Chapter 298

The eyes of the common people were on Feng Chen who smashed the universe with one punch.

They were shocked by the power of the god son of the Yan Luo Temple.

At the same time, the universe reunited the body, and the breath of Pei Ran continued to spread, staring at Feng Chen.

“As the god son of Yan Luo Temple, he is so cruel, but the other party will kill him if he just said a few words? Isn’t it a bit too much~?”

“Besides, they are all beings of God, how can they get down-such a dead hand.”

The awe-inspiring voice of Tianzhou’s righteousness-resounded throughout the world.

And listening to Tian Zhou’s words, Feng Chen showed a sneer on his face.

“If you want to be able to reveal the bright spots with your own deity, why should you be so hypocritical?”

“And people who have reached this level, who cares about this?”

When the words fell, Feng Chen paused and continued.

“Since they dare to provoke me, they must be prepared to die!”

A word fell into the universe like a breeze, falling into the common people and moving, causing their bodies to tremble.

This sentence made them feel a terrible crisis.

As soon as the voice fell, Feng Chen turned into an afterimage, pointing straight at the universe and shooting away.

When Feng Chen exploded, his hands changed rapidly, and the bright light bloomed in his hands.

An aura capable of destroying the heavens and the earth spread wildly, causing the entire galaxy domain to continue to roar.

It was the sound of air waves falling on the peaks, smashing the peaks.

Accompanied by Feng Chen’s rapidly changing hands, the blooming light condenses into a magical rainbow, which travels through the world and shocks hundreds of thousands of miles.

Seeing Feng Chen killing him, Tian Zhou waved his big hand, and wisps of halo flowed from him, surrounding him.


Looking at the halo, Feng Chen snorted coldly, and the halo was also rippling all over his body, covering the surroundings.

Seeing that his radiating power had no effect on Feng Chen, Tian Zhou waved his big hand quickly.


There was a crisp sound, and a sapphire-colored light on the sky condensed crazily, but in the blink of an eye, it condensed into an extremely huge mountain.

It’s just that this mountain is the color of sapphire, and there are strands of runes lingering on it, and the breath of eternity continues to spread.

The mountain peaks condensed and fell quickly, with the goal of Feng Chen.

Feng Chen looked in his eyes, unmoved at all, still adopting a burst shooting posture.


When the mountain fell, Feng Chen hurried forward, Shenhong collided with the mountain, and the tyrannical force directly shattered the mountain.

At this moment, Feng Chen is carrying a killer move, as if entering the land of no one, tyrannically landed on the universe.

Seeing the truth, Tian Zhou hurriedly danced with his hands, and a huge barrier appeared in front of him.


The Divine Rainbow fell on the barrier, and the powerful force shattered the barrier in a single encounter, and the Divine Rainbow fell fiercely on Tianzhou.


After receiving Feng Chen’s blow from the front, Tian Zhou spit out blood, his face instantly turned pale.

With a hit, Feng Chen did not hesitate, and once again used his ultimate move to kill the universe.

And then, in the eyes of the surrounding beings, the shock that appeared for a long time could not dissipate.

They saw Tian Zhou, a giant of Immortal Emperor, retreating steadily under Feng Chen’s offensive, and there was no room to fight back.

Moreover, their offensive seemed so slow in their eyes that they could even see Feng Chen and Tian Zhou raising their palms and waving their fists.

For this scene, they naturally knew that this was the ability of the universe, the ability of the time avenue cultivator, which could slow down the enemy’s speed to a certain extent.

Although in their opinion the attack of the two was so slow, in the middle of the battle, neither of them knew how many rounds they fought.

After a round of battle, Tian Zhou’s figure was retreating steadily and bloody, and he was not Feng Chen’s opponent at all.

At this moment, far away, Shenkong Daozi, who was fighting Qin Rumeng, glanced at the celestial universe being crushed and beaten.

Seeing this scene, Tian Zhou was equally astonished, and he was very clear about Tian Zhou’s talent and combat power.

Even if he is facing Tian Zhou, he must treat it with caution, it is impossible to crush Tian Zhou like Feng Chen.

How strong is this god son of Yama Temple.

“Dare to be distracted?”

Qin Rumeng snorted, and his jade hand turned into a biting attack, constantly launching killer moves to fall on Daozi Shenkong.

Shenkong Daozi hurriedly resisted, barely resisting Qin Rumeng’s attack.

The two battles between heaven and earth attracted everyone’s attention.

Especially the battle between Feng Chen and Tian Zhou, mainly because they couldn’t imagine an ordinary Immortal emperor. When would they be able to crush and beat the Immortal emperor?

As far as I could see, there was another explosion resounding through the world.

It is the battlefield where Feng Chen and Tianzhou are fighting.

In the original battle between the two, Tianzhou could still use some magical powers to resist, but as the battle continued, Tianzhou didn’t even have time to display magical powers.

Feng Chen’s offensive was like a storm, and even rushed to the front of the universe.

It’s an almost hand-to-hand method.

Although it is a hand-to-hand method, it is full of beauty.

Or in other words, it is unilateral beauty.

Feng Chen’s fists fell at the same time, and Tian Zhou, who had already been bleeding, resisted in a panic.


There was a burst of sound, and blood spattered.

The universe was bombarded again.

At the moment when the sky was blasted into the sky, Feng Chen’s expression changed, his right fist condensed, and an extremely terrifying force spread along his fist.

And all of them are still quickly absorbing the breath of heaven and earth. In the blink of an eye, Feng Chen’s right fist was already as bright as daylight.

Looking at Tian Zhou, who had not stabilized his body in the distance, Feng Chen exploded with his body and blasted directly with a punch.


With all eyes in sight, Tian Zhou had no time to resist, and was directly hit by a punch, turning his entire body into blood mist again.

But this time, Tian Zhou had no chance to condense his body again, and completely disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

One punch, another punch!

This punch fell into the eyes of sentient beings, making the color of astonishment on their faces more intense.

At this moment, the world fell into absolute silence except for the constant collision of Qin Rumeng and Shenkong Daozi in the distance.

All the common people’s eyes were on Feng Chen, and they were shocked.

“An ordinary Emperor Immortal, but destroyed the universe!”

“That’s the god son of Time Dao Realm, who can become the Lord of Time.”

“It was so destroyed?”

“How terrifying is the cultivation base of the God Child of Yama Temple?”

“No, the Dao just now should be the Dao Body of the Universe, it shouldn’t be so weak.”

“It seems to be the Dao body.”

“But even the Dao body, can it be so easy to kill with the cultivation base of the Immortal emperors present here?”

The words sounded, everyone was silent, only their eyes were on Feng Chen, and they were shocked.

When they were shocked by Feng Chen’s strength, they saw Feng Chen’s gaze looking into the distance, the battlefield of Shenkong Daozi that had not yet been determined.

Immediately after that, a more terrifying aura rose rapidly from Feng Chen, with a hot color in his eyes.

“He…what is he going to do!”

“He doesn’t want to fight Shenkong Daozi still.”


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