Chapter 266

“This will be normal competition!”

The Lord of Space said slightly.


The figure gradually dissipated, and finally disappeared completely.

Watching the departure of the Lord of Space, the Lord of Samsara’s eyes flickered, and he didn’t know what he was thinking. In the end, he didn’t say anything, and he didn’t use the past Tyrant Sword to leave.

It seemed that the previous shots were really just starting with one’s heart, and had nothing to do with Ba Dao.

In the vast chaos, Tyrant Sword sat cross-legged, slowly absorbing the source of the magic sword, and his aura gradually became stronger.

The breath of the whole body drew the avenue, and a white light straddled the sky. It was an extremely sharp long knife, as if to cut the entire chaos out, it was amazing.

With the sublime repair of the overlord sword, a vague figure appeared on the path of the sword.

And that figure is a tyrant sword impressively.

This means that the overlord knife has its own aura engraved on the avenue, but it is not complete yet, if it can swallow the two sword path half-step origin realm, the aura and the figure will completely overlap.

Ultimately control the entire knife path.

Time is long.

Ten years are fleeting.

Ba Dao slowly opened his eyes, and the white light above the sky vibrated, turning into a ray of light that poured into Ba Dao’s body.

It didn’t take long for his breath to converge, not as blatant as before, and no breath permeated.

It looks extremely calm.


Tyrant Dao had no words, and left directly across the void.

Watching the Tyrannical Blade leave, the many powerful people in the heavens slowly narrowed their sights, and their divine minds collided in the void.

“The magic sword has fallen, and God estimates that no one can stop the tyrant sword.”

“Hey, this time the Great Dao Controversy has come to an end, and the last person should be Tyrant himself.”

“The fall of the sword master is a good thing for the existence of some swords, but it is also a bad thing, at least it is a bad thing now, with the overlord sword in front of them, those old monsters, those who have the opportunity to be better. The existence of layers is probably scared. ‖

“It is inevitable to be afraid, and one step further is the time of death. It is estimated that any creature will not do this.”

“Instead of becoming a half-step primordial body, it is better to live forever as a heavenly emperor.”

“There shouldn’t be anyone competing for this knife path anymore”

“Perhaps after countless years, someone like a tyrannical sword appears, maybe they can still fight!”

“This sword-dao fight, I don’t know how long it will be the winner.”

“The fall of the sword owner gave the sword repair a way forward, but the fall of the divine sword and the rise of the overlord sword broke this road again.”

These old monsters can see clearly.

The fall of the sword master seemed to give God’s sword repair a path, and gave those sword repairs who had been stagnant at the level of the emperor for countless years to have further skills.


The fall of the divine sword and the rise of the tyrant sword made everyone completely desperate, and the tyrant sword was too terrifying and powerful.

Let them feel no hope.

The Great Controversy.

There is only one word fight.


If there is not enough strength, or the strength does not match.

This struggle becomes death.

The sacred sword’s body fell, making some sword repairs desperate, knowing that they weren’t opponents, once they entered the half-step original state, it would be giving away the head, which would only make the domineering sword more powerful and have more chances to take that step.

To this.

This went one step further and became a desperate situation, a choice that many sword repairmen did not want to choose.

No one wants to die, especially their existence who have lived for countless years.

Rather than become a half-step Origin Realm and die, it is better to live forever as the Emperor of Heaven, even if the strength is not as good as the former, but at least it will not die, will it?

To this.

Some old monsters will say that the master of the sword has opened a new path, and the sword has cut off this path.

It’s not without reason.

Unless there are some existences who are not afraid of death, feel that they still have hope, and are fighting for it, perhaps there is a real opportunity to make Tyrant Sword go further.

If not, Tyrant Sword might have to stagnate the entire level for countless years, and even no Sword Master would be born.

But let these sword repairs dare not go further, part of the reason lies in the Lord of Samsara.

The appearance of the Lord of Reincarnation made some people persuaded.

At least I don’t dare to play black hands in secret.

Because of this, they even dare not do that.

“Hey, the road ahead is cut off!”

In a certain universe, a heavenly emperor-level existence said sadly, this is also a sword repairman.

Even he can go further at any time.


He dare not.

He didn’t want to give the head away.

Without the overlord sword that absorbed the origin of the divine sword, he could no longer contend.

Now that the Overlord Sword had absorbed the origin of the Divine Sword, he was even more hopeless.

Moreover, with the protection of the Lord of Reincarnation, they did not dare to play black hands.

At least for a short time.

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“. 々 Honor!”

It didn’t take long.

Tyrant Dao came to Feng Chen and the others, his aura was reduced, but no one could notice it.

“Good job!”

Feng Chen nodded, admiringly said.

The Tyrant Sword is the first existence under his command that is closest to the Origin Realm, although the Chaos Sword Sovereign is not weak, and with the Immortal Sword, even the Origin Realm can fight.

But after all, it didn’t absorb the origin of Kendo, and in terms of the way out, it was not weak against the sword.

But the combat power is not good (by Li’s).

Although the two are also evildoers, after all, the sword of Chaos Sovereign is more dominant, and the Overlord Sword may not be the opponent.

“Since you are back, we are almost back.”

Feng Chen said lightly.

After the battle between the Overlord and the Magical Sword, the Wanbao Conference in Wanbao City had already ended, and Feng Chen also got what he wanted.

The reason for staying here is just waiting for Tyrant Dao to come back.

Now that Ba Dao is back, he can go back naturally.

And that’s it.

The matter of the Gunslinger Domain has not been resolved yet.

“Sharp Spear, Venerable Holy Sword.”

“The two half-steps in the original state should be able to solve it, but without the original state in charge, it is still a little worse after all.”

“After you go back, you have to consume your points well.”

“Hope to come to the Origin Realm this time?”

Feng Chen whispered in his heart. .

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