Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Chapter Five Hundred And Tenth Step By Step

He is thinking about owning some problems.

First of all, how should the own road be taken?

Cao Ye said again: "However, you can't make wild guesses. Your path may not be so smooth, but your future will definitely take a path that belongs to you."

The process of writing down his own rune is the analysis of Kunpeng's book and those original symbols. Now he only has this one left, a peerless Supernatural Power ancient Secret Technique.

Immediately afterwards, the brilliant rays of light began to flow, the mountains and seas disappeared, and another giant monster raged into the sky, soaring above the sky. .

Huang Hao suddenly realized.

But this road is blazed by himself, Cao Ye naturally wants to go on by himself, no matter whether he gets lost or not, he will spare no effort to move forward.

His mood also calmed down, moved and excited, he continued to move forward in a new direction, to feel the magic of Taoism.

When the time is right, Cao Ye will drop the futon he obtained in Kunpeng Immortal Cave in front of Huang Hao, making him sit cross-legged on it, and only by comprehending the whole body can he make a breakthrough.

Then, under the guidance of the Fire Emperor, the master and apprentice found another place of Divine Palace.

Not long after, in the resplendent palace, there was a lot of sound of chanting scriptures, and the beautiful melody was of great benefit to the enlightened ones.

On the other hand, Cao Ye mentioned Soul Refining substances, which were injected into the body when necessary, to enrich the physique of his precious disciples and replenish the rapidly depleted energy.

With the passage of time, his heart is like water, the water penetrates everywhere, just like the huge potential contained in his body, which is constantly enlarged by the outside line, without a trace of flaws, and he is wholeheartedly devoted to the extreme state of himself.

These trajectories cross the sky, forming a certain pattern, which seems to be some kind of law, or something else. Cao Ye doesn't understand at all, not even the meaning of runes, but he knows that these runes, Definitely not an ordinary rule!

Huang Hao nodded heavily, and then said: Then master, which Supernatural Power do you want me to practice?

Suddenly, Huang Hao pointed to the sky and shouted.

Is this own way?

It's just that he feels that a day of practice inside seems to be worth a hundred days outside. With the improvement of the Realm, the wonder of the Divine Palace has also been sublimated.

The master protects the Dharma, and the apprentice refines it!

Cao Ye looked up, but saw a group of stars spinning in the sky, and the speed was getting faster and faster, they were a group of flying stars.

However, in this mansion, with the blessing of the Valley Fire Emperor, there is no need to worry about it collapsing due to the passage of time. You can relax, put aside everything in your heart, and practice hard.

Master, look, those little things are spinning!

The young man in black was himself back then, and under Own's feet, several small balls were slowly spinning.

Huang Hao is very grateful (ajce) for the love of many powerful people. Naturally, he must remember everyone's kindness to him, and everyone's help appeared when he needed it most.

But Cao Ye's Spiritual Sense penetrated the endless torrent of universe, penetrated time and space, and saw in that dark cave, a young man dressed in black stood there with his arms outstretched, screaming to the sky , His eyes were filled with destruction, as if he wanted to tear the entire universe apart.

However, these stars drew traces in the sky, forming various strange symbols, which are the trajectories of runes.

They seem to have some kind of law, going back and forth between the heaven and the earth, but there is no law at all, and Cao Ye can't figure out what the situation is.

His thoughts drifted far away, and the incomparably distant years appeared in his mind. In that boundless sea of ​​stars, a huge meteorite fell down and bombarded the earth, creating a terrifying black hole. Countless stars were killed Swallowed into it, a vast torrent of Universe was formed, submerging the entire world.

Unknowingly, the universe seems to change, time seems to go back, in the blink of an eye, he seems to have returned to the ancient times, a black roc bird fluctuates between the mountains and the sea, and after a while, a huge black shadow jumps up from the deep sea, Kunpeng image.

Under the feet of the young man in black, there were several small balls spinning, which exuded mysterious and unpredictable fluctuations.

At that time, Cao Ye had already traveled in the star field, saw many different stars, and saw the wonders of the universe, but what he didn't expect was that he could still see such a scene

If yes, what is it for?

The futon that Huang Hao sat on was even more so. It echoed the sound and melody of chanting scriptures, and the effect was even more amazing.

Master, what is this? Why do the trajectories of those little things seem to be some kind of pattern? Huang Hao asked.

Cao Ye smiled: You own the road, go explore it yourself, the master can't help you too much, and your practice can only go on by yourself.

Cao Ye said: The trajectories of these stars are telling you that your path is correct.

The advancement of the road of cultivation must rely on oneself to advance step by step, and cannot be interfered by any external force.

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