Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 968: Swipe to cover the sky, the strongest means

The Liu family's ancestors used the supreme air luck, which is the power of the Liu family's luck accumulated for thousands of years. Such a force gathered in the body of the Liu family's ancestors, allowing him to be directly promoted to an invincible existence. Heaven's attention.

The reception channel has already taken shape. According to this situation, he will definitely be able to ascend to immortality.

However, Yan Chengfeng would never allow such a thing to happen. He not only wanted to slaughter all the life of the Liu family, but also would not allow immortals in the world.

If anyone wants to compete with him, there is only a dead end.

Even the great ancestor of the Liu family had used the supreme luck accumulated by the Liu family for thousands of years, but he was not afraid of it.

The road of the strong, fearless, all the ants blocking the road must die.

He will never forgive anyone, and those who stand in the way will be killed without mercy. This is not a joke, he can do it when he says it.

In the world, he is the strongest, and no one can compare with him.

He is invincible in the world, just ask the heaven and the earth, who dares to compete with him.

This is Yan Chengfeng's self-confidence, and it is also his recognition of his own strength. Now, he is already very powerful and invincible.

He is unparalleled in the world, the only one in all eternity.

The vast galaxy is turbulent, and under this endless star battle, a sweet expedition has taken place, and monks of all sects and sects stopped to watch the battle in the distance.

The conquest started by Yan Chengfeng and the Liu family's great ancestors was very terrifying. After all, there were already channels for reception.

Knowing that if you put more effort into it, someone will definitely be able to ascend to immortality.

Especially in the current situation, such an anxious situation, everyone is watching.

Perhaps, as long as they find a suitable opportunity, they will definitely go all out to run to the channel!

People all want to ascend to immortality. After all, the current situation cannot be explained in a few words.

If you are not careful, you will fall into a situation of eternal doom. The world's catastrophe is imminent, and no one dares to be careless.

All creatures want to find the opportunity to ascend to immortality. At this time, they should not be careless.

The Liu family's great ancestor stood in the air, and he used the power of luck that the Liu family had accumulated for countless years. That kind of power was very terrifying and terrifying.

Among the creatures of the same realm, he can be called an invincible existence, and absolutely no one can stop him.

Such an invincible overlord can destroy everything with just a few gestures, turning the world upside down at the click of a finger. If anyone wants to be an enemy of him, then there is only a dead end.

For such an ending, sentient beings are also quite helpless. The only thing that can be done now is to be as careful as possible, otherwise, his end will definitely be miserable.

"An ant, to be able to bring this seat to this stage, you are considered very defying, but then, your luck will not be so good."

The Liu family's grandfather's eyes were bright and he said indifferently: "If you want to live in the hands of this seat, it is simply wishful thinking and a fantasy."

"You ignorant ants, if you offend the Liu family, you must pay the price with your life. None of you want to live. Those who stand in the way will be killed without mercy."

"No matter what happens next, this seat will make you regret it. After today, there will be immortals in the world."

"At that time, I will make all of you my puppets."

The ancestors of the Liu family have already been killed. His aura is very terrifying, and the vast energy rhythm bursts out, as if it can tear everything apart, the stars are in ruins, and the only one in the ages.

His combat power is very ferocious. Looking at the whole world, there are almost very few creatures who can compete with him.

This group of ignorant reptiles also delusionally screamed at him, but they really didn't know the sky was high.

"Old man, you're talking too much nonsense. It's just hilarious for an ant like you to try to compete with me."

Yan Chengfeng was very calm, he didn't take the Liu family's great ancestor in his eyes at all, he was just an ignorant bug, and he wanted to be his enemy and wanted to live in his hands, it was just wishful thinking. .

This time, he has made up his mind, no matter what, he will destroy all the life of the Liu family, kill those who stand in the way, and no one wants to compete with him.


The vast slaughter is still going on, and the gushing pressure swept across the world, mountains and rivers, and all sentient beings have lingering fears in such a situation.

They are very scared and worried that at this time, if they want to survive, there is only one way to die.

No one dares to be careless, and the slightest carelessness will lead to a doomed situation.

The conquest of Yan Chengfeng and the Liu Family Taishang Patriarch was too terrifying, turning the world upside down at the click of a finger, and everything was shattering, as if it could destroy everything.

In this situation, regardless of whether there is any danger, all sentient beings can only choose to retreat. If they rashly set foot in the center of the storm, they will only have a dead end.

"The years are long!"

The terrifying, endless power of the river of time erupted in bursts, as if it could tear everything apart, and no one could stop it.

If anyone wanted to kill themselves, it was rushing into the center of the storm, and no one would be so stupid.


The terrifying power of the long river of time is being impacted one after another. That kind of aura is so overbearing that it can destroy almost everything, as if it can devour everything.

Facing such a scene, all sentient beings are also very frightened. They did not expect such a strange scene to happen.

No one can stop Yan Chengfeng, those creatures who delusionally want to be enemies with Yan Chengfeng will only end up dead.

There is no way to avoid this, and no one can escape this catastrophe.


The power of the terrifying years is like the Milky Way hanging in the sky for nine days, and it is madly charged. The stars on this side are going to be ruined, the heaven and the earth are broken, and the sun and the moon have lost their color in an instant.

When sentient beings see such a scene, they are also frightened, and there is nothing they can do.

The Liu Family's Supreme Patriarch was immediately knocked out and spit out a mouthful of blood in the air. His face was as pale as paper, his hair was disheveled, and he looked very embarrassed.

Even if he used the power of luck accumulated by the Liu family for thousands of years to open the channel, he could not stop Yan Chengfeng. In Yan Chengfeng's hands, he was like a lamb to be slaughtered.

Yan Chengfeng can hold him with a snap of his fingers, if he wants to survive, it is simply wishful thinking.

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