Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Five Hundred And Twentieth Ix Old Acquaintance

This dead tree turned out to be different!

In Realm, the movement of breaking out of the shell lingered.

Fortunately, the little guy inside didn't run away anymore, the sudden terrifying fluctuation was enough to scare everyone in the Realm to their knees.

With the passage of time, the spirit of the ten directions merged into it, and after a while, a little guy flapped his wings and suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing this, Cao Ye smiled and said: "Fate is the most important thing. If I wait to enter the palace by fate, I may not know the chance in my hand, but I must..."

This is too Xuan Xuan.

Immediately afterwards, the little red bird's eyes lit up, and said: "The method of Kunpeng! This can be discussed.

In fact, Huang Hao and this little guy have known each other for a long time. The little guy started bickering just after the accident, and they would not give in. They are another pair of entangled fate.

Everyone was in a daze. Looking at this little elf, they always felt a little familiar, but their memories seemed a little fuzzy, and they couldn't name it for a while.

"We are all friends, why bargain?" Cao Ye's voice suddenly appeared, and the powerful breath seemed to make the little red bird turn off the fire.

The little bird is also very puzzled, tilting its head, time-consuming and confused, and very confused. In fact, it is more curious. The two sides look at each other, and there is a huge question mark and exclamation mark!

Huang Hao said again and again, he was also confused for a moment, it is surprising that he has the power of thinking and strong discernment at such a young age.

"It's you who came all the way here to find me Qingxiu, and even put on a bad face with me. You're really convinced." The little red bird Tsundere was domineering, with a look of contempt.

"You little brat, how dare you take advantage of me, see if I don't slap your big mouth!" An extremely domineering and harsh sentence was actually uttered from this little guy's mouth

If you can get the true blood of Vermillion Bird, you can become the existence of the next generation of gods.

And this little red bird has a very strict mouth, and has not revealed the whereabouts and purpose of its own. I want to know, but I'm afraid it won't work with this domineering little temper.

All the people waiting to watch were stunned and stunned, not knowing where the circle was.

And the broken eggshell was actually melted by that domineering anger, and became the nutrient of the chick and swallowed it, not a single drop was left.

"`||It's not impossible to go to the palace, but I just need a word of fate. The Emperor of Fire had approached me before, and wanted me to take his daughter to have a look, but it's not that easy, I still have to Think about it again." Little Red Bird seemed to be thinking about something as he shook his head.

As a master, I don't bother to care about this matter, I just look at it and smile.

However, one person and one bird began to talk to each other, and the brothers on both sides seemed to have taken over you without fighting, and they were blushing all over the place, and they were both aggressive.

"I'm your father, hehe!" Suddenly, a few large characters popped out from Huang Hao's mouth.

"You are really thick-skinned. I also have principles in dealing with things. Don't let me break the (Nuo Lihao) rules." The little red bird said proudly.

Although it is only a temporary palace, it is pregnant with endless divine substances. According to the little red bird, his ancestors once wanted to burn Nirvana here, which created this fire field.

As for the news about the Fire Emperor Sacred Palace, after Cao Ye's digging, it became clear.

The relationship between the two parties is extraordinary. The golden monkey landed, the phoenix danced Nine Heavens, and the treasure in the mountain fell near the stone city. The stone village, which cannot be avoided, always has to go back a little farther.

"It took so much effort to meet you, it's really bad luck for eight lifetimes!" Huang Hao grinned, not saying anything in his heart, thinking that he had picked up an egg of a divine beast, and after a long time he turned out to be an enemy.

Cao Dian interrupted, and the footsteps of the four directions, bearing different directions, approached the clan, and they will meet me again.

Before he finished speaking, he saw a series of Kunpeng seals appearing in the little red bird's mind.

"Isn't that a coincidence, it happens to be able to send the two of us together." Huang Hao said with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, the little guy lowered his head again, muttered softly, and said, "The Fire Emperor wants to give me a generous gift, what can you give me?"

"Look clearly, the first thing you see is me, I am your father, you can't be wrong, you stupid boy`

Like a little flamingo, its whole body is red, except for the pair of black gemstone eyes, it is the size of a fist, and its whole body reveals the light of rune, the red light shines, it is an extraordinary spirit.

"Okay, okay, don't bicker anymore, if you prolong the time, I'm afraid we won't be able to leave."

And the land under his feet is exactly a palace built by the ancient Vermillion Bird.

"No, we are different!" The little guy is smart and can speak human words, not just a silly bird.

In fact, Cao Ye is well aware of the situation, but he doesn't point it out or reveal it, and Hui Neng is also an unavoidable fate.

The little red bird's grandmother is only a branch of the descendants of the Vermillion Bird lineage. Although the real fire of Vermillion Bird was awakened in her body and became the sacrifice spirit of the Fire Nation, most of them have been extinguished with the passage of endless years. But their vitality is extremely strong.

Immediately afterwards, the little bird's body became fuller, and its figure and outline became more and more clear.

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