Chapter 242

One Immortal emperor had fallen like this, and the rest of the strong figure trembled, and their hearts were terrified, and they didn’t dare to do anything.

after all.

Having learned from the past, they don’t want to follow in the footsteps.

“If you don’t leave, you can’t live without it.”

‘Hey, the Temple of Yama, maybe you can hear the name of this power in God in the future! ’

“Sharp Gun Daoyu lost a Taoist and also lost a heavenly emperor. With their style of action, they will definitely not let go of the Yan Luo Temple. Maybe it won’t take long before another great war breaks out.”

“The Sharp Spear Realm has a half-step Origin Realm strong presence. If that one makes a move, Yan Luodian will also be difficult to contend.”

The divine thoughts collided, and all the Immortal emperor’s existences left one after another. At the moment of the Heitian Tiandi, it was already doomed to belong to the heart of the era.

They did not compete for the opportunity at all.

However, there was a heavenly emperor and a Taoist who fell in the magic gun realm, which made many people interested.


Gunslinger domain has always been domineering, and now the loss is so great, it will certainly not let the Yama Temple go.

I just don’t know which half-step Origin Realm will make a move.

If it is shot, Yan Luodian is bound to be unable to contend.

This is most of the thoughts, the Chaos Sword Sovereign had shot before, but the traces were erased, so they did not know the Chaos Sword Sovereign’s strength.

To this.

Thought the Chaos Sword Sovereign was only at the level of the Emperor of Heaven.

“Let’s go, too, there is no hope for Era Heart.”

The old man of the Emperor of Heaven rolled up his apprentice, turned into a ray of light, and headed towards the sea of ​​bounds.

Originally, he wanted to fish in troubled waters.

But with the fall of Heitian Tiandi, there may be two heavenly emperors in the Yan Luo Temple on the plane, so he gave up directly.


“it is finally over.”

Feeling the departure of many powerful people, Feng Chen looked at the heart of Era in the sky, his eyes flickering.

have to say.

This thing is indeed a good thing. It can allow the Immortal Emperor to break through and enter the Immortal Emperor level.

It’s just too difficult to show up.

He had drawn a similar one before, which had been absorbed by Kong Xuan, so Kong Xuan didn’t need the heart of this era.

But Yuanyi can absorb it, and he is one step away from Emperor Immortal.

“Yuanyi, you absorbed that stuff in the past.”

‘I hope you can directly enter the level of Emperor Immortal. ’

Hear the words.

Yuan Yi looked happy and said in a low voice; “Thank you, Young Master.”

Between words.

Yuan Yi flickered, left the void, came to the place where the two worlds merged, walked directly into the light group, sat cross-legged, running the magical powers in his body, refining the heart of this era.


“Husband, pay attention to this sharp gun domain.”

“The ancestor behind Gu Zian is a Half-Step Origin Realm. Although it hasn’t appeared for many years, this time the sharpshooter domain meteorite is so heavy that it is very likely that the half-step Origin Realm ancestor will return.”

The ancient rhyme poem cherished Feng Chen and said.

The Magic Spear Domain is no small thing. It is also a famous power in God. After all, there is a half-step Origin Realm who is in charge, much stronger than those in Demon Palace.

“But you don’t need to worry about your husband. I will convince my father to help you. My father is also a Half-Step Origin Realm. If my father and Chaos Sword Sovereign join forces, he may not be able to kill the Half-Step Origin Realm of the Sharp Gun Domain. But it can leave him helpless.”

God, the father of ancient rhyme poems.

This person is relatively low-key, and he entered half a step into the original state many years ago, but it has always been low-key, coupled with the indisputable concept of Shenzun Mountain, which leads many people to think that the god is just an existence at the level of the emperor, and they don’t know it. The true strength of the gods.

It is precisely because of the low-key that people in Lingzun Mountain don’t care about Shenzun Mountain very much.

Even when I heard the name of Shenzun Mountain, he was just a little jealous, but he didn’t stop because of it.

Because in their view, Shenzun Mountain is similar to them, at best it is only slightly better, there is no need to be afraid.

It’s just that they don’t even know.

Shenzun Mountain is just low-key. If that godzun really makes a move, Cang Demon Palace and Lingzun Mountain will undoubtedly be destroyed.

No one can stop it.

“I know all this.”

Feng Chen’s eyes flickered. He had seen all the memories of ancient rhyme poems, and he naturally knew the power of the gods.

It’s just that since he wants to do it, it’s not to let the sharpshooter realm jealous, but to punish it.

“However, I don’t have the rules of letting the tiger go back to the mountain. Instead of making this sharpshooter realm jealous, I might as well punish the half-step original realm of the sharpshooter realm. In this way, there is no major enemy, and there is no need to worry about them.”

The strength of the half-step origin realm is too strong, you know it after seeing the Chaos Sword Sovereign.

To this.

Feng Chen wanted to do it and killed the half-step Origin Realm directly, but made him jealous.

“It’s just a husband. It’s extremely difficult to kill half of the original source realm. Their spiritual aspirations are pinned in the avenue. Unless they can find their spiritual aspirations on the avenue where they are located, or destroy the entire avenue, it will be possible to do so.”

Ancient rhyme poem said helplessly.

If it can be killed, it is definitely the best.


It’s too difficult to kill half a step of the origin realm. Even if it is not the real origin realm, it still has some powers that follow the origin realm, such as pinning the divine consciousness in the avenue.

And this kind of sustenance is much stronger than Heitiantiandi, almost integrated with the avenue, it is difficult to find. .

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