Chapter 241

“Do not!”

Heitian Tiandi screamed in horror, the dazzling light bloomed, the dazzling knife light slashed down, and Heitian Tiandi’s figure exploded.

Follow closely.

Endless darkness emerged, a vast avenue emerged, with an endless cloud of divine light, and under these divine lights, there was a divine mind, and this divine mind was the Heitian Tiandi.

call out.

The light of the sword was like a tarsal bone, and as soon as Heitian Tiandi’s divine mind was revived, this light followed.

Before he fully recovered, the blade light shone, with unimaginable power, directly obliterating the divine mind of the Heitian Tiandi.


With the collapse of Divine Mind, the Dark Avenue vibrated, like a piece of Wang Yang, vibrating.

But soon, as if losing power, the Dark Avenue was completely annihilated.

With the destruction of the Dark Avenue.

Heitian Tiandi never appeared again, the aura and soul were completely annihilated in this world.

“The Emperor of Heaven is dead.”

The Immortal emperors who had not completely left before saw this scene and fell into a sluggish state.

This is the Emperor of Heaven, the extreme existence of Emperor Immortal, possessing mysterious powers that kill them like dogs butchers.

Since it has fallen at this moment.

Somewhat untrue.

Make these Immortal emperors like dreaming.

“Damn, who said this is just a small place?”

‘It’s so hell, there is an emperor in such a place, and it can kill the emperor? ’

“Whoever says this is a small place, I’ll be anxious to anyone.”

“Fortunately, we left. Otherwise, we will not be eligible to participate, and we will not be involved in the war between the two emperors.”

These immortal emperors who have not yet left cursed in their hearts.

When I first came here, it was also rumored that it was relatively small and lacking in resources, and there was no powerhouse, so I came to fight for it.

but now.

They regretted it immediately.

Where is this small place actinium


The emperor has fallen.


“Master, the Heitian Tiandi has fallen.”

The heroic young man hesitated and said to his master.

Master guessed wrong this time.

This battle has not been a great battle for hundreds of years, and the Heitian Tiandi is also dead, it is not going to fight to the end at all.


The old man was a little embarrassed, coughed a few times, and said: “If it is normal, Heitian Tiandi will definitely not die. I can only say that this tyrant knife is too enchanting, so that the teacher will look away.”

“Then we continue to fight for Master?”

“This Yan Luo Temple does not seem to be as simple as we thought. The Tyrant Sword does not seem to be their ultimate combat power. I heard that there is also a swordsman who kills the Immortal emperor like a chicken. It is very likely that he is also a heavenly emperor.”

“It doesn’t seem to be a good choice for us to have a bad relationship with Yan Luo Temple for the sake of this era.”

The young man said cautiously.

Although he is very confident of his master, but Yan Luodian seems more terrifying?

And even though his master is the emperor of heaven, there is no shortage of emperors on the opposite side, and he has just killed a emperor.

In addition, the other party also has a mysterious strong man who seems to be also a heavenly emperor.

Calculate like this.

The other party may have two heavenly emperors, and because of the heart of an era, he has two heavenly emperors. He always feels that it is not worthwhile?

Although the heart of the era is precious, it seems to be a bit worse than the Yan Luo Temple.

“This is really not a good choice”

“If it’s just one person, it’s still possible to be a teacher. If it’s two people, then there’s no way.”

The old man also sighed, and said helplessly: “There are many universes where the heart of the era was born. This time it will be given to the people of Yan Luodian, and we will go to other universes to search for it.”

He finally persuaded.

Originally, he was going to grab it.

But seeing the fall of Heitian Tiandi, and there seemed to be some strong people in the Yan Luo Temple, he was immediately persuaded.

A heavenly emperor, he can contend.

But if you two, there is nothing to do.

And there is no need to offend the two heavenly emperors because of the heart of an era.

Because no matter how you look at it, it’s not worth it.

“. 々The heart of the era is about to be born.”


The old man raised his head, looked at the sky above, and whispered.

at the same time.

The two worlds were completely integrated, and immediately following the turbulence of the whole world, the divine light was immense, the brilliance flowed, and a huge light group emerged, entrenched in the sky, blooming with infinite power.

In the vicinity of the light group, Wan Dao emerged, as if it were materialized, entrenched all around, with an unspeakable aura.

The Heart of Era was finally born.

But no one dared to do it.

Either the emperor, or the emperor Immortal.

After just (a good) battle, they have already let them give up.



The sky and the earth shook, and a huge palm came over from Boundary Sea and grabbed it towards the heart of Era.

This is an existence of the Immortal emperor level.

After Era’s Heart was born, it seemed that he couldn’t bear it anymore and wanted to compete.



A crisp voice sounded, followed by a sliver of light bursting out, slashing everything, directly cutting the huge palm in half, and then spreading into the sea in front of it.

The vast light of the knife seemed to split the entire sea of ​​bounds in half.


A deafening voice sounded, and a scream came from the boundary sea, immediately after restoring calm.

The world is in turmoil, and thousands of ways mourn.

An Immortal emperor just fell. .

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