Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Chapter 159: Will Master And Wife Be With Me Forever?

"It's unreasonable. How could we send our child to Butian Pavilion and die in battle for Butian Pavilion? They clearly killed him, yet they even sent a letter to say such high-sounding words."

"At the beginning, I thought that Butian Pavilion's sacrifice to spirits would fail, but you have seen how Butian Pavilion has been in front of the major forces in the past few years. Who knew that on the contrary, Butian Pavilion has become supportive again!"

"Now that the news has spread all over the world, Butian Pavilion has spread invitations to liquidate the forces that besieged them this time. So what can you do if you get angry again? It's considered decent not to include us in the liquidation forces."

"Decent? What about my son's life!"

Such conversations happened at the same time in many families who received the letter.

Butian Pavilion's strength this time is beyond everyone's imagination.

Whether it is the real world or the False God Realm, everyone is paying attention to Butian Pavilion's actions this time. At the same time, more and more people have begun to speculate on the true identity of the mysterious person in Butian Pavilion.

After all, Butian Pavilion's victory in this battle and this incomparably tough action were all based on the rescue of that mysterious man.

"I think that mysterious person might be a medical saint. Although the power to save people is very powerful, his own combat power may not be very strong."

"Did you just come out of Closed Door Training from that deep mountain? This is the news from Hundred Years ago."

"How do you know I just came out of Closed Door Training? Did I miss some important information?"

"If you want to talk about the Battle of Butian Pavilion that day, it was really thrilling and full of twists and turns."

"What's the deal, tell me!"

"I mean, the mysterious man didn't just save two people. He also scared Qiongqi to death, and crushed the other two creatures with the same combat power as Qiongqi, so that they couldn't even explode themselves."

"How on earth did he do it~々?"

"No one saw how he made the shot. Everyone only saw a green light curtain protecting them, and then opened their eyes, and it was a clear sky."

"So, no one has seen his true face?"

"One of them seemed to know him."


"Qingqi who was scared to death."

"If you said that, you didn't say it. Qiongqi is dead. Who else knows the true identity of this mysterious person!"

"Qingqi's death from scare is enough to explain the problem, right? Many forces have already paid high prices for news of Qiongqi's actions over the past few years."

"To make it so troublesome, just go directly to the Butian Pavilion and ask who the mysterious person who worships the spirit is.

"Butian Pavilion is in the limelight now, who dares to come to ask such confidential information, isn't this lighting a lantern in the latrine, looking for death!"

No matter how the outside world discusses it, inside the Butian Pavilion, everything is calm.

It has been two days since Cao Ye and Liu Shen fell into a deep sleep that day.

It seems to relax all the nerves and thoughts, not a rest of practice, but a sweet and full sleep like a Common person.

It seems that this can make them feel peaceful and happy.

They were already awake, but they didn't speak. Sometimes silence is more itchy than talking, but they enjoyed it.

Obviously no one has expressed their feelings, but there is only a layer of window paper as thin as a cicada's wing left between them, what is there that they don't understand?

At least Cao Ye thinks so.

They are all enjoying the state they are in and don't remember moving forward.

The ambiguous breath flowed, interrupted by an excited Master.

It turned out that Huang Hao was finally free and came to see the Master.

"Master Master! Are you and Mistress still there?"

"What's the rush?" Cao Ye asked helplessly.

"It's nothing serious, I just miss you, so come and have a look."

"What's so good about me and your teacher's wife? If you have this kind of skill, you might as well practice more diligently."

"Master, you never took the initiative to drive me away before. I just came here. Naturally, I did not fall behind in my cultivation. Now I have opened up nine caves, and there is no hidden danger on my body."

"Who said your Master drove you away? He just told you not to fall behind in cultivation. You can open up nine caves at this age, which is very good. No wonder your Master always praises you in private." Liu Shen smiled sounded.

"So Master, you praised me! Mistress, is it true?"

"Of course it's true. If you want to visit us, you can come anytime." Liu Shen's voice was very gentle, which made Huang Hao feel the love and care from the Master and his wife.

When you are away from home alone, there is a Master teacher who can come to see you at any time, just like doing your homework every day, and returning home after studying treasures, you don’t feel lonely at all.

In his opinion, such a day is really extremely happy, if possible, he hopes to be like this forever.

˙"By the way, Master, I have already seen most of the treasures in Butian Pavilion, and they are far inferior to the mystery of Supernatural Power that the Master taught me. After a while, maybe staying in Butian Pavilion will be meaningless to me , can I leave?"

"Stinky boy, you have a really serious tone, and you still have nothing to learn. If that's the case, where do you want to go?"

"I want to continue to practice on this land, practice the newly learned treasures, or explore the secret realm Minor World like Baiduan Mountain again, and grow up in constant battles.

"Since this is the case, you don't have to worry, the wasteland is about to be chaotic, and you have plenty of opportunities to practice."

"Then will Master's wife (Zhao) stay with me, just like the last time Broken Mountain?"

"So I came up with this idea. You have a beautiful idea. Growth is a matter of one person. Naturally, your teacher and I will not accompany you.

"Master, can't my wife grow up with me? I'm still a baby." Huang Hao pretended to be wronged and played tricks.

"For me and your mistress, you are indeed a baby. Did you drink animal milk in secret a few days ago? A baby who hasn't been weaned yet." Cao Ye pointed him unceremoniously.

"I don't care, so what if I'm just a milk baby in front of Master and Mistress, I just love to drink animal milk, and animal milk is delicious, don't believe me, you and Mistress should try it too?"

"You'd better drink it yourself!" Liu Shen couldn't help but slapped the skinny child lightly.

The sound of cheerful conversation kept ringing on Lingshan, with a family of three chatting and laughing like fireworks. .

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