For a moment, the fire light shone, and a chariot of fire appeared, causing the surrounding atmosphere to immediately rise to several heights.

There was a middle-aged man sitting in the car directly at the station, and a girl in naked clothes stood beside him.

"It's the Fire Emperor, and a princess is here!"

As soon as the words fell, a rumbling sound came from the other side, and a chariot with golden light streaked across the sky.

As expected, the King of Stone Kingdom also came.

Not long after, emperors from many directions arrived, walking in the sky and stepping on the clouds. The imposing manner of Shrouding the Heavens, which blocked out the sun, was suffocating.

Huang Hao just glanced at him. How could he pay attention to a small character? Ignorance is the best form of contempt. He was so confident and arrogant that he was the enemy of all enemies. He was among them, but he was not afraid of being arrogant at all. Like a naked provocation.

Huang Hao raised his head and pointed downwards, saying: "There are so many people, where is the passage?"

There was no smile on the messenger's face, but there was still a huge question mark in his heart. Who sent him in, and where was this person? It was definitely not possible for Hao to travel across the void with his own abilities. ...

Immediately afterwards, the bright beam of light that burst out slowly dimmed a bit. Amid the brilliant fireworks, a young man walked out with a tall and straight body. This way of appearing shocked everyone, and they never expected it.

There was a commotion in Realm, which made people shocked and cursed.

The time dragged on longer and longer, the excited people became a little restless, and the discussion started again.

Everyone's hearts are tense, the moment they have been waiting for is finally coming, and it's time to kick off the show.

The enemy was already displeased and began to taunt and scorn him.

"Get up!" the messenger roared. .

As time goes by, the slightly different and arrogant arrogance slowly subsides, and the passage behind it disappears.

Even the messenger who was regarded as a god had already appeared. Huang Hao was too calm, or he really wanted to break the appointment.

All the big names and giants who should be present have all appeared, but where is Huang Hao? As another protagonist of this battle, why has he been reluctant to show up.

Everyone frowned and cursed secretly in their hearts.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this seems to be offensive, but in the heart of the messenger, it seems as if he has been pushed by a huge wave!

"It was agreed upon. Why haven't you seen your true body yet? Are you really scared? Or are you scared by us?"

"The person you've been waiting for is here, here's the applause!" Huang Hao's extremely confident and narcissistic look made people excited and hateful at the same time.

Unexpectedly, the messenger's body suddenly stiffened, as if a hand had touched him invisibly, and pushed him gently, as if someone was borrowing the light.

Light rain was flying in the sky, and crystal petals were falling, making this passage very bright, filled with holy light, and Huang Hao also strode out of it.

Everyone who saw it was in a daze, thinking that this way of appearing was too outrageous, and it was really unconventional.

"I am an upright man, I act upright and sit upright. I always follow the right path wherever I go. How can I be so unfaithful?"

Afterwards, people from the sea tribe who regarded Huang Hao as their enemies also appeared. They held golden three "zero forty" forks and stepped on the misty waves to stand on the other side of the sky.

"Now that both sides have appeared, let's begin.

The passage appeared so accurately that it was within easy reach. If the visitor came here to seek revenge, the consequences would be unimaginable.

However, only the big spiders knew this kind of humiliation in their hearts. They screamed in front of everyone, but were ignored, making their faces livid and very intolerable.

Even the messenger's face became unsightly. After a long time, he slowly said: "What's the purpose of taking a side road instead of taking the main road?"

"The question is how did he come here, and why was he able to open up a passage? Could it be that he has mastered some kind of shocking Magical Item!" The discerning person was puzzled, worried and looking forward to something that seemed to be about to appear.

When I was suspicious, I heard a roar from the horizon.

"My good Little Brother, I've finally waited for you. Let's get started." Huang Yi said, still the same as before, calm and calm. If some traces of time were added to it, he would really look like a fairy. The lower realm.

"This guy is really thick-skinned. He said "Humph..." in front of us. The creatures in Demon Lake are still unhappy.

They guessed that Huang Hao was too timid to come again!

In the distance, the strong men such as the Human Emperor and the Human Race felt awe-inspiring in their hearts. They stared for a long time, their hearts calming.

"You little beast of the clan finally dared to show up. You have challenged our patience time and time again. Today, 5.6 and Chinese Medicine will pay the price for your rampage." At his feet, a green-eyed spider was filled with hatred.

The envoy was stunned for a moment, as if a strange force erupted behind him. Everyone turned around to look, and a bright passage was blown open, and countless rays of light erupted.

The envoy was stunned for a while, and was actually pushed on the back by a junior. He couldn't imagine the feeling in his heart, especially when he saw Huang Hao in person, his heart was even more intense.

This is even more impressive than the brilliant style just now.

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