Chapter 269


The sword roars forever, and the sword aura runs through the sky, and is wantonly in the universe. At this moment, the sword aura emanating from the body of the Primordial Chaos Sword and the Holy Sword makes the long swords of the heavens and ten thousand realms vibrate and groan, as if they are in the universe. Worship the emperor in general.

The two stood tall in the universe and wanted to look at each other, bursts of swordsmanship, almost to be substantive.

Under this terrifying kendo, countless people were both fearful and excited.

After all, this is a battle of swordsmanship, and there may be a sword master in this battle!

“This battle…”

The Domineering Dao in the Yan Luo Dao realm looked into the universe, and looked at the two of them and pursed their lips. There was a hot color in their eyes.

But after all, this was a battle of swordsmanship, and his swordsmanship was naturally unable to participate.

Besides, he also knows the Chaos Sword Sovereign. In this battle, he has absolute confidence in the Chaos Sword Sovereign.

Feng Chen on the side also looked at Chaos Sword Sovereign.

With the fall of the sword owner two days ago, the Overlord Sword swallowed the magic sword and became the first existence under the heavens and the world to become the sword owner.

And now, the battle between the Chaos Sword Sovereign and the Holy Sword Sovereign will also be the same.

Even though there is still a Heavenly Sword Venerable in front of them, if the Chaos Sword Venerable wins this battle, the Heavenly Sword Venerable will naturally not be a problem.

When the Chaos Sword Sovereign completely defeats the Heavenly Sword Sovereign, it also means that the Yan Luo Temple will once again add a strong general, then attack the dark realm, and will have greater confidence in the face of that day.

Outside the universe at this time, countless strong men have appeared one after another, looking at the two people who are about to go to war in the universe.

Most of these people are half-step Origin Realm, and there are even powerful powerhouses in Origin Realm. They are also paying attention to this battle.

After all, this is the most swordsmanship battle, to attack Wushuang’s swordsmanship, the result of this battle will affect the existence of who can become the sword master in the end.

“The battle for the origin. Some time ago, the lever was due to the fall of the sword owner and there was a sword fight. I didn’t expect the two swordsmen to sit still so fast.”

“The battle between the two will determine who will face the Venerable Heavenly Sword, and it will also represent the final ownership of the Sword Master.”

“I think the Holy Sword Lord is stronger, let alone the previous record, the Holy Sword Lord has stayed in this state for too long, too long, and the cultivation time does not know how many epochs, facing the Chaos Sword Lord, he will definitely win. .”

“I don’t think it is necessarily. Have you forgotten the previous battle between the master sword and the magic sword? The magic sword is the master of the sword master. I don’t know how many epochs after practicing, and it has been hailed as the second only to the master sword. Exist, but wasn’t it still swallowed by the powerful tyrant in the end?”

“Although there are many people in the heavens and thousands of realms, they have never lacked evildoers. Perhaps this Chaos Sword Sovereign is the latter. It is possible to rewrite the arrogance of the Tyrant Sword and swallow the Holy Sword Sovereign. ”

“It’s hard to say that the two of them had a brief eye contact, and neither seemed to have the upper hand, but the Holy Sword Venerable looked so calm and confident, and he committed suicide in the realm of Yan Luo. They must have a lot of things. grasp.”

For a time, the opinions were divergent, and they were very excited about this kendo battle.

The kendo war is not encountered once in several epochs, but as long as it encounters it, it will inevitably be a terrifying battle in which the heavens and the earth collapse, the universe collapses, and the heavens and worlds are shaking.


at this time.

In the depths of the chaos, a hazy world, countless chaotic auras fell, and then spread with astonishing auras.

The chaotic battlefield where the avenue is not visible and cannot be covered.


The roar of morning bells and drums continued to erupt, and that raging chaos spread across the chaotic battlefield.

The breath of horror was frantically high, and the chaos was at its extreme.


A group of figures flew out, their faces full of shock.

Because of the fall of the sword master, chaos has already been set off in this chaotic battlefield.

“The chaotic battlefield at this moment is too chaotic.” The young man holding a long spear gave a solemn sound of the sharp spear.

“Yes, the master of the sword is in the original realm, but he has been swallowed by a strange family, how can it not be chaotic.” The voice of the heavenly sword v. carrying the long sword was a little low.

Since the fall of the Sword Master, he and the Gunslinger have been hiding in the Chaos Battlefield. Although they are half-step Origin Realm, they belong to the top powerhouse outside, but here is the Chaos Battlefield, and the real battle must be counted in the Origin Realm.

“It seems that this chaotic battlefield can’t stay longer…”


As soon as the voice fell, the sword groaned, and the sword intent came fighting, and the long swords on the back of Venerable Heaven Sword were all trembling.

Feeling the sweep of this sword intent, the slight solemnity on Venerable Heaven Sword’s face turned into a smile.

The sharp spear on the side also smiled: “It seems that people from the outside world can’t wait, they actually started the kendo battle.”

Speaking and looking at Venerable Sky Sword: “This time I want to congratulate you in advance, the next sword master.”

Venerable Heavenly Sword smiled confidently: “The battle of Swordsmanship, I think it is Venerable Swordsman and another half-step man of Swordsmanship.”

“It just so happens that the current chaotic battlefield is too chaotic, you and I don’t have to stay, I want to go out.”

The sharp spear nodded slightly: “I have left the sharp spear domain for so long, and it’s time for me to go back.”

As soon as the voice fell, I couldn’t help but sigh: “But the next time I meet, I’m afraid you are about to take that step.”

There is self-confidence in the words.

After all, Venerable Heaven Sword is recognized as the first person in kendo among the heavens and ten thousand realms. This time it happened to be the kendo fight outside, so he, the first person in kendo, will definitely touch the threshold when he goes out.


Venerable Heaven Sword left a long roar, which turned into a sword light and went straight to the battle of kendo.

Seeing Venerable Heavenly Sword going away, the Gunslinger glanced at the chaotic battlefield of chaos, and did not stay too much, leaving the battlefield of chaos.


In the universe, the two wanted to look at each other across hundreds of millions of stars, and the kendo breath of each other’s bodies skyrocketed wildly.

The horrible fluctuations spread endlessly, as if to shatter nine days and ten places.


With a sword chant, the Chaos Sword Sovereign’s hand suddenly appeared, the bright light blasted into the depths of the universe, the dignified sword energy instantly condensed, and the Chaos Sword appeared in his hand.

The Holy Sword Venerable also did not let it go too much, a ray of blue light flickered, shining in the universe, turning into endless rainbow lights and condensing into strands of sword aura.


When the two were about to start a battle, a voice suddenly came from the depths of the chaotic battlefield.

“Haha! Sword fighting, how can I be lost!”.

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