Under the moonlight, the fairy in Huang Hao's eyes looked even more mysterious, as if a thin layer of silver frost was attached to his front and back, and the transcendental aura of Transcendent became even richer.

However, Cao Ye is Huanghao's only disciple.

The name of the Sword God has a certain mysterious color, and its strength is unfathomable, and it has had various reputations in its early years.

I will consider this issue, and I hope I don’t need to think about it. After all, my master only has one apprentice, and his apprentice is not just me. Huang Hao smiled slightly and made a pun.

Don't worry about this, I believe that your master will not interfere with your choice, as long as you agree to join our religion.

Haha, I believe your master is also a sensible person. Looking at the overall situation, this is the best choice. I believe your master will not refuse your joining.

Haha, this is your own understanding. How do you know the Sword God's thoughts? It is probably wishful thinking. Think about it for yourself, but you don't need to be too nervous. I just want you to join my sect.

This is a terrifying force, and in the wilderness, it is also at the level of an overlord.

Even if you don't argue with the world, your heart is sinister and you will eventually be regarded as a thorn in your side.

Although Huang Hao's master Sword God does not belong to any sect, his true strength has broken through the Elder level of the major sect and reached another level.

The so-called alliance between powerful powers is just a contest in the dark, while the real contest takes place in the open.

But Huang Hao had his own thoughts in his heart. .

His Cultivation Base is no longer in the second echelon in the Butian Sect. This is also the fundamental purpose of Fairy Yuechan's efforts to invite him to join the Butian Sect. If 0.0 Huang Hao can really become a disciple of the Sword God, his future prospects will also be A big increase, and more importantly, Huang Hao will get the best training in Butian Sect.

So at this point, Butianjiao’s approach is correct....

Hearing Huang Hao's words, Fairy Yuechan frowned slightly. She knew that he still had some worries in his heart.


In the future, there will be countless major sects that will compete tit for tat. Without strong backing as support, it will be difficult to move among them.

Fairy Yuechan smiled softly, not surprised by his words.

This is why Fairy Yuechan invited Huang Hao to join, because Huang Hao has good qualifications. If he can be cultivated by the Butian Sect, his future prospects are absolutely limitless, and he may not be able to ascend to the holy level.

The Butian Sect has a vast influence on the mainland. As long as they are willing, they can recruit a large number of people to serve the Butian Sect at any time.

Huang Hao walked side by side with her, walking in the shadow of the moonlight and smelling the cries of night birds. It was difficult for him to realize that he would mention this.

But chaos is coming, and today's friends may very well become enemies tomorrow. The strong men of Butian Sect do not want to take this risk, let alone have another potential enemy.

"Origin? These have nothing to do with me personally, and I will not stay in the Butian Sect. I believe you have also heard that I have a master. The Sword God is my master. If you follow what you said, then the master will not beat me to death. ." Huang Hao smiled and replied decisively.

Fairy Yuechan also talked about the need to join the Butian Sect. In the future, the entire wilderness will usher in a great war. The power of the Sword God once shocked the eight wastelands, but one master and ten disciples are ultimately weak.

"Speaking of which, your origin is closely related to our Butian Sect. Although it is a huge branch, after all, "May 13" is a lineage inheritance. I hope you will join our sect. 17

No matter what time it is, the strong will always have their own place. On the surface, they can keep their distance, but in the dark, they will attack each other, and no one wants to fall behind.

Huang Hao was slightly confused, and then realized: After all, it is about me, and I am a person who likes freedom. I understand your kindness, and of course I am very happy to be recognized by the fairy. However, I only have one master, and this will never change. .

Fairy Yuechan's expression remained calm.

The night is dim, the ancient trees stand tall, and the surrounding flowers and plants face the night wind, and the fragrance blows towards your face, which is refreshing.

The air is fresh, and there is no sense of anxiety and anger. The sound of birds chirping and the swaying flowers and trees at night makes people feel more peaceful. In this state, facing the bright moonlight, it is a unique enjoyment.

After leaving the Fire Nation's ancestral land, they came to a jungle. There was no heat wave, no noise in their ears, and the environment seemed particularly quiet for a while.

Although Huang Hao's master Sword God does not belong to any sect, his true strength seems to have disturbed the Elder of the major sect, or even higher.

Not wanting to refuse bluntly, Huang Hao also wanted to know why he was so insistent.

As soon as Fairy Yuechan opened her mouth, she went straight to the topic.

Therefore, the appearance of the Sword God was the most appropriate, but what they did not expect was that one of their disciples would come to the wilderness.

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