless light of the whole body madly spread and ascended, dispelling all the blood that was originally shrouded in the universe.

At this moment, the entire universe is directly shrouded in dazzling brilliance, and the source of this dazzling brilliance is the Lord of the Sun.

With the rising of the light, the Lord of the Sun has already moved towards the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign.

Seeing the Lord of the Sun who suddenly smashed out, the Ice Lord was taken aback. After a little hesitation, he gritted his teeth fiercely and released chills all over his body towards the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign.

The war officially begins! .

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