A passageway made of heavy flames suddenly appeared in front of the three of them. The three of them stepped in without hesitation and rushed towards the palace.

The billowing hot stream of magma is no different from that of the ocean waves, surrounding the palace like a moat. On the rising hot white, you can clearly see the flickering symbols, just like going back in time. The three of them witnessed the so-called central sky.

Huang Hao squinted his eyes and groped carefully. I am really a magnificent palace without any flaws, but I don't know if there is a chance in the palace that will make him soar into the sky.

Huo Ling'er had only heard about it before, and the concept in the legend only stayed in her mind. What she saw today and today, she was extremely excited, and her little face like a beautiful jade was full of excitement and excitement.

Throughout the ages, the disciples of the Kingdom of Fire, whoever achieved Great Completion, soared to the sky because of coming to this place.

"Fat girl, calm down!" Huang Hao teased, but in fact, he was also very excited.

Huo Ling'er's demeanor is not bad, a pair of smart eyes are moving 107 up and down, she is happy in her heart, but she doesn't show it, and said with a smile: "It's really gone too far, maybe I will become the queen of the future Well, hey!"

"It's not dark yet, why are you dreaming? Wake up." Huang Hao waved in front of her eyes, but in fact it was to cover up the turmoil in his heart.

"Stop making trouble, you two, and be careful on your feet."

Regarding the two children, Cao Ye was speechless for a moment, and there was no time to delay right now.

Then they flew forward with the treasure, and the bottom was deep in the rock, and the churning magma was everywhere, and the edge could not be seen at all.

And this majestic palace is located in the center of the sea of ​​flames, ups and downs, dangerous and magnificent, full of rune light.

And they just came to the outside of the palace, they haven't formally entered yet, but as the speed of the flight increases, the distance between them doesn't necessarily get closer, but maintains a kind of parallelism.

"It's a bit strange!" Cao Ye stopped, thinking seriously.

It is similar to a special space enchantment. Although it does not have the blessing of magic, it is shrouded in the entire depth of the ground, coexisting with the sea of ​​fire and magma, making it impossible to break in.

"Father once said that as long as there is a destiny, you will naturally be able to approach the interior of the Holy Palace." Huo Ling'er spoke slowly, and the little joy on his face faded a lot.

"You mean, if there is no fate, there is no other way?" Huang Hao asked.

"Unless it can be approved, a golden arch bridge will appear at that time!" Xiaohong continued to explain: "At that time, a large number of fish schools will appear, led by the fish king!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the master and the apprentice immediately darkened.

The two sides have formed a deep hatred, how could they be recognized, and they can't wait to be skinned and cramp, and slaughter the hatred of the whole family.

Huang Hao knew in his heart that at least a few thousand small fish were subsidized, and a king fish was killed. Huang Hao knew in his heart, and the master also had a helpless smile on his face.

But now that I think about it carefully, the existence of those yang fish has only one meaning, and that is to protect the Holy Palace.

If you want (ajbf) to get the guardian's approval, at least you can't have the hatred of the slaughtered clan!

"Master, there is a saying that those who don't know are good. I don't know if those fish can understand these truths. Why don't you catch a few and see if they can talk?" Huang Hao smiled awkwardly.

Cao Ye looked helpless. It wasn't that there was no way, but that everything seemed to be doomed somewhere. If it wasn't for the rapid advancement of divine matter, he wouldn't have slaughtered Yang Yu again and again. It seemed that this was a vicious Karma.

He still has a lot of ground bait on him, and he said that as usual, it should attract a lot of fish, just find a corner where there is no breath and wait for a few hours, it's easy

They pretended to sprinkle some bait, and then both master and apprentice took a step back and pushed Huo Ling'er in front of their heads.

At least this beautiful face, I have never faced it directly, I believe that the memory of the fish is only seven seconds, only remember the food but not the scars.

Not long after, a little bit of golden light appeared in the magma.

There was a bang, the magma rolled, and a red light accompanied by a roar showed that the structure of this place was shattered, the momentum was huge, and it was actually terrifying.


The powerful Divine Sense passed into the ears of the three present.

This is a warning from the school of fish, and it seems that the hated one penetrates the bone.

What's even more exaggerated is that these schools of fish are actually connected to each other at the end of the strategy, and a golden arch bridge is connected to the inner side of the palace, which is brilliant and incomparably bright.

"These little guys are really provocative. It seems that they are not afraid, but they are not convinced at all." Cao Ye smiled when he saw this, and felt funny for a while.

"Sure enough, I was vengeanced by these guys. If I knew it, I would have eaten them all. I don't believe there is no other way to get there." Huang Hao was very annoyed, stomped his feet angrily, and was ridiculed by a group of fish, almost helplessly. untie.

"It would be great if I could build a bridge myself, but I haven't seen it before, so if I knew it, I would have brought more people over." Huo Ling'er sighed. .

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