Chapter 217

“Self-cutting the way ahead!”

Ling Yuzhun Emperor Immortal snorted coldly, his eyes filled with killing intent.

In his opinion, it is a great honor for him to take the eternal journey to heaven. This is a gift, and it only needs to be accepted by the blame.

who knows.

Gengu was hard-hearted, and didn’t even think about it directly.

He even said that he should not associate with mice and directly define them as mice.

“Senior brother, the eternal calendar comes from a very high-mindedness and an arrogant heart. I always feel that the world in my own eyes is everything, and I never thought it was just a corner of the vast universe!”

“People like this kindly give them gifts, they won’t care.”

“Moreover, they are in the company of Yan Luodian. Presumably, the shot of Yan Luodian must be related to the ancient times. Instead of taking him to God, it is better to kill him.”

“Furthermore, the main brother helped me get the origin of the Chaos Dao Body, so I can transform into the Chaos Dao Body by myself.”

“I can become a Chaos Taoist body by myself, what’s the point of being an eternal sorrow?”

The Spirit King stared at Daoyi and said coldly.

“Brother, I also think that Senior Brother Lingwang’s statement is reasonable. Although the ancient talent is good, it is still a little bit worse than Junior Brother. What’s more, if Senior Brother transforms into Chaos Dao Body, he can fight for battle even in God, not weaker than those who are against the sky. evildoer.”

Emperor Immortal, the crown prince, responded.

He also felt that there was no need for eternity at all.

Although the ancient talent was good, it was still a huge difference compared with the Chaos Dao Body.

“Kill the Chaos Dao Body, seize the origin, and help the younger brother to transform!”

Lingyu gave a low cry, bursting out with endless divine light, turning into countless big hands, crushing the void, and heading towards Dao Yi.

Almost at the same time.

The Spirit King also slaughtered towards Dao. As for the other two Quasi Immortal emperors, they slaughtered towards Yuan Yi and Gengu.

Gen Gu’s face was solemn, and the quasi Immortal emperor in front of him was the Seventh Stage, with a higher realm than him.

But he can contend with it.

It’s just that their combat power is obviously not enough, the opponent has one more, and the combat power is higher. It’s just their words

Somewhat difficult to contend

“I wonder if there are any top powerhouses in Yan Luo Temple.”

Gengu whispered in his heart.

“You fellow daoists have gone too far, kill me in front of me from the Yan Luo Temple.”

Yuan Yi smiled softly, his face was gentle, making people feel like a spring breeze, but his hands were shaking like thunder.


A hand came out in the air, with unimaginable power, like the palm of a god, and slapped it over.

There was a bang.

Countless arms behind Lingyu exploded, and the Spirit King was directly shot and flew out.


Lingyu rushed into the crown with anger, and a ray of light flew out of his body, turning into a long knife, vast and mighty, the dazzling light almost gleamed the entire sky, the sharp blade made people shudder, as if to kill the ancient and modern future, and shatter time and space, extremely shocking .

at the same time.

Lingguan and Linghai also shot out one after another, each flying out a divine light, both of which were their own divine weapons.

The breath is vast, oppressing the entire chaos.

At this time.

Kong Xuan seemed to perceive the fluctuations beside him, his eyes shrank, and he waved his big hand toward the spiritual crown.

“come over!”


Kong Xuan’s aura was extremely terrifying, and the battle turned the stars, and instantly pulled the spiritual crown out of the battlefield.

This scene is shocking.

It’s not enough to face two Quasi Immortal emperors, Kong Xuan is going to fight three Quasi Immortal emperors.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

How confident this is.

My God, Demon and Real Demon are both furious.

Is this Kong Xuan too arrogant?

It doesn’t matter if you deal with the two of them, but now you are trying to pull a person, which is too much to put them in your eyes.

“One face to three people, Kong Xuan, you are the most arrogant person I have ever seen, today you will die under your arrogance!”

“Even though the talent is enchanting and the fighting strength is unparalleled, but after all, it is not detached. If one person faces three people directly, it is impossible.”

God, Demon snarled angrily.

He was outraged.

“Lingguan, we joined forces to kill this arrogant fellow first, and then we are helping you to punish the people in the Yan Luo Temple.”

The two sides are considered hostile, but now because of Kong Xuan’s sake, the two sides have joined forces for a short time.

“it is good.”

Lingguan was brief and horrified, and directly agreed.


The soldiers rushed out and headed towards Kong Xuan.

At this time.

Counting the gods across the sky, the terrifying aura almost squashed the entire starry sky

“Just you?”

Kong Xuan snorted coldly, and the five-color light burst out from behind, like a curtain of sky, sweeping across the sky and the heavens.

“Come all over to me!”

The vast voice resounded through the nine heavens and ten earth, the five-color divine light spread out, and many magic soldiers swept away directly.

“Damn it, put away the magic soldiers!”

“His magical powers are weird!”

Real Demon roars


Kong Xuan snorted coldly, the five-color light spread down, everything was brushed, and a total of four Immortal Emperor God Soldiers were brushed directly.

Not only the spirit crowns them.

As well as Lingyu.

With four quasi-immortal emperor soldiers, Kong Xuan’s breath suddenly exploded, and the vast coercion swept across, making the true Demon and the others change their colors.

With these quasi Immortal Emperor God soldiers, Kong Xuan’s combat power has been improved.

“come over!”

Yuan waved a big hand, rolled up Lingyu and Lingwang, and then said to Daoyi and them: ‘You should be enough to deal with one person! ’

Ke Gu was taken aback for a moment, and then said: ‘Yes! ’

Although Dao Yi was in the realm of the supreme giant, he eventually killed the Immortal Emperor, and his combat power was no weaker than him. If the two of them joined forces, they might not be able to fight the Immortal Emperor Linghai in front of him.

“court death!”

Lingyu laughed furiously. They couldn’t understand why the people in the Yan Luo Temple were so arrogant, they wanted to beat them one by one.

Even if Kong Xuan’s supernatural powers are strong, he can scavenge the magic soldiers, which can reduce the combat power of the others, and he has several quasi-Immortal Emperor God soldiers, which is enough to contend with the three of them.

And Yuan Yi is not the Eighth Stage of Immortal Emperor, is there any kind of magical powers like Kong Xuan, and there is not much help from Immortal Emperor.

Why dare to be so arrogant.

He did not understand.


next moment.

Lingyu was completely stunned.

At this time.

A white jade arm peeked from the depths of the Immortal domain, surrounded by the mighty river, as if exploring from a certain node in the long river of time, mysterious and vast.

“Do not!”

The Spirit King suddenly became frightened, his scalp was numb, and his whole body trembled. He saw the huge palm of his hand coming to suppress him, and following closely, a supreme mighty force spread, making him unable to resist.


A vast river suddenly appeared, hanging behind the spirit king.

Follow closely.

Countless figures emerged, all of them were spirit kings.

It seems that the spirit king has been reflected in the long river of time, from its birth to the present.


The giant hand did not move towards the Spirit King, but towards a figure behind him.

The big hand slapped it out, and a figure behind the spirit king burst and was completely annihilated.

Follow closely.

Many figures behind Changhe also exploded.

It didn’t take long.

The spirit king’s figure also gradually disappeared, disappearing in smoke.

The world is turbulent, and the river is shaking.

The entire universe fell into silence, and a quasi-immortal emperor was annihilated so lightly.

There is no sign that shakes the fluctuations of the universe.

It’s like a watermark, gently erased.

It dissipated. .

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