Huang Hao and Huang Yi followed the envoy up to the sky. They stepped onto a golden passage with Lotus flowers falling on both sides of the passage.

And this golden passage leads all the way to the outer world, the unknown Realm. To others, it is both Sacred and mysterious. After everyone sees this beam of light, they are extremely yearning for it. It is obvious that this is the way to the Realm. The main road to the sky battlefield.

Along with the sound of breaking through the sky, many people took to the sky with the treasures in their hands and flew towards the golden road.

As if flying towards the temple, Huang Hao followed the envoy with strong curiosity, looking left and right, and occasionally running on both sides of the golden road to pick a Lotus flower.

Being so calm and calm, the envoy could not tell that Huang Hao was coming from 04 to fight to the death. He could not see the slightest bit of nervousness. He was completely different from the state he had seen before.

"Okay Little Brother, it seems that your mind is not fully mature yet. You are still like a little baby, and you are curious about everything." When Huang Yi saw this, he just smiled lightly.

But in the eyes of the envoy, the two brothers were actually just two naughty kids of the same age, but they were in completely different situations. The former looked like a naughty child, while the latter was frighteningly mature and stable. They were not the temperaments they should have at this age. Different from ordinary people's attitude.

"Just take care of yourself!" Huang Hao rolled his eyes at him.

They walked on the Golden Light Avenue, as if they were in the Ninth Stage, and entered an extremely magical Realm, just like the Immortal Realm. Although there was a strong wind blowing across the sky, it could not hide the magic here.

Most of the cultivators who followed were unable to cross this golden avenue because they were not strong enough. They could only rely on the flying treasures under their feet to go all the way up. It was as if they had experienced some kind of restriction. Anyone who uses this method The higher you go, the greater the resistance becomes, until you no longer have the strength to raise your head.

"Not everyone is qualified to climb up to the sky. Don't waste your efforts so that you can do it for yourself." The messenger turned back and left these words that were neither salty nor light.

Almost half of the people chose to give up because they could no longer fly. This pressure from heaven and earth not only suffocated them, but if they did not listen to the dissuasion and took a step forward, they would most likely be killed by Bloodline. Spray to death.

And this is not only a mysterious ancient land. In this mysterious Realm, in addition to layers of fairy mist, there are dilapidated buildings that can be seen everywhere, floating in the mist, but you can still appreciate its solemnity and grandeur. , even though it has collapsed for a long time, the inexplicable feeling in my heart is still very strong.

"This is one of the battlefields in the sky, we are here!"

As the messenger's voice fell, the visitors were doubly surprised. They saw a void battlefield floating in front of them, looming between the layers of clouds. It was mysterious and grand, enough for two of the most favored men to fight there.

The edge of the battlefield is pale golden in color and is always cast with special sacred gold and iron stone. Many inscription symbols depicting order can be clearly seen on it. On this golden horse-power arena, it is enough for the two of them to toss around.

"The dusty battlefield in the sky has been opened again. We are really looking forward to it. I wonder what kind of changes and impacts the entire wilderness will have after today."

Not far away, there is a ball of divine fire beating in the mist. In the mist, there is a young man with extremely arrogant fighting power. His eyes are glowing with crimson fire, as if he can make the sun and moon stars burn. Just let people and Just looking at each other, you can feel the fear.

Behind this man were several inheritors of the ancient Bloodline. They were similar in age, but respected the former. Each of them had an outrageously strong aura, but they were willing to stand here quietly.

"It's different from what was recorded in the ancient books. It's not as spectacular as imagined." From the other direction, the witch from the major sect whispered to the side. Her beautiful and coquettish eyes really shocked many people. Heart.

The middle-aged man who was standing beside him also had that Transcendent aura, like an immortal descending to the earth. Facing the magnificent arena in front of him, he said: "This has a lot to do with Huang Hao and Huang Yi. Different Realm will naturally There is a deviation.”

Then with a flash of light and shadow, Huang Hao and Huang Yi stepped into the sky battlefield almost at the same time. The two were far apart and looked at each other. However, in just a moment, the entire Realm was filled with murderous intent.

In the pale golden venue, there are huge foundation stones, grand stone wall fences, and countless incomprehensible ancient symbols that are flashing to prevent the aftermath of the battle from impacting.

"I don't know who can win, but this show will definitely be good to watch." Many people have doubts in their minds, but no matter who wins or loses, it can't change that this is a wonderful showdown, which will be a blessing to Dabao and the others.

"In terms of age, experience, etc., Huang Yi is still better, but the young is better than the old, so it's really hard to make a conclusion about who will win and who will lose.

This is also a true portrayal of many people's hearts. The chance of winning is higher if it is abandoned. .

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