Chapter 250

The central universe of the Tianhuo Dao realm, here was originally the base camp of the Tianhuo Tiandi, but his palace.

With the central universe as the center, it dominates the entire sky fire domain.


With the fall of the Heavenly Fire Heavenly Emperor, the Heavenly Fire Universe also completely changed hands, and all the powerful under the Heavenly Fire Heavenly Emperor were beheaded, leaving nothing left.

It’s like Lingzun Mountain.

It didn’t take long.

The Temple of Yama occupies the entire central universe, directly changing the realm of Heavenly Fire to the realm of Yama.

In God.

There are many Dao domains, as many as tens of thousands, and each Dao domain has countless universes, just like a plane.

And these Dao domains are also different, the closer the Dao domain to the chaos center, the better, and it also has great benefits for cultivation.

Although the Skyfire Domain is not close to the center, it is also at the edge, and the position of the plane is very good.

at this time.

Above the starry sky of the Yan Luo universe, there is an extremely large palace. It is above the thirty Third Stage sky. It is magnificent and luxurious, and words are indescribable.

In a courtyard of the palace.

Feng Chen sits on a stone bench, and beside it stands an enlightened tea tree. The tea leaves are misty and converge in avenues.

In front of Feng Chen, there are Chaos Sword Sovereign, Tyrant Sword, Kong Xuan and others.

“What is the attitude of the rest of the forces in the Dao Realm now!”

Feng Chen raised his head, looked at everyone, and said lightly.

There are still a lot of forces in the Tianhuo Dao realm, but the Emperor of Heaven is not many, there are only three people.

One is Lingzun, and the other is Skyfire. As for the other, after the death of the two, they have completely left the Skyfire domain.

It seems to be scared.

“Your Excellency, after the death of two emperors, and the departure of one emperor, the rest of the forces did not dare to resist and all surrendered.”

“They will follow the previous rules of the Skyfire Dao realm and worship them normally!”

Kong Xuan replied.

There are many forces in the Dao domain, and they generally control a Dao domain. Many forces in the Dao domain choose to worship, basically once every 10,000 years.

“Just surrender. These forces don’t need to pay attention, they just follow the past, but if they dare to have different intentions, if they don’t keep one, they will all be wiped out.”

Feng Chen said lightly.

Occupying the Heavenly Fire Dao Domain, he was just looking for a place to stay, and he had not chosen the Heavenly Fire Dao Domain, but just chose the universe where the Spirit Venerable was located.

It’s just that the Heavenly Fire and Heavenly Emperor are looking for death, so he has no choice.

By the way, he won the Tianhuo Daoyu and then renamed it Yanluo Daoyu.

Feng Chen didn’t have any other ideas about these Daoist forces. These guys obeyed and let them go. If there is any disagreement, then get rid of them by the way.

after all.

These forces can’t threaten Feng Chen, and in his eyes they are just a bunch of ants.

“Jianzun, you go to the dark realm and destroy the Cang Demon Palace.” Feng Chen ordered.

This time he came up to God and destroyed Cang Demon Palace and Lingzun Mountain. This was the original goal, and then it was the Sharp Spear Domain.


Lingzun Mountain is gone, and Cang Demon Palace naturally can’t wait long.

Although in the dark realm, Feng Chen doesn’t care.

Because the dark realm is chaotic, even if Cang Demon Palace is destroyed, no one will care.

“Yes!” Chaos Sword Sovereign nodded.

Then his figure disappeared and left the place.


Feng Chen instructed Tyrant Dao and others: “Send people to go to the rest of the Dao realm to collect news about Dongfang Mingyue and Tianzhou.”

“There is news about the other half-steps of Sword Doctrine!”

These are the things Feng Chen should pay attention to at present, and they are also one of his next plans.

Dongfang Mingyue, his future Taoist companion, but he doesn’t know where Dongfang Mingyue is for the time being, so he has to ask Tyrant Dao and the others to collect some news.

At the same time, the ancient rhyme poems are also being collected, and the two-pronged approach, it may not take long to get the news of Dongfang Mingyue.

Needless to say, Tian Zhou, the reason that led to Zhong Yun and Gu Yunshi’s rebirth, and this guy is extremely difficult to deal with, also a practitioner of Time Avenue, if Feng Chen wants to enter the original realm in the future, Tian Zhou is a threat.

With Tianzhou’s time talent, it shouldn’t be difficult to step into the half-step Origin Realm.

As for the remaining half-step original realm of Sword Doctrine, that is one of the goals of helping the Chaos Sword Sovereign to reach a higher level.

As long as the Chaos Sword Sovereign becomes the original state, Yan Luodian has the opportunity to fight in the depths of the chaos.

Not limited to this place.

If you want to practice fast enough, if you want to get more opportunities, the depths of chaos are the best.

Otherwise, those top Dao domains would not gather in that place.

After the order was over, everyone left one after another.


After a long time.

Gu Yunshi came over, came to Feng Chen and said: ‘husband, my father is here. ’


Feng Chen’s eyes flashed with light, and he was also quite curious about this deity.

after all

This is also a monk who is a half-step Origin Realm.

“Let him in.”

at the same time.

Feng Chen asked the former Chaos Sword Sovereign to return.

If you want to talk to the half-step original state, you must have the same level of existence.

It didn’t take long.

A figure in a golden robe walked over slowly. He looked like a middle-aged man with a calm face and sharp eyes.

It’s just that his age has long been known for hundreds of millions of years.

The gods seem to want to say that the middle-aged people in high positions, although they have powerful pressure, do not have the terrifying pressure of powerful monks.

“Uncle. Please sit down!”

Feng Chen stood up, calmly faced the gods, pointed to a stone bench next to him and said

“You are very good!”

The deity looked at Feng Chen carefully, and then said with a smile: “My daughter’s eyes are really sharp, she can find you in an ordinary universe, young talents like you, with your talents, are among the top ranks in the whole God. It is a great generation! ”

The gaze of the gods is so sharp, you can see at a glance Feng Chen’s extraordinary, time-space Dao body, this physique is placed in the whole heaven, and it is also a earth-shattering physique, with the talent that directly connects to the original realm.

“Uncle joked.”

Feng Chen smiled lightly and said modestly: ‘There are many outstanding people in God, Feng Chen may not be comparable to those outstanding people. ’

“Then you are too modest, there are not many talents like you!” The god said with a sigh.

at the same time.

Sword Sovereign Chaos came out of the void, without any aura in his figure, but made the expression of God Sovereign dignified and full of tension. .

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