Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 967: Access channel, unparalleled air transport

Grandma Chu is still very clear about the current situation. Yan Chengfeng's means are sky-high, and it is really not that easy for ordinary people to kill him.

Even if the Liu family's grandfather used his supreme luck to accumulate the power of air for thousands of years, it is indeed terrifying, but it is not necessarily unmatched.

Faced with such a situation, sentient beings are a little surprised, but they have no choice. The only thing they can do now is to retreat to a safe area as much as possible.

If you make a rash move, then there is only one dead end.

No one dared to be careless now. Once the Liu family's grandfather used the Liu family's supreme luck, the situation would definitely be out of control.

The current situation is too terrifying. If you are not careful, you will fall into a situation of doom and gloom.

"Yi, you are indeed proud to be able to let the old man use the Liu family's supreme luck. If you want to live, you can only kneel down and beg for mercy. Maybe, I can still consider giving you a way to live. of."

The Liu Family's Supreme Patriarch stood in the air. Such peerless fierceness was erupting in bursts, and the monstrous power surged in, which could almost tear everything apart.

In this vast territory, there is a monstrous power and endless luck, which is sweeping from the vast sky. Such power of luck has accumulated for countless years.

Such a force poured into a monk's body, it was absolutely terrifying, and ordinary people couldn't bear it at all.

It's just because the Liu family's ancestor's combat power is sky-high, his background is terrifying, and the accumulation of his body has reached a terrifying level.

That kind of power pressure, once it breaks out completely, the general martial arts realm powerhouse may not be able to stop it.


The vast power is gushing out in bursts, and the fierceness is too terrifying. The black clouds are surging in the sky, the clouds are dense, and the lightning is thundering. The scene looks very scary.

For such a scene, all sentient beings were a little terrified, dumbfounded, and a little depressed for a while.

There were also bright rays of light in the sky. It seemed to be a big round hole, and the radiance that spewed out was colorful.

When all sentient beings saw such a scene, they all had lingering fears. This kind of fierceness was too terrifying, as if it could tear everything apart. All sentient beings were also a little frightened in the face of such a situation.

"That is……"

"What exactly is that, why do I really want to see Qionglou Yuyu, high-rise buildings, it shouldn't be that we are all dazzled!"

"I don't know much about this. Anyway, we have never seen such a situation. We have nothing to do when we encounter such troubles."

"Perhaps, there are some secrets in this world that we don't know! It's quite helpless to encounter such troublesome things."

"That seems to be the passage of heaven and earth, the supreme passage of ascension to become an immortal, is this to open the passage of reception?"

"It's not clear yet, but looking at the current posture, it should be very likely that the supreme channel will be opened..."

All sentient beings are frightened when they see such a scene. They all know very well that if there is danger, they will probably suffer as well.

In such a situation, they are quite helpless, but at this time, there is no way to do it, they can only do their best and obey the destiny.

"Mother-in-law, what's the situation? I've never seen such a scene before."

Chu Huang is also quite surprised by the current situation, she has never seen such a shocking sight.

Such a scene is too terrifying, as if it can devour everything. All beings really don’t know how to survive in such a situation.

"Yo, that's not bad! This caused the sensation of heaven and earth, and there was a channel for receiving and guiding. Old man, if you used the supreme luck of the Liu family earlier, then you could soar to immortality."

Yan Chengfeng stood in the air, and said calmly, "If you ascend to immortality, then the Liu family will be able to escape this catastrophe."

"Now, you have only opened the reception channel. It seems that the time is not waiting for you. This time, you are dead, and no one can save you."

"I will never allow immortals in the world, and you will not be an exception. Today, you are bound to die, and no one can save you."

Yan Chengfeng is still very clear about some ancient secrets. If this channel is really opened, once there are immortals in the world, the mountains and rivers in this world will be shattered.

At that time, the world's catastrophe will come, and no one will be able to escape.

The catastrophe in this world will definitely occur, and no one knows how much it will be cleaned up at that time.

The only thing that can be done now is to be as careful as possible.

This time, no one can escape the catastrophe, and everything needs to be done with caution.

"Yan Chengfeng has already said it, that is the channel of reception. If you want to attract the attention of heaven and earth, this channel of reception and guidance appears, and finally ascends to immortality, that is not an easy task!"

Granny Chu's eyes were deep, and she said, "As far as I know, there are only a handful of people who can do this at present. There are not many people."

"It seems that this time the catastrophe of the world, there may be some changes, we don't have to worry too much, everything will be solved."

Grandma Chu was very calm. She never cared about these things. Everything was just a mirror.

It's not easy to figure it out completely, but it's definitely not too difficult.


Chu Huang also didn't know what to say, but in the current situation, it seemed that it was meaningless to say anything.

A lot of things are like this, what should come will come after all, thinking about those unrealistic things, there is nothing to say.

It is really not easy to deal with all these problems.

However, it doesn't matter anymore.

She calmed her mind and turned her eyes to the center of the storm. She knew very well that this expedition would definitely cause monstrous waves.

As for who will kill Yan Chengfeng and the Liu family's grandfather in the end, she is not quite sure.

Now, I can only watch it slowly, everything will be fine and it will get better.

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