Chapter 265


The collision of two powerful origin realms, the mighty wave, almost broke through the entire chaos!


A big hand stretched out, and the space was like a stack of paper, shrinking continuously, as if to bring the entire chaos into the hands.

This is the ultimate spatial ability, which can continuously compress the surrounding environment, even in life and death.

In the eyes of such existence, everything can be contracted.

This is the master of space, the master of the avenue of space.


Right here, a low shout sounded, a mysterious force spread out, and the entire space was gradually regaining.

It didn’t take long.

An existence shrouded in dim divine light slowly walked out, his breath was extremely terrifying, suppressing nine heavens and ten earth, overlooking the past and present.

Standing on the long river of time and space, like the most noble existence, like the supreme ruler, in charge of everything.

“What exactly do you want to do in the space, the old man has said that no one can intervene.”

This being has deep eyes, an astonishing coldness brewing, and a terrifying chill permeates out, making 13 countless creatures dare to chill, and their souls tremble.

“I don’t want to do anything. The old man once owed the sword owner a favor, and promised that if he is in trouble with the magic sword, the old man must save his life!”

A voice came slowly.

Follow closely.

The space continued to spread out, and a figure slowly walked out, with a Demon force on his body, making it impossible to see his face clearly.

It stood there, everything seemed very peaceful, it seemed unobtrusive, but it made people tremble.

Lord of Space.

As for the other is the master of reincarnation.

Both of them are God’s top powerhouses, and they are also extremely old, and they are currently the oldest group of people in God.

When the two ancient Taoists were born, the entire chaos was silent, and the sentient beings fell silent, looking at the two beings standing in the depths of the chaos in awe.

Both of these two are big shots, and once they get angry, the whole of God may be shattered.

In the eyes of these existences, the universe is just like tiny dust, and in a single thought, countless universes can burst.

“Reincarnation, I acted because of the favor of the master of the sword, and why are you? This person has no reason with you, why do you want to help him!”

The voice of the Lord of Space is very indifferent, without any emotion, making people unable to hear any tone.

As if talking about an unrelated thing.


His remarks attracted the attention of countless strong people.

Everyone is also curious.

The Lord of Space’s move is excusable, after all, it is normal to owe the sword owner a favor, and it is normal to save the magic sword.

And why is the Lord of Reincarnation like this?

Is Tyrant Sword related to him?

Or do you say that the origin of Tyrannical Blade actually came from the Lord of Samsara, which made it difficult for him to know how?”

These things made everyone puzzled.

I really want to explore the mystery inside.

“I really have nothing to do with him, but his talent is hard to see in the world. Even the talent of the sword master cannot be compared with him.”

“Existence like this, even the endless years of God, is an extremely rare existence.”

“If this kind of existence can grow up and enter the original state, it may not be able to reach the level of our own.”

“If he reaches the level of ours, we will not be so troubled when we face a strange family in the future.”

“And the old man will never see evildoers fall.”

The Lord of Samsara replied calmly.

“you sure?”

The Lord of Space looked at the Lord of Samsara deeply, and if he changed to someone else, he might still believe it.

But the Lord of Reincarnation deliberately took action for the sake of God, in order to prevent the evil of God from falling?

Is that possible?

If this is the case, the Lord of Reincarnation would have taken action long ago instead of waiting until now.

For countless years of God, countless evildoers have been like crucian carp who crossed the river, and they have seen existences like the overlord sword.

It’s just that the vast majority of this kind of existence has reached this level, and the rest have basically fallen because of some things.

However, the Lord of Reincarnation did not take action on the fall of these existences.

And now.

The Lord of Reincarnation has taken action.

If there is nothing tricky.

The Lord of Space would definitely not believe it.


The voice of the Lord of Samsara is calm, without any fluctuations.

It seems to be so general, people have to be convinced.

Upon seeing this.

The Lord of Space looked deeply at the Lord of Reincarnation, and said lightly: “I don’t need to intervene in the Great Dao Controversy, and I believe that the rest of the Origin Realm will not interfere.”

“However, if you want to go to the end, the protection of the Origin Realm is useless. The real problem is the half-step Origin Realm itself, which is the most dangerous existence.”

The Great Controversy.

The Origin Realm has never been shot, because this is a rule.

If the Origin Realm manipulates these, or secretly shot, save a half-step Origin Realm to become the Origin Realm.

Not only did God’s internal origins shoot, but also the chaos rules.

The chaos rule’s punishment is extraordinary. Although it will not destroy the original state, it will also have great trauma, and it will take endless time to recover.

More serious, even the realm will be knocked down.

These are verified by someone.

To this.

The Origin Realm basically does not intervene in the Great Dao dispute.

Just like the master of space.

It’s only at the end of the game, trying to keep the magic sword, although there are punishments, but it doesn’t hurt or itchy.

It’s not a big deal.

Although the original state can not be shot.

But it doesn’t mean that half of the original source realm cannot be shot.

Some evildoers are under the siege of some half-step Origin Realm, unable to resist at all, and this will fall.

It’s as if there is only one person or two of Tyrant Sword, and the other party has four or five people. How do you fight?

It’s impossible to beat it.

Even if you are an evildoer, you can’t stand alone against a few Half-Step Origin Realm, unless it’s really going to the extreme.

It’s just such a existence, very few.

It is almost invisible.

Even if it is in God, it is only a handful.

“If you want to get through the great dispute, it’s all on your own. If he can’t, I won’t bother!”

Speaking of which.

The Lord of Reincarnation has a flat tone, but with such a chill: “It’s just that I hope it’s normal competition.”.

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