Chapter 299


With all eyes in sight, Feng Chen shattered the Taoist body of Tianzhou, his whole body flashed rapidly and appeared beside Qin Rumeng.

“He gave it to me.”

Qin Rumeng did not hesitate when she heard the words, and she dashed to leave. She had absolute confidence in Feng Chen. Even if the other party was an Immortal emperor, Qin Rumeng believed that Feng Chen would not be defeated.

Feng Chen appeared in front of Shenkong Daozi, his eyes fixed on Shenkong Daozi.

At the same time, Shenkong Daozi’s eyes were also on Feng Chen.

The eyes of the two blinked, waves spreading towards the surroundings, turning into the constant collision of profound light in mid-air.

Feng Chen locks in Shenkong Daozi, in fact, he also wants to try Shenkong Daozi’s strength, if he can personally wipe him out, this lucky child will also fall.

Moreover, you can also test the strength of Tianzhou through the strength of Shenkong Daozi. If Shenkong Daozi is obliterated, he will be able to defeat the opponent when he faces Tianzhou the next time.

When Shen Kong Daozi looked at Feng Chen, he was also a little puzzled. He thought of the crisis he felt when he was in Marble City. The flickering of the Dao Talisman of Destiny was obviously a major enemy nearby.

This time I came to the Star River Realm and took away the space spar. Another point was to check whether this Feng Chen was a major enemy.

The two wanted to look at each other, the light on each other continued to rise.

At the same time, the surrounding space was constantly overlapping, and a wave of coercion continued to flow from the two of them, rushing to the sky, and running through the nine heavens and ten places.

The rich breath of space spread far and wide towards the surroundings. The two of them did not speak when they first met each other, and directly displayed their magical powers.

I saw Shenkong Daozi wave his hand.

Click, click, click.

Surrounded by the blazing light, the space behind it collapsed directly, turning into a huge light and shadow.

The light and shadow that the handle turned into from space contained extremely terrifying and sharp aura, which instantly cut through the sky and slew towards Feng Chen.

In the face of the falling offensive, Feng Chen also waved his palm, bursting out with a biting breath, grabbing the surrounding space directly, and forming a huge knife shadow in front of him.

As the blade shadow changed, the connecting space was continuously enlarged in mid-air, and in the blink of an eye, this huge blade shadow turned into a huge size in mid-air.

In an instant, the huge knife shadow pierced through the void fiercely, and blasted towards the sharp light and shadow of the handle.


The two supernatural powers collided, and a huge roar broke out in an instant.

Under the rolling waves, the surrounding space shattered rapidly.

In the center of the collision, Feng Chen’s attack was directly shattered after the collision.

The two collided with one blow, and the two once again displayed their magical powers.

Under the billowing vision, the people around him were already shocked by the continuous collisions in front of them.

In their eyes, the surrounding space spreads like waves, even like a plaything in their hands.

Of course, it was Feng Chen’s strength that shocked them the most. He obviously fought against Tian Zhou, but he still possessed such terrifying strength.

Although Tianzhou is just a body, it is also a real Emperor Immortal.

Could it be that the Tao body of Tianzhou has been solved, and there is no consumption for Feng Chen?

At this time, the Shenkong Daozi who was fighting with Feng Chen was the deity and the practitioner of the Space Avenue. They could not imagine that Feng Chen would be able to fight against such a powerful Shenkong Daozi with the cultivation base of the ordinary Emperor Immortal. Fight a tie.


The sound of another collision shook the sky, and the two of them were shaken back again under the collision of their supernatural powers.

Shenkong Daozi looked at Feng Chen from a distance, and the breath of his body was still rising rapidly, and he said, “You are indeed very enchanting.”

“However, the difference in realm is not something you can make up for!”

When the words fell, Feng Chen waved his hand.


The surrounding space shook, an endless sharp breath swayed wildly across the heavens and the realms, causing the entire galaxy domain to constantly shake.

In Feng Chen’s hands, there was a blazing light rapidly condensing.

Feng Chen looked at Shenkong Daozi with a sneer: “The difference in realm has to be divided. For you, the difference in realm does not exist.”


At the moment Feng Chen fell, the sky shook directly, and the bright rainbow directly shredded the sky and turned it into a divine rainbow, echoing the smashing spear condensed in Feng Chen’s hands.

With the God-killing Spear in his hand, the fluctuations in the breath emanating from Feng Chen at this moment completely rose, causing the people around him to retreat subconsciously.

At this moment, they felt threat from Feng Chen, a strong threat of death.

Don’t say it’s them, even Shenkong Daozi in the distance, when the Gunkiller appeared, his eyes jumped fiercely, as if he had sensed something.

And as the god son of the space domain, how could he not have a handy weapon…

The rainbow light flashed, the stars flickered, and the billions of stars above the shattered firmament flickered crazily.

In the blink of an eye, the bright stars vented downward, and the phantom of a long sword condensed in front of Shenkong Daozi.

This is a long sword with twinkling stars and a strong breath of space, which is not an ordinary weapon.

Shenkong Daozi holding a long sword, his breath also increased a lot.

next moment.

One person is holding a sharp spear, and the other is holding a star sword, killing each other at the same time.

During the explosion of the two of them, the space collapsed in an unpredictable manner. The sky and the earth had already been screaming, and the sky and the earth shook.

Feng Chen looked directly at Shenkong Daozi, and the sharp gun in his hand changed and suddenly pierced out.


Clanging out, there was a spear light gathering from the sharpshooter’s tip, and the spear light didn’t seem to be the size of a fist.

However, as the spear light blasted towards Shenkong Daozi, and instantly zoomed in the air, the terrifying and sharp power made the whole world shake unceasingly.

Shenkong Daozi’s reaction was also not slow, the star sword in his hand was outlined, and wisps of sword aura were shot out.

And the wisps of sword aura he shot, still attached with wisps of space.

The two attacked again


Although the spear light collided with the sword qi, although it was not a real thing, there was a harsh clanging sound when it collided, and sparks sputtered, causing a strange phenomenon.

The collision was no more than an instant. At the time of the collision, Feng Chen and Daozi Shenkong were already preparing for the next attack.

Click! Click!

The sky shook, the space became chaotic and collapsed, and there was no time for fusion.

Looking at Feng Chen and Shenkong Daozi, they have already met hand-to-hand at this time.

Feng Chen was holding the Killing Spear and shot down with a single shot. The arbitrariness of the world-breaking breath erupted from the Killing Spear and directly fell towards Shenkong Daozi.

With a blow swept across, Shenkong Daozi hurriedly waved the star sword in his hand to resist.


At this moment, Shenkong Daozi only felt that the power from the Killing Spear was like a mountain-like horror, making him extremely strenuous, and the palm of his hand holding the Star Sword was trembling.

A collision sounded again. Everyone saw that Shenkong Daozi was shaken back for a few steps during this collision. On the other hand, Feng Chen didn’t move at all, and even stepped towards Shenkong Daozi to kill again. .

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