Chapter 270

“Haha, how can I be missing from the kendo war!”

A long roar came, carrying the supreme swordsmanship, and the wave of horror followed that sound approaching and crushing one side, turning into infinite sword energy, and rushing to the nine heavens and ten earth.

Such a terrifying swordsmanship swept through, and instantly attracted everyone’s attention, including the Chaos Sword Master and the Holy Sword Master who were about to go to war.

Looking at each other at the increasingly close figure, there was a hot color in their eyes, and they knew who it was without the other person showing up.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, the figure in the depths of the universe is fast. After all, there are billions of shining sword lights behind him. The entire universe is rusty, and the terrifying sword energy directly propped up the entire universe.

The figure came across the border, traversing countless universes, staring at the two people on the Yan Luo Dao realm.

The figure in the sky and the earth overlooks the common people, as if above all the common people, the sword aura is lingering, like an emperor.

The figure arrived instantly, and under the endless bright sword intent, everyone vaguely saw this figure 13.

“It’s Venerable Heavenly Sword!”

“Isn’t he in the Chaos Battlefield! How come he suddenly came.”

“Just kidding, both Chaos Sword Sovereign and Sacred Sword Sovereign Swordsman are both half-step original kendo masters. Now that the two-person kendo fight is the first person in the world, he is bound to be there.”

“Moreover, the sword master in the battlefield of Chaos has fallen, and it is bound to be even more chaotic. It is most appropriate to come back at this time.”

“It’s really lively now. Three top half-step primordial kendo powerhouses appear at the same time. Next, it is bound to be the sword master.”

“The appearance of Venerable Heaven Sword also means that if the battle between Venerable Chaos Sword and Venerable Holy Sword wins, he will face Venerable Heaven Sword.”

“In this battle, one person is destined to become the true sword master.”

At the moment when Venerable Tianjian appeared, countless creatures were all talking about it, even the top powerhouses of the Origin Realm focused their attention on them.

Swordsmanship was originally called peerless. After the fall of the sword master, some strong swordsman appeared in the heavens and ten thousand realms, in order to compete for the last sword master, because there was only one sword master.

If anyone becomes the master of the sword, that must be the number one swordsmanship in the heavens and all realms.

Now there are only three top kendo half-step origins in the world, and at this time they are gathered together, it is impossible to not attract attention.

With all eyes in sight, the Venerable Heavenly Sword in the universe looked down at the two people below, and vomited numbers indifferently.

“If either of you wins, then you will be eligible to start a swordsman battle with me and compete for the last sword master.”

As soon as this remark came out, it caused an endless uproar again.

Their speculation at the time when they were only talented, and what Venerable Heavenly Sword said personally now made them look forward to it.

When the Chaos Sword Master and the Holy Sword Master heard the words of the Heavenly Sword Master, the hot light in their eyes rose endlessly.

The same as Kendo, in order to be the ultimate sword master, who doesn’t want to achieve it.

Looking at each other for a while, the awe-inspiring sword aura burst out endlessly.

Venerable Holy Sword heard a voice.

“Today I will swallow you, kill the Venerable Heavenly Sword, devour the source, and become the master of the sword.”

Sword Sovereign Chaos heard the words, his expression didn’t change in the slightest, and he was still so calm.

“With that said, I would like to thank you for coming to send the source to help me devour Venerable Heavenly Sword.”

“Huh! It’s not ashamed to say that since I learned kendo, there has never been a kendo man who dared to say this to me.”

“Never lost! Today is your death date.”

When Chaos Sword Sovereign heard it, he suddenly remembered the words before the battle between Tyrant Sword and Divine Sword, and he couldn’t help but blurt out.

“You haven’t been defeated, you didn’t meet me!”

Between words.


The swordsman cried, and the Zhu Immortal sword in the hands of the Chaos Sword Sovereign was radiant, and the aura suddenly skyrocketed.

A strand of sword energy shattered countless planes, piercing through layers, as if cutting the entire universe apart, slashing down towards the Holy Sword Venerable.

The Sovereign Sword stared at the sword light that smashed down horizontally, his eyes condensed suddenly, and the whole body of the sword condensed above the three-foot green front in his hand.


A sword is in the air, imitating swordsmanship, strands of supreme sword aura condenses into a bright rainbow, and a moment of terrifying coercion swept across, and the sharp breath spread endlessly in all corners of the universe.

The kendo condenses, transforms into a rainbow light, and then swings down.

this moment.

In the universe, all the rays of light have been concealed, only the two endless rainbow lights horizontally above, the sharp and powerful pressure emitted has already penetrated through the nine heavens and ten earth, shaking the past and present.

Sword Dao is abundant, and it spreads endlessly. Before the collision of these two rainbow lights, countless creatures are already trembling constantly under the overwhelming coercion.

Those two rainbow lights carried the eyes of countless people, especially Venerable Heavenly Sword, both of which are swordsmanship, so he can naturally clearly feel the horror of the sword displayed by the two.

Especially the sword that was dropped from the hands of the unknown swordsman, even his heart was palpitating, and for a while, he couldn’t help but glance at the Chaos Sword Sovereign.

It is just like this, under the gaze of countless eyes.


The two rainbow lights collided, and in an instant, the universe shook, the sky trembled, and the sound of morning bells and evening drums fell into the ears of countless people.

At the collision, a tyrannical shock wave was set off, and everything was cleared along the way, not to mention the Immortal Emperor, even those half-step Origin Realm onlookers could not help under this terrifying collision, and their heart was shaken, repeatedly Back.

However, they are still staring at the center of the collision. This is the first real collision between the Chaos Sword Master and the Holy Sword Master. This collision will represent the strong and the weak. .

As far as he could see, the rainbow light cut by the Chaos Sword Sovereign penetrated the sky, shattering billions of stars, and carrying the Supreme Sword Dao to suppress it, the blow that the Holy Sword Sovereign exerted was only a slight resistance or two.


The rainbow light that pierced the sky was like glass, shattering at the sound, and at the same time, the attack of the Chaos Sword Sovereign screamed down, approaching the Holy Sword Sovereign.


A brief collision suddenly revealed the results, and the Holy Sword Venerable looked at the falling supreme rainbow pupils in a daze.

But the reaction was not full, and Qing Feng swiftly swung his hand, and a sword aura whistled out in an instant, trying to smash the falling rainbow light.


Loud noises kept coming, and the attack of the Chaos Sword Master was completely crushed by a series of offensives of the Holy Sword Master with a destructive force, and the terrible rainbow light fell on the Holy Sword Master.


Suddenly withstanding a blow, the Holy Sword Venerable instantly spurted blood, splashing blood on his body.

However, he is a strong man in the half-step Origin Realm, and he will not die after taking the blow of the Chaos Sword Sovereign.

But the shock filled his heart.

“How can this be!”.

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