The moonlight was like water, and the wine in Huang Hao's ring gradually disappeared.

Liu Shen and Cao Ye finally got drunk.

The silent atmosphere was fermenting, making the two of them nervous.

When the sky was light, Liu Shen finally spoke.

"You, not my companion?"

"...Yes, no."

"You and I met before?"

"I know you, you don't know me."

"You know everything about me?"

"Knowing you in the past, since the moment we met, everything has changed."

"Why do you say it's my dao companion?"

"I want to say that."

"You know me………"


"you know?"

"I know.

"what do you know?"

"I know what you were trying to say just now."

"Why don't you tell me?"

"Because you don't want to say it now, so we'll wait."

"You really know?"

"I know."

There was a cloud of conversation, if outsiders listened to it, they would definitely think it was the nonsense of a drunk person.

But Cao Ye and Liu Shendu knew that they were serious.

After Liu Shen asked these words, he was silent for a long time.

She asked what she wanted to ask the most, but after asking, she didn't seem to get any answers.

Cao Ye is really not her companion, he knew him unilaterally, this kind of understanding is because he is omniscient and omnipotent, so he already knew her?

He said he knew, he knew before she even said it? Did he know her feelings? She waited because she didn't want to say it?

Did he see her so far?

Liu Shen was in a mess, it turned out that he knew everything. He was so happy when he admitted that they were not a companion relationship. Then should she continue to ask?

In the memories recovered by Liu Shen, there was no experience to teach her how to face this situation.

She had never been drunk, but a night of silence and the removal of the alcohol absorbed by Spirit Power had finally given her what it meant to be drunk.

His consciousness was dizzy, but his spirit seemed to be extraordinarily excited. Many thoughts came to his lips, but he couldn't make up a complete sentence.

At this moment, she heard Cao Dian speak, yes, this conversation is mutual.

"Don't you have anything you want to ask?" Unexpectedly, Cao Ye's first question was to ask if she still wanted to ask.

"Yes, there are many, but let's stop there."1

"Why don't you want to ask?"

"When it comes to secrets you haven't told, it's better to leave them for later."

"Believe me even if you don't know my secret?"



"Because of blindness."

"I said you can ask anything."

"It's not that I don't have secrets for you, so it's better to leave it to you when you want to tell."

"Then I have nothing to ask."

Liu Shen was silent for a while: "Am I transparent in front of you?"

"No, no, although I know many things, they are all rigid and cold words, not as vivid as you in front of me."

"Cold words?"

"You can understand it as a result of calculating Celestial Secrets? It's just a text description, but you who met me are a hundred times more vivid than a simple text description."

"Then you don't know me that well?"

"A person is not a well-drawn template, always the same, let alone a puppet that can be manipulated, so she is always changing. In my eyes, you are a mysterious and long, magnificent and great Epic, not transparent .

"I have enemies."

"I'm strong."

"I want to pursue my own way.

"I'm not a cage."

"I may disappear on the path I choose."

"Didn't you notice? We have been together for a long time, since you woke up."

"This world is dangerous."

"Maybe in the future you will find that I am more dangerous than the danger this world brings to you."

Liu Shen didn't know what Cao Ye was thinking, and there was a smile in her voice that she couldn't understand.

"It's dawn." She heard Cao Chong say again.

"Its daybreak?"

"It's dawn, last night the boundless moon was full of light, thousands of altars of fine wine were intoxicating, the sky light squeezed through the darkness and fell on the horizon, just like a burst of spring, the beauty is hard to get back.

"Even though this beautiful scenery remains the same every day, a caring person can always find something different about her every day." Cao Ye meant something, I don't know if Liu Shen understood.

But Liu Shen said another thing: "If I recover all my memories, I will definitely not stay in the lower realm."

"Yu Yu walks alone, why not invite others to enjoy it together. You have a vast world and three thousand beauties. Don't you want to see it with me?"

"I'm not a viewer."

"I didn't say this just to enjoy the scenery."

"I see."

After Liushen finished his last sentence, the morning light had already shone so that people could not open their eyes. The sun passed through the mountains, through the woods, and finally lightly sprinkled on Cao Ye and Liushen, bringing a burst of warmth.

"Let's get some sleep." Cao Ye suggested.

"Willow God?"

It turned out that Liu Shen had already fallen asleep in the constant drunkenness.

Cao Ye smiled, let the drunkenness overwhelm him, and then fell into a deep sleep.

The sun became hotter and hotter, and the wine sprinkled on the ground was transpired into mist, wrapping a plant with willow branches wrapped around its body.

Looking into the distance, there are still a bunch of drunk people who were woken up by Wen Yangguang.

The drunken people in Butian Pavilion woke up.

Last night, changing cups and cups was a mess, and the people who had just woken up were still a little dazed.

Huang Hao didn't know why, subconsciously checked the monkey wine in his grass ring, oh shit, there was no jar.

Could it be that he was so aggressive last night that he drank all the wine?

The wine full of Spirit Power made him so crazy, and he didn't feel any Spirit Power growth in his body, which was a pity.

Someone is already cleaning up. Last night, everyone in the Butian Pavilion drank recklessly, because they knew that the Patriarch and Jiling were there, so they didn't need to take any precautions.

The people who came to help also had a sumptuous dinner contentedly, and now they wake up and are not in a hurry to leave. The fun of the feast is over, and the next step is to liquidate.

"Pavilion Master, do we want to ask the sacrificial spirit and the Patriarch for instructions on how to proceed next?"

"Ji Ling and Patriarch have ordered nothing important, so don't bother them. They have sworn to serve that mysterious existence. If the matter of Butian Pavilion is not related to life and death, there is no need to report it."

"So, business as usual?"

"Everything is as usual, but the fact that all ethnic groups besieged my Butian Pavilion can't be left alone."

"What does the master mean?"

"Post 950 of the major forces, come to Butian Pavilion for a gathering, I will remove these forces from the big clan, if anyone dares to make trouble with Butian Pavilion, protect and protect, don't blame me for not being sympathetic at Butian Pavilion.

"Okay! That's it!"

"Those prisoners in the courtyard?"

"Kill the useful ones, and release the useless ones to deliver letters. If they can do siege, don't blame me for not practicing martial arts. It's a fool's dream to escape from the catastrophe by being a prisoner."

"That's right, I don't even think about it, if there is no restoration of the spirit of worship and the ancestor, I am now in Butian Pavilion..."

The talking Elder knew he had made a slip of the tongue and stopped talking, but they all knew what would happen to them before that mysterious person appeared.

The previous evacuation plan is still on the desk of the pavilion master, and it was only a few days ago.

"Okay, the result has been decided, now spread the invitations widely, and after two months, invite all major forces to come to Butian Pavilion!"

"By the way, what should I do with those princely disciples who went to the forbidden area without permission to absorb Ganlin during the battle? Those are the top geniuses of the major forces, and they are my disciples of Butian Pavilion."

Send a letter to their families, these Excellent disciples fought for Butian Pavilion, unfortunately died in battle, we at Butian Pavilion also feel heartbroken for losing such talented children. "

"But they are clearly still alive..."

"Then you should help them and show respect. They are all sons of princes and princes, and their wealth is extremely precious. If they can't face themselves, you can help them face them. What is Butian Pavilion's attitude towards traitors?"

You should know. "

"Yes! I will give orders now."

"I want you to do it yourself."


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