Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Three Hundred And Seventieth Chapters Take The Lead

Come and kill!

After a roar, a gray dragon floated out of the sea in the distance and turned into an old man. There was some strange color in his cold eyes. After the boy swallowed it alive, his bones were blown to ashes.

"Ambush on all sides!"

Cao Ye naturally recognized that this was the old flood dragon Venerable, who had been teased by him a while ago, and the two servants beside him were even beaten up by that woman. Although the reputation of the Jiaolong clan has been greatly shaken in the past two years, they still haven't been able to forget these two thieves, and they are always looking for their whereabouts.

It's not just the Jiaolong clan, the playful behavior of those years seems to have become a big fire today, attracting the hatred of countless people.

"You're shameless, right? I'm warning you, don't provoke again and again, or I'll trap you all in front of the bonfire and roast them!"

Cao Ye's face was ferocious, and he acted extremely ferocious. Since he dared to cause such a big trouble, he would end up confidently. Besides, a slap can't be slapped, unless someone keeps doing things again and again, how could Cao Ye put It's such a mess!

What's more, his practice and Realm at this time have already reached the peak state in Realm. Although he is facing the attack of the crowd, he has already stood at the peak. The current Huang Hao doesn't need Cao Ye to worry too much, he can completely let go of his hands and feet and fight with him.

As soon as these words came out, the besiegers first stayed where they were, and instantly became angry again. No matter who it was, how could they hold back their anger in the face of such arrogance?

"It's arrogance for a kid who is half-sized and a kid to have such a strong tone. Don't let me teach you how to write the word repentance today?"

An old man said with a gloomy face that his palms had turned into fists and he was about to strike out.

"Top resources are only for the strong. Among your many opponents, I am merciful, but don't be overwhelmed!" Cao Ye warned.

The old man is well aware of the weight of these words. In a one-on-one battle, he will never win, but the words have already been spoken, and he may not be able to take them back.

"He has become stronger again, you will not be his opponent, don't be arrogant!" The young man behind him whispered in his ear.

At least they know that these two people have never been defeated, and they travel alone, and they rarely travel in groups.

Such self-confidence is not exaggerated. Huang Hao once crushed the young master of the Hai Clan and became famous in the first battle. As his master, Cao Ye's strength is unknown.

"Why don't you say anything? I'm afraid you won't be able to pass my level, and you plan to challenge my master. You are really overconfident!"

Huang Hao stopped those who stood in his way, and there was anger in his eyes.

"You guys are really cowards, what's so scary about a little baby with no hair yet? Hurry up and kill him!" A group of sea creatures shouted.

"There are only two of us. You are many and powerful, and you are the happiest. Why don't you take the knife first, let's go together." Huang Hao pointed at the dozen or so sea beasts in front of him, and then ticked off provocatively. finger.

Although the current situation is complicated, there are other forces and ethnic groups who are besieging them. No one wants to take the lead in challenging and let others reap the benefits. While gaining insight into the Cultivation Base of the two, they are watching the movements of others.

"Teacher, I remember last time you said that the flesh and blood of the Hai tribe is the most delicious, why not use some of their heads to make Kairui side dishes, as for braised or steamed, it's up to you

"Cao Ye said with a smile.

But this method made the sea tide boil, and countless runes from the sea clan suddenly erupted. They were completely angry and couldn't bear it anymore.

However, the Haizu Zhanmo Zhantian not only did not express their opinion, but also did not make a move at this moment, but kept paying attention to Cao Ye's actions.

When Huang Hao saw it, he saw that his own opportunity had come, because those who came forward were all mixed soldiers, generals and some old, weak, sick and disabled.

I saw him soaring into the sky, and came into the whirlpool of Hailing, facing the ups and downs of the waves, he only had one word in his heart, that is to kill!

Holding a sword in each hand and dancing with two swords, the turquoise ocean vortex was instantly dyed red, electric light strobes, and blood light flashed in succession. More than a dozen powerful sea creatures were split open in an instant. Two (Nuoma Zhao) and a half, what's more, the flesh body was directly crushed and wiped out in ashes!

Mountain-like big turtles, silver-white sharks...they all have ancient Bloodlines, flesh and blood cut like pieces, with an alluring luster.

He took two steps toward Retreat, wiped the blood on his face, and laughed, "`||Dare to step forward to fight with the knife just these two times? It's just meat on the chopping board, let me slaughter it!"

Just like chopping melons and vegetables, under one sword strike, a streak of blood fell on their heavenly spirits.

"My apprentice has also experienced a lot. I really don't know what these two guys grew up with. In just two years, they actually..." Some people sighed, and even dropped their jaws in shock.


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