Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 965: The years are long, the power is boundless

This kind of attack method is still quite domineering. Under such a situation, sentient beings can only choose to retreat to a safe area. Otherwise, if they are affected, they will definitely lose their lives.


The Liu Family's Supreme Ancestor has great combat power, his conquest is very terrifying, his palms are pushed out horizontally, as if everything can be torn apart, and all the stars and rivers are shifting.

The endless star battles on this side are about to collapse, and hideous cracks can be seen everywhere. For such a scene, all beings are quite helpless.

They all know that if something goes wrong now, it will definitely be doomed.

The ancestors of the Liu family have already used all their strength, because Yan Chengfeng is not a weak person, he has the power of the vast years, such a fierce time is absolutely no trivial matter.

Once it is affected, there is only a dead end, and nothing can stop it.

His white hair danced wildly, and the whole body was rhythmically rhythmic, like an invincible Martial God.

His combat power can be said to be top-notch and unparalleled in the world. After all, he is also the great ancestor of the Liu family. With such peerless power, no one can resist.

This kind of pressure from the breath can almost tear everything apart. Sentient beings are quite helpless to such a situation. No one knows what will happen next.

"Ant, you will surely die this time."

The patriarch of the Liu family had a hideous face, his eyes were full of anger, and his eyes were splitting. This time, he would definitely make Yan Chengfeng pay a painful price.

That kind of ferocity is too terrifying, as if it can tear everything apart, and the violent ferocity can be seen everywhere.

They didn't dare to approach this place at all. This place is too dangerous. If they are not careful, they will be completely destroyed. In such a situation, they also have a headache. The only thing they can do is to retreat to the distance to watch the battle.

Otherwise, if it is really affected, then they will probably die! Such an outcome is definitely not something that anyone can contend with.

"Old man, I heard that your Liu family has supreme luck, or I think you should use supreme luck!"

Yan Chengfeng stood in the air, his body was covered with traces of the years, and the terrifying rhythm of the long river of time, the power that burst out was so terrifying, as if it could tear everything apart.

It is very difficult for all beings in the world to compete with them. If you want to be the enemy of such creatures, there is only one way to die.

All sentient beings are also quite surprised at this time, because they did not expect that Yan Chengfeng would be so bold and dare to speak madly.

If you really offend the Liu family's strong, and let the Liu family's ancestors use their supreme luck, I am afraid they will die very miserably!

Yan Chengfeng wanted to block the Liu Family Taishang Patriarch who used supreme luck, which was not an easy task.

If you offend such an invincible overlord, there is only one dead end, and no one will be an exception.

"If you don't use the supreme luck, then you can't stop me. At this moment, your only means is the supreme luck. If the world's luck is combined with you, maybe, you really Will there be a chance?"

Yan Chengfeng was very confident, he didn't take the Liu family's great ancestor in his eyes at all, he was just an ignorant bug, and if he wanted to compete with him, it would be a bit ridiculous.

He has never been afraid of these people at all. If anyone wants to block him, there is only one way to go.

If you offend him, you will surely die.

"You ignorant little beast, you are too arrogant. You dare to speak to the old man in such a tone. An ant like you is not qualified to let the old man go that far."

The Liu Family Taishang Patriarch's expression was indifferent. This time, he had to kill Yan Chengfeng completely. No matter what happened next, he had to let everyone know that if he offended the living beings of the Liu Family, the end would be miserable.

For these ignorant reptiles, he has only one idea, and that is to kill without mercy.

The supreme majesty of the Liu family does not tolerate anyone's provocation. No matter what happens next, he will completely kill these people.

Especially if an ignorant ant like Yan Chengfeng offends such a strong man, then there is only one way to go.


The high-altitude conquest is still going on, that kind of aura is too domineering, everyone is retreating, this endless Fengdu mountains and rivers are almost torn apart.

The conquest of Yan Chengfeng and the Liu family's ancestors was too terrifying. Every kind of infinite power was bursting out, as if they could tear everything apart. The Liu family's ancestors were a little stunned at this moment.

Because, in front of Yan Chengfeng, he didn't have any resistance at all, and he couldn't stop Yan Chengfeng, and it was even more impossible for him to cause any harm to Yan Chengfeng.

Such means and combat power are still quite terrifying, as if they can destroy everything. Yan Chengfeng's means reach the sky, and he has used the power of the long river of time, which is almost like a fairy.

That kind of combat power is terrifying, and it is definitely not something that any creature can match.

The violent aura swept the heavens, and the endless mountains and rivers were about to be destroyed.

This endless space is about to collapse, and hideous cracks can be seen everywhere. Those cracks are very terrifying, and the fierceness contained in them is still very terrifying.

Ordinary creatures can't be stopped at all. If you are not careful, you will fall into a situation of doom. You can see dangerous and strange breaths everywhere, swallowing mountains, rivers, sun and moon.

The vast mountains and rivers are trembling, as if they can tear everything apart. In this territory, with the power to reach the sky, there are broken scenes everywhere.

That kind of coercion is unparalleled, even if the Liu family's ancestors do their best, there is no way to compete with Yan Chengfeng. Yan Chengfeng's power is so terrifying that it can tear apart almost everything.

"Yan Chengfeng's combat power is indeed quite terrifying. If ordinary people want to compete with him, it is really a bit difficult! His years of strength are basically not equal to anyone."

"It's true. His strength is still quite terrifying. If I also have such ability, it would be great. In this way, I can be invincible in the world."

"Just like you, you still want to be invincible in the world, what do you think?"

"It is already a blessing for us to survive. Many situations today are beyond our control. It's better to be careful..."

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