Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Three Hundred And Seventieth Chapters Overreach

After going around for a few years, everyone who is still able to dominate the world in this Minor World has a lot of background, not only the pure-blooded creatures, but also the sea clan soldiers who were blown to pieces by Huang Hao. Opportunity, is to seek a dead end.

"Good boy!"

Standing in the airspace, Zhan Tian, ​​a sea clan war demon, yelled at Huang Hao. Seeing that all his servants and guards had been killed, it was as simple as chopping melons and vegetables, which made his fighting spirit soar. In a pair of eyes, there is interest and excitement towards the strong.

He stood on top of the tide, looking at the blood-stained sea under his feet, he still couldn't move his footsteps, but the scarlet battle ax in his hand, volleying in the air, quickly smashed down, feeling the endless power and coercion, A bright scarlet light was set off, and the monstrous waves that were set off were like the mouth of a giant flood, devouring towards Huang Wu.

Seeing this, the others, 037 and others, were astonished. It really was the war demon of the Sea Clan. Under a single strike, they forced the others to retreat. No wonder they led the clan to occupy countless reef islands in just two years. When meeting an opponent, the aura and power are vividly displayed.


However, what is even more surprising is that Huang Hao, who trampled the young master of the sea clan under his feet in the past, not only did not disappoint the others, but even faced the difficulties and punched out, the airflow of power surrounded the power of countless runes , the resplendent halo is not inferior to the turbulent waves just set off, and the momentum is overwhelming.

Two years ago, Zhanmo Zhantian, relying on his own three axes, insisted on opening up a sea area. The attack just now was not only a test, but also played out his own character. Within the affected range, how many kills are enough to change the color of one side (ajcj).

But there is still a strong hand in the strong, and he was punched down by Huang Hao, and the danger of the ax was resolved.

Such a scene is hard to come by. Back then, only the God of War of the Flaming Fish Clan could match it. They were evenly divided and each had their own strengths. Now such a player suddenly appeared again, proving once again that Huang Hao stepped on Hai Clan's young man. The matter on the head is not passed on by word of mouth, the more it is passed on, the more it changes.

Zhan Mo was surprised. He was not there when the young master of the Sea Clan was seriously injured. However, judging from the traces of the war, although Huang Hao's strength is remarkable, he is still under his control. , What this pair of fists showed was far beyond his expectations.

What's more, there is a stronger person behind him. If two enemies are one, he will definitely lose, and it is absolutely impossible to kill them here.

I saw Huang Hao shaking his arms and talking to Master Own with a smile.

"This guy is stronger than the Young Master of the Sea Clan. Fortunately, I was mentally prepared, otherwise it would be troublesome.

Huang Hao was also incomparably surprised in his heart, his arms were numb, even if Venerable came to attack, at most it would be like this.

"Boy, I admit that you are very strong, but the strong usually have a short life, so go forward if you have the guts!" Zhan Mo Zhantian shouted, but he has this ability, so naturally he will not fight uncertain battles, he firmly believes , with all the strength of Own, coupled with the power of a family, it is enough to kill him.

After all, the current situation is different, the two master and apprentice have provoked too many things, and enemies are everywhere.

He naturally didn't take it to heart, the balance of victory had been tilted towards him from the very beginning, so he was naturally not afraid, and he still had that dominant posture.

"Is this going to fight alone? Which side do you count?" Huang Hao asked, his eyes full of contempt.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that both of you, master and apprentice, will die here! As for them, no one would dare to step forward!" The war demons of the sea clan, Zhan Tian, ​​seemed to be promising Huang Hao something.

But in today's matter, once the people of the Sea Clan intervene, the others will only be on the sidelines. I hope that the Sea Clan will be severely injured because of this, and they will come up with a trick. Naturally, I am afraid and dare not mess around in the muddy water.

But Huang Hao's prestige today has indeed killed the vigor of countless people by mistake. With all the resentment in their hearts, they can't wait to swallow the two people in front of them alive. The strong are still watching in secret.

Zhan Tian's expression became colder and colder, he looked at his opponent up and down, and he couldn't see any sign of weakness at all. He has seen countless heroes and strong men, and everyone gave him three points, and most of them took a detour. Today It can be regarded as being framed, and there is no way to fight.

However, Zhan Tian Zhan Mo's actions seemed to be extremely cautious, because there was a crack in Kunpeng's lair, and by chance the Divine Armament would appear in the world soon, this time is not the best time to fight with it, he has some scruples , afraid that others will take advantage of it.

"You killed my elder brother. You are so arrogant that Master Zhan Mo won't take action, but I will kill you today and take my life!"

In the end, there was still someone who couldn't help but made a move. After yelling, this person stood out from the crowd.

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