Chapter 288

It is a good thing to have so many domains to surrender, but these people are too troublesome to manage.

Their own cultivation base is similar to them, so it is the best choice to give them to Chaos Sword Sovereign.

Simply deal with the things under these domains.

Feng Chen blinked, remembering the previous conversation with the Lord of Samsara, and immediately looked at Chaos Sword ~ ​​Zun.

“You go tell the Lord of the next reincarnation, I want to see-Ming Wushuang.”


An afterimage was left in the main hall, and the Sword Sovereign Chaos had disappeared.


Here is an endless void, and a vast palace sits above the thirty Third Stage sky.

In the palace, there is a hazy figure standing, unable to see its face, and unable to distinguish gender. It is like a phantom, more like a late old man.

But the standing twilight old man’s eyes were filled with calmness.

This is the Lord of Destiny, Ming Wushuang, who originally belonged to God’s top powerhouse.


The void rippling and ripples, a figure slowly condenses.

Sensing the arrival of the other party, Ming Wushuang was still so calm.

“Samsara, you haven’t been here for a long time.”

The Lord of Samsara glanced at Ming Wushuang and sighed: “I didn’t expect you to have reached this point.”

“The sacrifice you made back then was too big.”

To this Ming Wushuang is still as calm as water: “There is always someone to sacrifice, and as the lord of destiny, this is what I should be.”

“You are not here just to see me.”

The words sounded, and the Lord of Reincarnation said: “I’m here to tell you a piece of good news.”

Although it is good news, there is no expectation in Ming Wushuang’s eyes. It seems that for him, there is nothing in the world that can make him happy.

However, the next words of the Lord of Samsara sounded, and Ming Wushuang was not calm in an instant.

“I have found the emptiness of destiny.”


Fate Wushuang, who had been calm as water, followed the words of the Lord of Samsara, his eyes condensed fiercely, locking onto the Lord of Samsara.


The Lord of Samsara looked serious: “Really.”

After being confirmed, Ming Wushuang had a breath spreading around his body, as if relieved, but his face was full of excitement.

The Fate of Nothingness is the only thing he can be excited about.

At this time, the stone in the heart of the emptiness of destiny also fell.

“Like a dream.”

The words rang.

The void rippling and rippling, turning into a wave of fluctuations.

In turn, a shadowy lotus moved slightly and slowly came.

Qianying looks beautiful, black silk pouring down like a waterfall, on that delicate face, at this moment, full of respect, looking at Ming Wushuang, it is Qin Rumeng.


With the sound of the two words, Qin Rumeng looked at Ming Wushuang, her beautiful eyes blinked, and she clearly sensed something, and her delicate pretty face instantly turned pale.


Without waiting for Qin Rumeng to say anything, Ming Wushuang said with a smile.

“I have lived for several epochs as a teacher, and I have long been an old monster. What I have been doing for my life as a teacher is to find the fate of the nihility. Now that the destiny of the nihility is present in the world, the task of being a teacher has been completed.”

“As for being a teacher, being swallowed by the chaos, the final result must fall. However, it is only a matter of time that the fall is now. Instead of staying here in a muddle-headed manner for the last hundred years of light and shadow, it is better to go out earlier and let the teacher have a look. This beautiful god.”

The sound fell, and the whole hall was silent.

Both the Lord of Reincarnation and Qin Rumeng knew what Ming Wushuang meant by this sentence.


The Lord of Reincarnation sighed, Ming Wushuang, as the Lord of Destiny, no one knew his destiny better than him. He only sighed.

Qin Rumeng was silent, but her beautiful eyes were already moist. He quietly looked at Ming Wushuang in front of him, and forcibly resisted without speaking.

Ming Wushuang was most relieved, and looked at Qin Rumeng with a smile on his face: “Now that the man with no destiny has been found, it is time to go as a teacher.”

“After you leave as a teacher, you proudly follow this fateless man and help him save God.”

Qin Rumeng kept nodding his head, tears in his eyes swirling, if it hadn’t been Ming Wushuang here, he would have cried.

As Ming Wushuang’s voice slowly fell, the Lord of Samsara spoke.

“In that case, I will bring the Fate of Nothingness.”

To this Ming Wushuang waved his hand: “No need.”

“I said just now, let me take a look at this last god, besides, my old bones are still walking, let’s go directly.”

The Lord of Reincarnation nodded slightly when he heard the words: “This is also good.”

A word rang, and the bodies of the three people slowly disappeared from the Three Destiny Hall.

When they reappeared, they had already come to the universe.

· ···Find flowers···········

Ming Wushuang hovered in the void, looking at the surrounding universe, the smile on his face grew stronger.

“It seems that God has not been peaceful recently.”

The Lord of Samsara nodded: “Presumably you have sensed it too.”

“Recently, the movements of the weird people are a bit big.”

“It looks like a war is coming, but I don’t know the strength of this fateless man.”

After a few short words, the three of them disappeared into the void again. When they reappeared, they had already arrived at the Yan Luo Dao realm.

The three of them just fell, suddenly.


The space was rapidly distorted, and the endless breath of killing on the sky spread madly.

A breath of slaughter that can directly obliterate billions of creatures quickly enveloped the three of them.

.. …… 0

Under this horrible killing, the Lord of Samsara’s complexion instantly became dignified, which reminded him of the scene of the assassination of Feng Chen by the powerful man on the Void Avenue. At that time, what he felt was this terrifying aura of killing. , I didn’t expect to be locked this time, and the sense of crisis was so strong that the Lord of Samsara was shocked in his heart.

But Qin Rumeng was instantly pale, the suffocating oppression, the terrifying breath of killing, made her body tremble involuntarily.

Unlike the two of them, Ming Wushuang has a smile on his face.

In his opinion, the more powerhouses around the Fate Void, the more he can reverse his destiny in the future wars.

“Please inform Feng Chen that the Lord of Destiny is here.”

The Lord of Reincarnation looked at the place where the killing aura was strongest and said.

Even the Lord of Samsara used the word “please”, which shows how powerful the Slaughter Tianzun shocked him.

This also proved the strength of Slaughter Tianzun, even surpassing the Lord of Samsara.


In the hall, Feng Chen is teaching the Dadao.

I have to say that although Tyrant Sword is powerful, but in terms of doing things, it is really inferior to Chaos Sword Sovereign.

Tyrannical Dao was too resolute, and he would start fighting if he didn’t agree with him, his temper was a bit fierce.

Just because some of the Immortal Emperors and the Immortal Kings had different amounts of Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, they almost killed each other.

“Your honor, Ming Wushuang is here.”

Suddenly, the voice of Slaughter Tianzun sounded.

Feng Chen smiled and looked at Ba Dao: “I’ll talk about it later.”

At the same time, Feng Chen also walked out of the hall and personally greeted Ming Wushuang. NS.

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