As time goes by, the withered Minor World becomes smaller and smaller. In the black environment, you can occasionally see some twinkling stars, but that's it.

"That's not all. It was obviously meant to be refined slowly by Jia Huanghao, but now it's broken."

The strongest among the strong, he saw clearly what Huang Yi was thinking. However, at this time, the result changed again.

There was only a roaring sound, and in the shrinking cage, a shadow was impacting outwards, bombarding continuously, trying to break out.

However, this blockade force seemed to reverse the divine power of heaven and earth, and the universe changed accordingly. The weakness had endless power, which was difficult to resist, and Huang Hao coughed up a lot of blood.

"This is your only chance, use your Supernatural Power, otherwise give up, it's your embarrassment!"

There was no emotion on Huang Yi's face, and his eyes were shining brightly, controlling the Minor World to shrink rapidly.

Everything has become ruins. If nothing is done, Huang Hao will become part of the ruins. At this time, he can already feel that his bones are constantly breaking and will soon be disintegrated.

And this place is isolated from the outside world. Being refined in this black space is more than despairing.

But Huang Hao's heart was determined, and he used all his Supernatural Power. In the Minor World, only a huge Kunpeng was seen, rising from the ground, spreading its wings, and breaking the sky!

The giant Kun roared, flapped its wings fiercely, and a black wind blew through. The entire space in the Minor World suddenly collapsed, forming a huge black hole that swallowed up these ten areas.

Humph, your Supernatural Power is really powerful, but I’m not someone to be trifled with either!

Huang Hao's eyes showed a look of determination. At this moment, he suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a piece of jade. The jade stone was flashing with strange symbols. At this moment, the jade stone exuded a dazzling golden light. The golden light shone in all directions, making the Minor World The void continued to tremble, and then golden symbols spread along the jade to all sides.

The speed of the symbol was extremely fast, and the golden runes were constantly shuttled back and forth, and finally integrated into Huang Hao's body.

Huang Hao's figure was seen to grow rapidly, and soon he became tens of feet tall. His huge body covered the entire sky, and at this time, symbols were integrated into his body.

A terrifying aura was released from Huang Hao's body. It was the aura belonging to the realm of Supreme.

Moreover, the intensity of that scent has exceeded the peak of Supreme, and it is still rising!

At this time, Huang Hao has temporarily advanced to the peak of Supreme, and is crazily improving his own Cultivation Base, which feels as if he is sucking the entire universe into it.

Do you think this is enough to deal with me?

At this time, Huang Hao has completely controlled this Minor World and crushed it.

In front of him, there was nothingness, nothing existed, but he stood on this nothingness, overlooking the bottom.

At this time, Huang Yi couldn't help but frown. He felt the danger, but this improvement was only temporary and could not last long.

At this time, Huang Hao suddenly waved his giant fist and smashed it downwards.


A giant black fist mark shot straight into the sky, shaking the sky.

Your strength is indeed strong, but unfortunately, you still cannot escape death, and your destiny cannot be changed!

Huang Yi shouted violently, and a pitch-black sickle appeared in his hand. The pitch-black sickle continued to rotate, exuding a terrifying aura and distorting the space.

And on top of that golden sickle, there is also a terrifying power that tears the void apart, as if it wants to swallow up the entire void.

Huang Yi held the sickle in his hand, took one step forward, and his body disappeared from the spot, appearing next to Huang Hao.

The sickle cut through the Shattering Void sky and headed towards Huang Hao.

At this time, Huang Hao's body was swelling, and he was holding his arms tightly with both hands. The arms seemed to be broken by him.

Kill me!

He roared 977 and shook his hands hard. The muscles on his arms suddenly expanded hundreds of times, and continued to expand. Finally, he turned into an Optimus Prime, which exploded the void and formed a huge amount of energy. Fluctuations, shaking the void.

Such a scene was simply too terrifying. The power of this punch was actually several times more powerful than before.

When Huang Yi saw this, his face couldn't help but condense. Although he didn't know what the punch was, he was sure that once the punch hit, Huang Yi would be severely injured, let alone this person who had just advanced to Supreme. Huang Hao is at his peak.

Damn it!

Huang Yi cursed angrily, and saw a golden sickle appeared in his hand again. It was made of golden iron ropes. The sickle flew quickly in the air, cutting through the sky, and slashed towards Huang Hao. The speed was extremely fast.

He was holding a golden weapon that looked like the god of death.

Kill me!

Huang Hao roared angrily, and his figure once again skyrocketed dozens of times, becoming thousands of feet tall. .

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