Chapter 287

The battle between Sword Sovereign Chaos and Overlord Sword thoroughly made the reputation of Yan Luo Dao domain and Yan Luo Temple thoroughly resounded to God.

If the original Mie Ling Zun Mountain and Fu Cang Demon Palace were just an appetizer, the two battles that passed can be regarded as the real main course.

Two half-step primordial masters, and even a kendo master who is infinitely close to the primordial realm, have become the real hegemonic power.

The existence of countless strong men is jealous, and one must know that the king of the Yan Luo Temple in this battle has never appeared.

For a time, many forces, besides fearing the Temple of Yama, have some speculation about the King of Yama.

Most of them are guessing the strength of the king of Yama. After all, being able to control the king of Yama, and being able to make an existence who is about to become the sword master as his subordinate, the strength of this king of Yama must be unfathomable.


The maple leaves kept ringing against the sound of the wind, and the endless maple trees were full of vitality.

And above the maple trees all over the floor is a huge palace.

In the hall at this time, countless powerful men stood one after another, including Emperor Immortal, and even several giants of Heavenly Emperor.

But at this time, their gazes were all on the top emperor headed by them.

“My dear, what are we going to do next?”

“Now the strength of Yan Luo Dao domain is so terrifying, there are many strong people, and our Lan Feng Dao domain is so close to Yan Luo Dao domain, I feel that Yan Luo Dao domain will come to our Lan Feng Dao domain sooner or later.”

“Yes, although Yan Luo Daoyu is a newly emerging power, the strength of the Chaos Sword Sovereign and Tyrant Sword is too terrifying.”

“Your Excellency, say something that shouldn’t be said. We are now the closest to this thriving Yan Luo Dao domain, so let’s just surrender.”

As soon as the words came out, the whole hall was silent.

Especially the top emperor of heaven, his complexion was even more solemn.

It stands to reason that they do not have a half-step Origin Realm in the Lanfeng Dao domain. Although they are not a top-notch power in the heavens, there is no way that they are right next to the Yan Luo Dao domain.

Everyone present also knew that if Yan Luo Daoyu’s next step was to expand its power, their Lanfeng Daoyu would definitely be the first.

However, if they are allowed to surrender willingly like this, no one can accept it, but they have no choice but to surrender. After all, they don’t even have a half-step Origin Realm powerhouse.

“Huh, why surrender? Although my Lan Feng Dao Domain is not as good as Yan Luo Dao Domain, I still have a backbone.”

“That’s right, if the people from the Yan Luo realm really dare to come and let us regain it, I don’t think other realms can stand it either.”

“When the time comes to arouse group anger, even if the opponent is Yan Luo Daoyu, it will definitely not be able to bear it.”

“The big deal and Yan Luo Daoyu are dead.”

Words fall.

“If you want the fish to die and the net is broken, your fish is not qualified.”



A voice rang from high in the sky, and the senran chill spread rapidly, turning into a majestic power and enveloping the entire hall.

The breath of sharpness carries an endless breath of arrogance, even if it is the powerhouse of the half-step Origin Realm, he can’t breathe under this pressure.

At the moment of feeling this breath, everyone’s complexion changed drastically.

Looking at Tyrant Sword, it has already appeared in the hall at this moment.

Ba Dao’s gaze looked at the Heavenly Emperor powerhouse.

“Surrender to the Temple of Yama.”

There are not many words about Badao, but the meaning is very clear.

After a word, the strong man’s complexion changed.


“I Lan Feng Daoyu agrees to surrender.”

Even if this strong man is unwilling, he has no choice. First of all, he is not able to deal with the tyrant sword in front of him, and he also clearly knows the working style of Yan Luodian.

If he dared to disagree at this time, then they would be greeted by the destruction of the entire Dao Realm. As for the arrogance in their mouths, the moment they saw Tyrant Dao disappeared.

And to take a step back, there is nothing wrong with surrendering to the Temple of Yama.

It is only a matter of time before the Chaos Sword Sovereign of the Yan Luo Temple becomes the master of the sword. The Overlord Sword in front of him is very likely to become the master of the sword.

After getting a reply, Ba Dao nodded in satisfaction.

“Take a list of all the personnel and give me a copy.”



“Get ready, join the Yan Luo Temple.”

Here, the Canglan Daoyu surrounding the Yanluo Daoyu was also in a huge palace, and a strong man from the Heavenly Emperor who was infinitely close to the half-step Origin Realm looked at the many strong men in the main hall and said.

The Emperor Immortal and the Heavenly Emperors below nodded to each other.

“My lord, I have already ordered to go down.”

“Haha, it would be great to be able to join the Temple of Yan Luo. The Temple of Yan Luo is now one of God’s top forces. Not only is there many strong people, but also protected by the Lord of Samsara. No one dares to provoke existence in the entire God. ”

“As the saying goes, those who are aware of the current affairs are talented, and joining Yan Luodian at this time is the best choice. Otherwise, they will be forced to surrender by the strong Yan Luodian. The two are completely different.”

Listening to them, the strong man also nodded with a smile.

“Yes, although I am now the peak strength of the Emperor of Heaven, I don’t even believe that I can reach the half-step Origin Realm. This will definitely not be able to protect the Canglan Dao Domain with my strength in the future.”

“And now, as long as you join the Yan Luo Temple, who will you be afraid of being bullied?”


At this moment, Jian Yin rose up, and the raging breath of swordsmanship stretched across the sky, and the bright light turned into a divine rainbow running through the nine heavens and ten places.

That terrifying breath of swordsmanship instantly changed the expressions of everyone in the hall.


Without the slightest hesitation, when everyone in the hall felt this breath, they burst out shooting towards the outside.

What they saw was the Chaos Sword Sovereign.

There is no need for Chaos Sword Sovereign to speak, the Heavenly Emperor expert hurriedly said.

“I am willing to join the Yan Luo Temple.”


With the fame of Yan Luo Temple, it became the overlord power of God, and the surrendering of surrounding forces has once again made the reputation of Yan Luo Temple famous, and its overall strength has skyrocketed.

And the surrender of each Dao Domain, the news spread, and it also made countless Dao Domains choose to join the Yan Luo Temple.

In the Yama Temple at this moment.


Sword Sovereign Chaos and Ba Dao looked at Feng Chen with respectful openings.

Feng Chen said calmly: “How is it?”

Chaos Sword Sovereign responded: “The expansion is almost complete, all the large and small Dao areas around, the strength has been surrendered.”

“Roughly counting, we now have thousands of Immortal Kings in the Yan Luo Temple alone, even the Immortal Emperor has hundreds.”

Feng Chen nodded slightly when he heard the words: “There are quite a few people.”

There are indeed many. There are thousands of King Immortal alone, plus the Chaos Sword Sovereign, the Overlord Sword, and the secret Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign, and the Temple of Yama is definitely the top power in the heavens.

“These surrender domains will be handed over to you to manage.”


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