Chapter 249

“Do you know where this is!”

“Have you ever thought about the consequences of killing people in the realm of my Skyfire Dao!”

This mysterious heavenly emperor is the master of the heavenly fire realm.

Heavenly Fire Heavenly Emperor, because the Dao of Fire has its origin state for a long time, his avenue of cultivation can only be stuck at the level of the emperor, unable to leap forward, and cannot enter the origin state.

But even so, the strength of the Heavenly Fire Heavenly Emperor is extremely extraordinary, not much worse than some half-step Origin Realm.

“What’s the consequence!” The Chaos Sword Master smiled softly, the Immortal sword in his hand whispered, and a bright light rose behind it. It was a sharp sword with unparalleled sharpness, as if to take the entire sky. All beheaded.

A powerful and terrifying coercion swept across, the Chaos Sword Sovereign seemed to be the supreme ruler, wherever he looked at, he was in his own domain.

In this realm full of boundless edges, the Heavenly Fire Heavenly Emperor’s pupils shrank, his heart trembled, and he said with a trembling voice: “Swordsmanship half-step original realm.”

Feeling the breath of Chaos Sword Sovereign, Tianhuo Tiandi felt a little regretful in his heart.

If he knew that the opponent was in the half-step original state, he would not come out.

Although his strength is extraordinary, he has the ability to contend with the half-step origin realm, but it depends on what half-step origin realm.

If it’s kendo, he can’t compete.

The strongest attack is not to be a joke.

Even if he is such an evildoer, facing the existence of Chaos Sword Sovereign, it is just vulnerable.

Tianhuo was silent, and he couldn’t wait to slap himself.

What a special thing.

I knew it first to find out what the situation was talking about.

Facing the incomparable Chaos Sword Sovereign, Tianhuo Tiandi bit his head and said, “This senior, I just joked.”

“I have nothing to do with Lingzun, even my enemy.”

There is no way.

Thinking of the existence of Chaos Sword Sovereign, he couldn’t contend at all, and the opponent had the ability to kill him. If he didn’t give in, it would be death.

Temporary submission is not a shameful thing.

after all.

If you can get to this level, you will basically encounter some things to make yourself surrender, and you can only go further if you surrender.

Haughty, arrogant.

These Heavenly Fire Heavenly Emperors have them, but once faced with a life threat, it doesn’t matter if these things are abandoned.


“That’s not what you said just now.”

The Sword Master Chaos drew up the Immortal sword, pointed at the Heavenly Fire Heavenly Emperor and said faintly

“I was just joking.”

Tianhuo Tiandi forced a smile.

“Take me without dying, I can spare you!”


Hearing what Chaos Sword Sovereign said, Tianhuo Tiandi gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice.

If the contradiction between the two sides can be dissolved with just one sword, it is obviously a good condition.


He didn’t believe it, he couldn’t take the opponent’s sword even after he practiced it.

How to say.

He is also able to contend with the existence of the ordinary half-step Origin Realm.

Although unable to contend with monsters like Chaos Sword Sovereign, it was extremely easy to take the next sword.


A sword chirping sounded, turning around nine days and ten places.

Follow closely.

The Chaos Sword Master held the Immortal Sword in his hand, his eyes were calm, there was no splendid sword technique, no exquisite sword skill, only a simple sword.

With a single blow, he headed towards the Heavenly Fire Emperor.

Everything looks very ordinary, like a mortal wielding a long sword, without the slightest fluctuation.


This sword was constantly magnifying in the eyes of Tianhuo Tiandi, and at the same time, his heart was constantly pressing.

He trembled in his heart, even some panic, some fear.

It seems that this sword is extremely terrifying.


A sword fell, and the sword light flickered.

In an instant.

The whole world fell into silence, as if time and space had stagnated, everything was frozen at that moment.

Under the dazzling sword light, everything lost its light, as if that sword light was the most dazzling thing in the world.


The space splits directly like a mirror, and the body of the Tianhuo Tiandi is directly cut into two traces along with the space.

There was a bang.

Tianhuo Tiandi’s figure is like glass, directly blown to pieces, turning into ray of light.

at the same time.

Behind him, a long river emerged, and an astonishing sword light swept across countless phantoms in the long river.

These are all ghost images of the Heavenly Fire Emperor.


A terrifying explosion sounded, shaking the earth, shaking the entire universe, as if an explosion that can subvert everything, countless stars exploded and the galaxy shook…

After a long time.

The light dissipated, and a ray of light flickered, condensed into the appearance of Tianhuo Tiandi. At this time, he was extremely frightened, looking at the eyes of the Chaos Sword Master, full of boundless fear.

He almost died just now, if it weren’t for the treasure to protect him, he might have disappeared long ago.


Heavenly Fire Heavenly Emperor seemed to want to say something, suddenly his figure exploded, and a touch of sword energy burst out from his body, directly slaying his soul and exterminating everything.


A dull, Tianhuo Tiandi completely fell here.

in a blink.

The smoke disappeared.

An extremely powerful emperor fell.

“The Immortal sword is really powerful!”

Sword Master Chaos touched the Immortal Sword in his hand, and his eyes were filled with joy. If it weren’t for the power of the Immortal Sword, Heavenly Fire and Heavenly Emperor might have escaped.

It’s just that the pursuit of the Immortal sword is too powerful, even if the Heavenly Fire Emperor uses a special treasure to defend it, it can’t stop the terrifying sword aura.

It can only be said that Tianhuo Tiandi escaped for a while, but could not escape for a lifetime, the sword of the Chaos Sword Master was like a bone gangrene, and when he felt safe, he instantly killed him.

Tianhuo Tiandi fell.

Countless creatures in the universe are silent, don’t know what to say.


In the past, the god dragon saw the existence of the emperor’s level with the head but not the tail, and at this moment two of them have fallen.

When this shocked them, they were also a little lost.

When is the emperor so easy to kill?

“Sword repair is really horrible, no wonder it has been rumored that it will not provoke Jian Xiu, and the whole family will feel at ease.”

“With the death of Emperor Tianhuo, the entire Tianhuo Dao domain will be in chaos.”

“Chaos? Not so, it is estimated that this one will take over the Skyfire Dao domain.”

“Before, the Heavenly Fire Heavenly Emperor was also robbed of the Heavenly Fire Dao Domain by killing other strong men. Now he is just repeating what he did back then, except that he has become the one who was robbed.”

“If he is patient and doesn’t scold this person, maybe the end will be different.”

Many strong people talked, and their spirits collided.


Most of them knew that the sky fire domain was about to change ownership. .

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