Not long after, the Fire Emperor left with the wind with the majesty of the king.

In fact, it's not surprising, but, the emperor quietly replaced the jewel in the palm of Own, leaving only the master and apprentice facing each other.

"People seem to be leaving like this, do you still remember what you just said?" Huang Hao asked himself.

Cao Ye sighed and said, "You..."

At any rate, Human Sovereign is also the king of the Fire Kingdom, one of the few kings in the human race branch, and the whole country has already laid the foundation of Thousand Years. His own strength is not bad, and he has been baptized by the fire of generations, and his Good Fortune is even deeper.

Asking for advice with an open mind is the only way Huang Hao can continue to move forward at the moment. There are not a few people who bestow favors on the road of practice. It is a kind of luck to be able to answer puzzled questions by different experts.

It stands to reason that the Emperor of Fire personally resolved the confusion, but the princes and grandchildren under his knees did not receive such treatment. The fact that the Human Emperor can lower his head today shows that everyone has foreseen the storm in the future, and the prelude to the storm has already begun. Guys are always ready.

"If you have any questions about cultivation, just ask me directly. As for the refining of divine substances and profound meanings, if you encounter difficulties in the new stage, the Fire Emperor will personally answer them for you. I'm afraid you won't meet them. Qualification." Cao Ye continued.

Huang Hao nodded silently, knowing it in his heart, but now he is not stuck in the self-refining of the immortal substance, but the inheritance he got from Kunpeng's lair, so far he has had a hard time, unable to carry forward Kunpeng's conservative profound meaning.

"Many people have practiced for a lifetime, but they can't reach the peak you reserved. It's not that they are not qualified, but they don't have the same talent and luck as you.". " Cao Ye seems to be saying to Huang Hao, you seem to be talking to yourself.

However, Huang Hao has already started a new round of practice when he stepped into the Inscription Realm, and his comprehension and feelings for all things and spirits are completely opposite to the previous situation.

In the long years to come, every time Huang Hao took a crucial step, it was historic.

The boy Supreme is not someone who just keeps silent.

"But master, when I was in the Spirit Transformation Realm, I didn't have such a deep feeling, I didn't feel stuck, and I didn't know what the bottleneck of practice is. Up to now, I have a certain understanding of the evolution of the Kunpeng technique. Enlightenment, however, also hindered the pace of progress." Huang Hao said.

Cao Ye looked at him flickeringly, slightly complicated.

"Before, I asked you casually and harshly, but you finally did it, which is already very good.

This was one of the few times Huang Hao heard positive approval from his master.

"Maybe when you become the body of a demigod, all problems will be solved, and by then not only your physical body, but everything will undergo tremendous changes.

Hearing this, Huang Hao swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The word "shenming", untouchable, represented a kind of height, which made him speechless.

For the achievement of a god, it is naturally above ten thousand people, and of course only one who realizes "he can feel everything.

Kunpeng is the head of the ancient Ten Evils. In that era when the gods fought and conquered, hundreds of ghosts roamed freely, and all gods descended!

It's just that Huang Hao's everything is far beyond ordinary people. His feeling came too early. It should be after the inscription Realm. Cao Ye didn't dare to fully grasp the art of Kunpeng

It's not that the current Realm can be simplified.

Across the ages, there are countless proud sons like Huang Hao, but most of them only have such feelings after stepping into the extreme realm of inscriptions.

And what's more, the practice systems of the two are different, so there is naturally a huge difference.

Huang Hao sat cross-legged on the ground with his head down, thinking silently. Today, he didn't gain much in substance, but he was satisfied spiritually. At the very least, he had a clear direction of practice, and the path of practice became more and more smooth. With the brilliance, his will has also become firm, and now he only has to stride forward.

Go and relax first, I'll stay here for a while. Cao Ye patted Huang Hao on the shoulder.

Huang Hao stood up, nodded, turned and left.

Cao Ye looked at Huang Hao's disappearing back, with a strange look in his eyes, and murmured: You did it, it's already very good!

He doesn't know whether Huang Hao's cultivation path will come to an end, but he knows that Huang Hao's status in the cultivation world must be extraordinary, because his talent in the inscription has already surpassed everyone. Even I have to treat him differently.

However, Huang Hao is still a child, his future is still very long, Cao Ye is not in a hurry to pull him into the ranks of cultivators, it will take a period of tempering.

And Huang Hao's return to Fire Cloud City this time means that Huang Hao will live here for a long time in the future, and this is a springboard for his future practice.

Cao Ye didn't want Huang Hao's future to be confined in Fire Cloud City.

He didn't want Huang Hao to be bound in a narrow space because of his own, that was a force that Cao Ye didn't want to see.

After Huang Hao left, Cao Ye sat cross-legged on the spot, meditating quietly.

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