Although he has excellent cultivation qualifications, he is not willing to join the Butian Sect. In the Cultivation World, he does not lack the cultivation of Cultivation Technique and Medicine Pill, but he does not like it here.

The next morning, Huang Hao got up early, preparing to find some water and clear his mind. Facing the haze in the entire jungle, a wonderful phantom seemed to appear in his mind.

If that's the case, well, there's nothing I can do about it.

Today, it is the same to be influenced by others and to be used by others. It is the same as having strong wings and gaining power in the future, but the prerequisite is to have hard power.

In contrast, Cao Ye strongly agreed.

"What the disciple wants, I will fight for and create with my own hands. But I can't repay Master's kindness to me. Of course, this is not my promise to you, Master. I will never leave you, nor will I rely on you."

After the words fell, it was time to part ways.

On the other side of the world, an old woman holding a scepter showed a hint of murderous intent on her face after learning that Fairy Yuechan had not recruited Huang Hao.

Fairy Yuechan walked away, and Cao Ye revealed his true form from the shadow.

"Even if Miss's talent is unparalleled in the world, even if that kid's talent is heaven-defying, he will not be Miss's opponent. But for the entire sect, we must not cause any losses because of that kid. If we can make him grow up, we can eradicate him." But it’s difficult.”

At this point, Fairy Yuechan has nothing to say. At least this is Huanghao's own opinion. Before making the choice, she held it tightly in her hand, unmoved by it, and had a firm attitude.

There must be no potential threats.

"Huang Yi's intentions are not right, and he will never become a great weapon, and I...forget it. But now I only need to know that Huang Yi is not only my next opponent, but also a scourge in the Butian Sect." Huang Hao continued.

I know, but now I just want to be free and don't want to restrict me. Moreover, the master is also a cultivator. He will also pursue his own freedom. I believe that as long as I can stick to my heart, he will definitely accept me, so don't persuade me. .

"Since that kid is up to no good, let me get rid of him for my lady."

Everyone knows the relationship between Huang Yi and Huang Hao. The former joined the sect and the latter refused. Most people know what this means.

"What does his choice have to do with me?" Huang Hao replied softly, and there were already waves in his heart.

From beginning to end, he is a free person. His choices and decisions are all determined by his heart, and his starting point is all from his heart.

Hearing Huang Hao's resolute words, Fairy Yuechan sighed slightly, but she didn't force herself anymore and just nodded lightly.

"Huang Yi has found someone to rely on. With his current talent, he has a bright future." Fairy Yuechan said leisurely.

"By the way, there's something I forgot to tell you. Zou Yi will return to supplement the teaching soon. His choice is completely different from yours." Fairy Yuechan's attitude remained 04.

"Don't worry about him." The fairy said with no expression on his face.

"Your temper is just like mine. You are just as persistent and extreme. The world is not so sharp, especially for geniuses. It's just a small turn and they can soar into the sky." Cao Dian said calmly. said.

He knew in his heart that with Huang Hao's talents and talents, it was no exaggeration to become the head of the sect in the future.

Anyone would do this. The chaos is coming, and anyone with extraordinary talent may become a nail in the sect's transformation in the future.

As Huang Hao said, all he wants is freedom and does not want to be restrained.

Joining one party will inevitably oppose many parties. Moreover, there are countless opportunities and resources in the world. As long as you have the ability to explore them, there is no difference between joining or not joining. It is just that in the future there will be more unscrupulous people standing on his opposite side. .

He finally made his own choice.

"This girl is right. Master, I am only one person after all. Although I have the name of Sword God, I only have some prestige in the domain. If you have the opportunity to rely on a big Sect, I believe your future may be better. "

"Besides, Huang Yi has already joined the Butian Sect, so how can the two of us get together? Even if I am willing to let go, he may not. Since it is a choice, at least we must follow our true intentions." Huang Hao replied .

The scepter in the old woman's hand was as cold as the earth, and she seemed to immediately get up and chase after her. .

Around Cao Ye, Huang Hao never felt restricted, it was just the disciple's reverence for the master.

Of course, she was not surprised by this result. When two tigers fight, there will be casualties. It's a pity that Master Butian has recruited a future son of heaven-defying, which is a huge loss.

This is something that other Sect sects cannot give. No one, Cao Ye, can treat him like this.

It is nothing more than a reason. Even if there is no old grudge between Huang Hao and Huang Yi, they do not want to get involved in the disputes between major sects and become their victims.

"You know, master, if I won't influence your choice, you don't need to make a promise to me."

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