Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 964: There is no escape, the situation is dangerous

Many things in this world cannot be easily controlled and solved, and Chu Huang also felt that there were some things, and there was no need to care about them.

As long as the danger is still behind, why bother.

Just do the things right now, and do everything according to the destiny.

After she calmed down, she turned her eyes to the center of the storm, silently watching the conquests of Yan Chengfeng and the Liu Family Taishang Patriarch.

She was also very interested, curious about the final outcome of this expedition.

One is a rising star, the other is a long-established old monster, who will have the last laugh between the two is still a mystery and unknown.

Perhaps, it is because everything is in the fog, so it is so interesting and curious!

The Liu Family's Supreme Patriarch has the power to penetrate the sky and the earth, the vast aura swept the world, and the entire endless sky trembled for a while.

All the living beings of the Liu family have been beheaded, and now only the great ancestor of the Liu family is left. He has only one idea now, and that is to behead Yan Chengfeng.

In any case, Yan Chengfeng had to pay a painful price, which was the end of offending the Liu family.

"Little bastard, being an enemy of the Liu family is the worst thing you have ever done in your life. This time, you are dead, and no one can save you."

The Liu family's ancestor looked indifferent, and his heart was full of anger. This time, no matter what, he would give this ignorant bug a lesson.

Such an ignorant bug, he will never show mercy, no matter what, he will give Yan Chengfeng a heavy blow.

Yan Chengfeng didn't take the threat of the Liu family's ancestors to heart. He was not afraid at all. It was just a group of ignorant clowns. This time, he would definitely remove the Liu family from Fengdu City.

These people want to survive from his hands, it is simply wishful thinking, no matter what the final outcome is, everyone must pay a painful price.

He stood in the air, his black hair danced wildly, and a tyrannical breath swept in, as if it could destroy everything, and no one could resist.

His strength is too tyrannical, and when he raises his hands, he seems to be able to destroy everything, and no one can stop him.

"Old man, what ability do you have, you can use it? Do you think I will be afraid of you?"

Yan Chengfeng's eyes were deep and he said coldly, "There is no one left in the Liu family now, and you are the only one left. It would be very difficult for you to live in my hands."

"But no matter what, I will be a good person to the end, and I must let you Liu family be removed from Fengdu City."

This time, Yan Chengfeng was serious, and he would never give these people any chance to live.

Especially the great ancestor of the Liu family, this old thing, must die.

If anyone wants to compete with him, there is only one dead end.

For these ignorant bugs, he will not be merciful, and will kill those who stand in the way.

If these people want to be his enemies, there is only one way to die. He will never let this group of people have any chance of life, and those who stand in the way will be killed without mercy.

"Ant, this time you will surely die."

The Liu family's grandfather's eyes were bright, he was completely angry, and now there is only one idea, that is to completely kill Yan Chengfeng.


Liu Wuming's breath swept the mountains and rivers, the endless sky was about to collapse, his palms were pushed out horizontally, and the vast galaxy was about to collapse. His combat power was terrifying, swallowing mountains and rivers.

His combat power is too tyrannical, and when he raises his hands, he bursts out with ferocity that penetrates the sky and the earth, and he kills him fiercely.

He wants to completely destroy everything, especially an ant like Yan Chengfeng, if a mere ant is like competing with him, it is really ridiculous, it is simply a joke.

"Long time!"

Yan Chengfeng's expression was calm, and the vast breath burst out, this endless sky was about to collapse, that kind of power was too violent, and the breath swept the mountains and rivers.

The flow of the long river seems to be able to devour everything, the endless sky is shaking, the sun and the moon seem to be upside down and lose their color.


The deafening beating of the drums resounded through the sky, that kind of fierceness was really terrifying, that kind of coercion burst forth in bursts, and could destroy almost everything.

All the creatures are retreating, and they don't dare to approach this place at all. This territory is about to be torn apart. Countless creatures are surprised. They all know that this conquest is very terrifying.

No one can resist, all the breaths are domineering, no one can stop it.

"This Yan Chengfeng has actually entered the Dao. This is the power of time! Such coercion is indeed not something that ordinary people can contend with."

"His combat power is indeed very domineering. It is indeed difficult for ordinary people to compete with him. Perhaps, in this expedition, Yan Chengfeng can really kill the Liu family's great ancestor."

"Yan Chengfeng has such a means, and he is already ahead of many martial gods of the same realm. It is quite easy for these invincible creatures to compete with all beings."

"This time, the life of the Liu family is really going to suffer. Yan Chengfeng has so many terrifying hands, it is really not easy for ordinary people to compete with him."

"The Liu family's ancestor is not weak! Also, don't forget, the Liu family still has supreme luck. If the Liu family's ancestor used the supreme luck, Yan Chengfeng would not be able to. Must be able to stop it.”

"That's true. The supreme luck possessed by the Liu family is quite terrifying. It is still quite difficult for Yan Chengfeng to have the means to compete with the ancestors of the Liu family."

"Wait and see! Maybe this time, Yan Chengfeng may fall into the hands of the Liu Family Taishang Patriarch..."

Everyone was very shocked, because the Liu family's great ancestor was still quite terrifying, and that kind of combat power was very domineering, and it was definitely not something that ordinary people could compete with.

If you want to fight against it, there is only one dead end.

In such a situation, if all living beings want to survive, they have to withdraw from this territory.

After all, if it is affected, it will definitely fall.

It is still very difficult for all beings in such a situation.

In the current situation, they have no choice at all. They can only deal with it slowly, otherwise if they really encounter trouble, they will surely die.

This time, no one really knows whether Yan Chengfeng can escape the catastrophe...

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