Huang Hao's face also shone with a fanatical light, and an unparalleled domineering spirit surged from his body. In his body, waves of destructive power surged. At this moment, he seemed to be no longer It's a little monkey, more like a Gedai Demon Lord.


Huang Hao flapped his wings, like a roc spreading its wings, and drew a brilliant trajectory across the sky, like a dazzling Star across the sky, directly rushing into the Golden Crow's feathers.

The Golden Crow's feathers were constantly twisting under his impact, as if he had torn a huge hole forcefully open, and wisps of golden-red flames spurted out from inside.

This battle of "340" is not only your end, but also your end! Huang Yi spoke coldly, and with a movement of his body, he turned into a ball of fire and rushed directly to where Huang Hao was.

There was a pop.

In an instant, the entire environment was completely different. They seemed to have arrived at a withered place, as if they had been separated from the battlefield in the sky.

Finally, a violent collision occurred in the sky, and Huang Yi and Huang Hao clashed together again.

Hahahahaha! Huang Yi looked up to the sky and roared. His whole body was filled with a powerful domineering spirit. The golden brilliance on him became even more dazzling, like the sun, lighting up the entire void, making people endure I couldn't keep my eyes open.

Below, everyone's attention was attracted by this scene, and their eyes were fixed on the sky.

Huang Yi was like an angry Golden Crow, biting Huang Hao's body constantly, and every attack was so fierce.

The most cruel method is this!

Could it be that Huang Yi now has the ability to open up a Minor World? This shocked Huang Hao.

As the sound fell, in Huanghao's field of vision, the silent world continued to shrink, like a cage, trying to seal himself in it.



In the blurry environment, the only thing he could see clearly were those flashing symbols. The symbols were accompanied by wisps of chaotic energy, flowing rapidly, and they looked strange.

Bang bang!

I saw that Huang Yi got out easily and suppressed his opponent here.


Huang Hao roared loudly, and the vicious auras all over his body were entangled one after another, turning into a Kunpeng, looking up to the sky and roaring, with fierce flames on his body, like a volcano erupting, causing the surrounding temperature to go crazy. Climbing up, it seemed as if it was about to evaporate the entire world. This terrifying pressure caused the void around Huanghao to continue to shatter and twist.

Boom boom boom......!


Huang Hao vomited blood and suddenly fell from the sky.

But at this moment, Huang Yi remained unmoved and sneered again and again. He suddenly turned around, the blood stains all over his body evaporated instantly, and a pair of red eyes caused the heaven and earth to roar.

Huang Hao, aren't you very powerful? Come on, continue. It is still unknown who will die first among our two brothers, but don't worry, I will give you a breath of fresh air. Huang Yi was so rampant that he was covered in blood, but in his eyes, there was a strong color of fanaticism, like a hungry beast.

"Your situation is over. Can you bring me here to turn the tide of the war?" Huang Hao asked.


You think too highly of yourself. Huang Hao smiled disdainfully.

Where is this? Huang Hao asked himself, and soon he contained the power he was about to burst out. However, through the heavy fog, he could still see the battlefield in the sky, which was really blurry.

"Actually, I have always been intolerant, but I still want to accept you." 3.0 Huang Yi said indifferently, then turned his eyes, roared, and said: "Accept!"

At the same time, Huang Hao felt an uncontrollable force, and the energy of chaos spread across the world. As the ancient rumors and records said, he was in another Realm.

The figures of the two people were constantly intertwined, and they were constantly fighting fiercely in mid-air. Each time, they were fists and kicks, and the roar continued.

Everything in his eyes was very dim and quiet, and he couldn't hear any sounds from the outside world. It was as if he had come to a world that had been destroyed. There were endless ruins everywhere, and the looming chaos made the place even more desolate. .

Outside, everyone took a breath of air.

Huang Yi's figure fell onto the ground, his body smashing into a deep pit and sputtering dust all over the sky.

The two golden figures collided fiercely, and a loud noise was heard. The world trembled violently, and an aura of destruction filled the air, as if the end of the world was coming.

Humph, just wait to die. Huang Hao snorted coldly, his whole body was surging with ferocious aura, and his aura surged a lot. Veins bulged out one after another on his body, and there was a crackling sound in his body.

Not long after, the world built by the power of the twin pupils had been accepted by Huang Hao. Huang Yi had another trump card in his hand, and he had to admit that he knew a lot about the power of the twin pupils.

"Huang Hao, you are too impatient!"

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