Chapter 216


The terrifying killing intent came from the unknown, the endless killing intent, shaking the world, rolling up the endless killing, the void broke, exploded like a mirror, the stars exploded, and the Immortal domain was turbulent.

Countless creatures did not know what was going on, they were directly shattered by this killing intent, turned into powder, and completely dissipated in the world.

This killing intent moved Ninth Stage Heaven, rushed through the void, and headed towards Dao Yi.

“Sure enough, this bunch of trash was shot.”

Gen Gu’s face changed drastically, and his expression was as black as coal. At this critical moment, these Immortal Immortal emperors didn’t help Immortal Territory even if they didn’t help Immortal Territory, but now they are still intervening, wanting to slay Dao.

He didn’t even know where these Immortal Immortal emperors belonged to, which made him feel disgusted.


The ancients gave a low cry, abandoning the foreign battlefield, directly soaring out, a divine light burst out, turning into a big seal, resisting the front.


The two collided together, the turbulent sky, endless fluctuations spread out, and the stars exploded.


Dayin was shot and flew out, and then headed towards Tao.

However, it seems that because of the ancient intervention, this murderous power is not as good as before, and it has become a little weaker.


Daoyi snorted coldly, reached out with one hand, grabbed the killing intent directly, and then grabbed it with his hand.

With a click, it burst suddenly.

“Get out, only a mouse hiding in the dark!”

Dao yelled, even if he was a little weak just to kill Hei Demon, the fighting spirit all over his body was boiling, not much weaker than before, even higher, even after he killed Hei Demon.

Daoyi’s breath began to change, and he had vaguely passed the Immortal King level and entered a higher level.

He has already moved towards the level of Immortal Emperor.

At this time.

A divine light radiated from the Immortal domain, and then turned into a mighty long river, pressing it in one direction towards the sea.

The terrifying power burst out, and the surrounding void was torn apart, revealing the scene inside.

The five auras stood there like a deep sea, and even if they didn’t deliberately act, the aura on their bodies was enough to shake the entire Immortal domain.

Seeing the five figures in front of him, Eternal’s face suddenly turned dark, and he whispered: “Four quasi Immortal emperors.”

“Sure enough, in the previous wave of the boundary sea, someone should have crossed the boundary sea. These old monsters have returned from God.”

A few years ago.

Boundary Sea was a little fluctuating, and the ancients felt some aura, not from this world, and extremely powerful, although it had converged, he could feel that it was at this level.

At that time, he guessed that some old monsters from God had returned.

Take a look today.

Sure enough.

In addition to the two prospective Immortal emperors in the foreign land, two of them also came back from the Immortal land.

One of them is the other two immortal emperors of the Immortal domain.

One who was asleep before, now seems to be awakened.


The old man who had shot at Dao before had a gloomy look, and looked around at the Immortal domain, who had forced them out.

It’s not that Eternal and Dao are one or two people.

But someone else.

“Yan Luodian, Yuan Yi has met fellow Taoists!”

A chuckle sounded, ripples appeared in the void, a channel slowly opened, and a figure that looked like a big sun came out.

He has a kind face and seems to get along well, but there is a touch of domineering between his eyebrows, swallowing the galaxy, and surpassing all spirits.

“Another quasi Immortal emperor, Yan Luodian is not as simple as expected.”

Gen Gu glanced at Yuan Yi, but there was no surprise in his heart.

Earlier, he had guessed that there was more than one Immortal Emperor in the Yan Luo Temple.


Yan Luodian is not so arrogant and does not put the people of the world in his eyes.

Take a look today.

It is true.

Another Quasi Immortal Emperor came out.

“Brother, I didn’t expect that we have been away for so long, but there are so many outstanding people here!”

The quasi Immortal emperor, who looked like a child, stood with his hands in his hands, extremely conceited, and looked around Yuan Yi and the others without paying attention.

It’s normal for him to ignore it.

Because he is the existence of a Quasi Immortal Emperor Ninth Stage, he does not care about the current Quasi Immortal Emperor except Kong Xuan.

There is no other reason.

These guys are weaker than him.

Even if Yuanyi came out now, it’s not Quasi-Immortal Emperor Eighth Stage, but he still took another look at Yuanyi, because Yuanyi’s aura is very weird, it looks like Quasi-Immortal Emperor Eighth Stage, but it doesn’t look like it when you look closely, let’s He was a little unpredictable.

But even if it was the Immortal Emperor Ninth Stage, he was not afraid.


They have four quasi Immortal emperors, and there are only two opposite.

Moreover, their quasi Immortal emperor, each one is amazingly strong, the lowest is the quasi Immortal emperor Seventh Stage, and the immortal is not the quasi Immortal emperor Fifth Stage, and Daoyi is a supreme giant, although he has just killed the black Demon.

But if you want to kill them at this level, it’s still not realistic.

“. 々Even if they are evildoers, they are far inferior to Senior Brother Lingyu!”

The Chaos Body Quasi Immortal said flatly.

They all come from the same door.

Each has its own name.

Among them, the quasi-immortal emperor of the chaotic body is called the spirit king.

The other two immortal emperors are called Lingguan, Linghai!

Hearing the compliment from the Spirit King, Lingyu smiled lightly and didn’t say much. Instead, he looked around the Taoist people. After reading it again, his eyes fell on Gengu and said: “I can step into the Immortal Emperor here, step in At a higher level, your talent is very good. If you go to God, you may not be able to prove Emperor Immortal!”

“If you help us to kill Dao with one blow, we can return to God in the future, and we can take you a journey and give you the best chance!”

The words came out.


Hearing these words, the ancients laughed wildly, the laughter resounded completely chaotic, and then his smile narrowed, his face was covered with frost, and he said coldly: “The deity is not associated with mice, and don’t worry about this chance! ”

Not to mention whether there is a higher level of existence behind the Yan Luo Temple.

Just today, there are past deeds.

Eternal is extremely disdainful, it is impossible to join the other party.


Today, the Immortal Realm can win a big victory. Everything is because of the Yama Temple. Without the Yan Luo Temple’s people, Immortal Realm can’t win a big victory.


Spirit Snake The Immortal King and the Spirit King’s approach is very clear. He has never considered the Immortal Domain. Even the people in the Immortal Domain will subvert the Immortal Domain for their own benefit.


Under these circumstances, even if the ancients were on the side of the Yan Luo Temple, it was impossible for them to stand on the side of these people.

Hearing the words of the ancient times, Lingyu’s face suddenly turned dark, his expression gloomy and thunderous, and a terrifying aura exuded all over his body, shaking the sky. .

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